Neglected my list now what?

16 replies
I have been building a list for my website for the past 4 months. The only problem is that I haven't even sent out one email out to them yet! Its for my offline business so I would like to start sending out emails regularly to them. Should I just start sending them out? Won't it seem weird after such a long time? Or should I tell them I have been busy and that they should start expecting some regular emails from me? Anyone have any experience with this?
#list #neglected
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Clay
    If you offered them a service that they were happy with, I'm sure they would be more than pleased that you have sent them an e-mail.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Just tell them the truth... They are people too, plus it always helps to remind people where and why they subscribed to your list.

    Just put yourself in their shoes... U visited a site and signed up and forgot about it... Remind them why they were interested and what they can expect to see in the future.

    However, you should start quickly, the longer you wait the colder the list becomes until it will eventually be almost useless.

    Hope this helps
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    • Profile picture of the author NicheMayhem
      The instant they receive some sort of useful freebie or intriguing info email (not that I know why they joined your list or what you do) they will completely disregard that it was awhile ago that they joined your list, I would anyway. Give 'em something good!
      Whether you think you can, or think you can't, YOU'RE RIGHT!! <~~Henry Ford

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    • Profile picture of the author Flamboyantegg
      Originally Posted by Coby View Post

      Just tell them the truth... They are people too, plus it always helps to remind people where and why they subscribed to your list.

      Just put yourself in their shoes... U visited a site and signed up and forgot about it... Remind them why they were interested and what they can expect to see in the future.

      However, you should start quickly, the longer you wait the colder the list becomes until it will eventually be almost useless.

      Hope this helps
      I agree completely with reminding them why they signed up.

      So often I get emails from "older" lists out of the blue, and without any frame of reference not only am I cold as a buyer, I'm agitated that I don't know where this apparently random person got my email address from.

      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      If you havent contacted them in 4 months, unless you know them In Real Life, there's no chance they will remember a random name or list they once opted in four months ago. So, if they dont remember, no point in telling them anything since they wont know who the apology is coming from.

      My advice? simply sent out some REALLY cool free stuff or gift so they go "hhmmmm.... who is this guy that gave me this cool stuff?!?!". That will help you arising curiosity and working your list relationship from the ground up.
      I still think that an intro that explains who he is, where he's from and why they decided to join the list in the first place can't go astray, unless they were scraped from some "WIN AN IPAD NOW!!!" CPA or something...

      If there's any amount of connection between what your delivered content from this point onwards will be and the original reason they signed up to the list... Remind them of it!

      A little bit of "personal-interaction" will go a long way in warming up this cooling list, IMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author mitoshthewarrior
    Originally Posted by bigballin6161 View Post

    I have been building a list for my website for the past 4 months. The only problem is that I haven't even sent out one email out to them yet! Its for my offline business so I would like to start sending out emails regularly to them. Should I just start sending them out? Won't it seem weird after such a long time? Or should I tell them I have been busy and that they should start expecting some regular emails from me? Anyone have any experience with this?
    Give them something, be real, and keep in touch.

    "Do the actors on Unsolved Mysteries ever get arrested because they look just like the criminal they are playing?"

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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    People usually forget the lists they are signed up to anyway Just say, "I know, you haven't heard from us in a while.."! And give 'em something valuable.

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Just start sending them emails now, and be honest. Try to be as real and genuine as you can in your emails, as this will get you far better results than taking the "salesman" approach. If you haven't sent them an email in over 4 months, I'd get started right can't afford to delay any more!
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  • Originally Posted by bigballin6161 View Post

    Should I just start sending them out? Won't it seem weird after such a long time? Or should I tell them I have been busy and that they should start expecting some regular emails from me?
    If you havent contacted them in 4 months, unless you know them In Real Life, there's no chance they will remember a random name or list they once opted in four months ago. So, if they dont remember, no point in telling them anything since they wont know who the apology is coming from.

    My advice? simply sent out some REALLY cool free stuff or gift so they go "hhmmmm.... who is this guy that gave me this cool stuff?!?!". That will help you arising curiosity and working your list relationship from the ground up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Audrey Harvey
    I belong to a marketer's mailing list, and they only email once in a blue moon. However, they've always got something interesting to say, and I'm always pleased to hear from them. Go for it.

    Expert content written by an experienced veterinarian and published magazine and newspaper writer.
    Feel free to contact me for details.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mehak
    i would re-jog their memory and remind them who you are, why you have their details and why you're contacting them.
    Then stay in regular contact maybe a message 2-3 times a week. Don't just bombard them telling them to buy, buy, buy. Give them offers/ help advice etc
    so they appreciate your emails and don't feel their being sold to.
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    • Profile picture of the author ninon
      Just start sending now and don't worry about it.
      It's better to send later but a valuable one, than to send regular emails, which are not worth an attention
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    • Profile picture of the author ninon
      Originally Posted by Mehak View Post

      i would re-jog their memory and remind them who you are, why you have their details and why you're contacting them.
      Then stay in regular contact maybe a message 2-3 times a week. Don't just bombard them telling them to buy, buy, buy. Give them offers/ help advice etc
      so they appreciate your emails and don't feel their being sold to.

      Mehak, 2-3 times a week, isn't it too often? The most common reasons a person will unsubscribe to your email newsletter, receiving too many emails.
      I think best practice is once a week or twice a month
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      • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
        Hi bigballin6161,

        Haven't you given it a thought that most of those that subscribed in your list might not remember you or your site again?

        The first thing you need to do is to send out a kind of reminder and give a link to the page where they subscribed for the list four months ago.

        In the same first mail,make sure you get their curiosity and/or attention by giving brief insight to what to expect from you within few days.

        You can spice things up by offering a kind of surprised gift if any of them take certain action after reading your upcoming mail or e-newsletter.

        This will make many of your subscribers to look up for the mail and remain subscribed, at least till after the next mail.

        You can take it up from there.

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        • Profile picture of the author oneplusone
          It isn't a problem at all.

          I've got a lot of experience with lists online and offline.

          An e-mail along these lines will work...

          You signed up to my e-mail list a few weeks ago.

          I've created this interesting PDF that shows you how to [whatever their interested in]

          You can check it out here...

          Very simple but it works.

          No BS, gets straight to the point and no relevance is placed on why you haven't e-mailed them for so long.

          You just mention that they signed up.

          A reminder, an offer of something valuable and a call to action.

          The example above might be inappropriate for your business, but if you understand the psychology at work you can craft your own message and have the same effect.
          'If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.' Vincent Van Gogh.
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  • Profile picture of the author haymanpl
    You should have a welcome email made so when they subscribe they get an email telling them what to expect in short point form so add this to your autoresponder
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