2 Months on the Warrior Forum, 3 WSO's launched and 5 bumps... Lessons Learned
In less than a month I created 3 information products.
I went in to this whole experience hoping I'd be one of those marketers who generated $20K in 10 days... because hey, I'm not modest... I love money.

Buuuut, that's not quite how it turned out. I actually earned a little over 10% of my desired goal -- $2,153 -- with NO refunds. That equals out to more than 190 sales in less than a month.
I've learned a lot though. And I wanted to write this post for the other newbie WSOer's who may be struggling and wondering why the heck they're not also generating $20K in 10 days.
* Tuesday afternoon is supposedly the busiest time in WSO-ville. But the night time was the right time for me.
I tried the Tuesday afternoon bump on 2 products. The floodgates didn't open and my listing got pushed off the first page in probably 5-6 hours.
But when I launched on a Saturday evening (EST), I generated a decent amount of sales.
Now that's NOT to say you should jump on the Saturday bandwagon. I think it's important to have a few dollars saved up so you can experiment with 2-3 different time slots. And by 'experimenting' I mean don't be afraid to do a late night bump, a mid-day bump, and an evening bump.
* Reviews are ESSENTIAL. Especially if you're a newbie.
I launched my guest blogging e-book without offering review copies until I'd already started getting traffic to the WSO. I later felt like that was a mistake.
With my BIG LIST of Amazon Products, I offered 3 review copies in the sales letter. I gave out 5 and the reviews were great. Woo-hoo! Now I understand the whole social proof thing. As more reviews were added, the sales just got better and better.
Even though I should have my own web page for the BIG LIST of Amazon Products, I still choose to send people to the Warrior Forum to order it. It's not just the testimonials... it's the testimonials from people in this community.
These aren't cut-and-paste testimonials. These are real members here on the forum. Even if you're not a Warrior, you can see these are real people who used my product. I'm convinced that social proof contributes to sales.
* Hype is a part of the business.
Last month there was a discussion about the use of 'hype' in the WSO section.
I tried non-hyped copy here because my products don't really lend themselves to hype. I don't sell with 'blind copy.' I tell you exactly what you're gonna get.
So initially I went in without the exclamation points. But you know what? I needed a certain degree of hype to sell my WSO - especially because I don't sell get rich quick information.
You get a lot of people who come here for shortcuts and riches... riches and shortcuts. It's just the nature of the audience. They want cash making and merriment in 48 hours... not 48 days. I can't change that.
So if I want to sell here, I know I have to go with the flow and hype up my copy... especially the subject line.
* Build products around the topics Warriors are REALLY passionate about.
I'm very passionate about guest blogging because I've helped several clients achieve stellar results as guest writers. And even though people talk about guest blogging here... article directories are a MUCH bigger deal on the Warrior Forum. I'm inclined to think that that's part of the reason why my guest blogging e-book didn't do so well here.
On the other hand, Amazon affiliate sites ARE a big deal here. So in hindsight it doesn't surprise me that I was able to get so many sales with my BIG LIST of Amazon Products. I rode the wave of an already established hot topic and I gave Warriors something that hadn't been sold here before.
Now don't take what I'm saying as the WSO gospel. I'm only telling you what has/hasn't worked for me. What has worked for me isn't the same stuff I read in the WSO launch e-books.
So take what I'm saying, put it in your back pocket, and experiment with your own products.
My goal is to launch another 3-4 WSO's this month to see if my own theories are correct. No e-book, videos or long-winded posts can substitute for trying it all on your own.
Good luck!
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