If Content Is King, Then The Queen is?

63 replies
I have heard different versions of this, If (good) content is King....

Different people have different opinions as to what works best for them. In my own case my blog design would easily go in as my queen.

When I created my blog, I threw up some posts, did some real promotions, signed up with different communities and did things just to get the word out (including on Face book and Twitter). And I got results.

But when I bought a new theme and completely overhauled my blog design, I began experiencing:

* A 50% increase in subscription rate
* 66.67% new visits
* Increases pages/visit (3.25)
* Drastically reduced bounce rate (my bounce rate today is just 8.33%)

and others

Once again, I know each person has something working for him. Yours could be your marketing and advertising, yours could be guest posting or any other thing. Mine is design...Hope it helped someone

#content #king #queen
  • Profile picture of the author Tinkerbell
    If content is King, value would be Queen. In my mind, at least, the pair go hand in hand.

    Without content you have nothing of value to offer. Without value, the content is worthless.

    Design, to me, would be the castle in which the King and Queen make their abode.
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    • Profile picture of the author sonney
      Originally Posted by Tinkerbell View Post

      If content is King, value would be Queen. In my mind, at least, the pair go hand in hand.

      Without content you have nothing of value to offer. Without value, the content is worthless.

      Design, to me, would be the castle in which the King and Queen make their abode.
      Great analogy.. I totally agree and love it!
      Life is what you make it... Make it good!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3486705].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author neodarth
      Originally Posted by Tinkerbell View Post

      If content is King, value would be Queen. In my mind, at least, the pair go hand in hand.

      Without content you have nothing of value to offer. Without value, the content is worthless.

      Design, to me, would be the castle in which the King and Queen make their abode.
      And... don't forget the prince Sir Backlink and the princess lady Syndication, Adwords is the Jester.
      ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

      ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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    • Profile picture of the author aandersen
      Oh Ooo... fun...

      I like this analogy :

      Originally Posted by Tinkerbell View Post

      If content is King, value would be Queen. In my mind, at least, the pair go hand in hand.

      Without content you have nothing of value to offer. Without value, the content is worthless.

      Design, to me, would be the castle in which the King and Queen make their abode.

      Abosolutly agree, but I will expand in my own direction...

      If content is king then value is the kingdom.

      Website, email, placement ad, poster, piece of paper, or other delviery systems are the castle in which the king lives.

      The site design, graphics, page layout, and other artistic measures are the furnature, decorations, paintings, and other home decore that make your stay in teh kingdom an enoyable one. On a larger scale, it also can represetnt the upkeep of the kingdom as a whole, and lets people know they're in a safe neighborhood. Furthermore, at first glance, by looking at the "overall look," one can usually tell if the kingdom is one where they belong, or if they've arived in the wong palce all together.

      SEO, backlinks, blog posts, syndication and other offiste promotion are the roads, airports, rivers, and trains that allow you safe travel to the kingdom.

      Traffic ... Well, that analogy needs no explination, does it? Pepople come from far and wide to visit our kingdom.

      I could keep going...

      Really, what is content but a means to deliver value? What is the purose of including peronality, except for making the content easier and more effective to deliver?

      Traffic, targeted or not, are just the people coming to your site, store, publication, or other business place looking for something -- something you should be delivering in the form of value.

      SEO, the list, advertisments, JVs, affiliates, etc. are just tactics used to get traffic.

      Is there a queen?

      I think so. The queen is, in my book, reputation and branding of the seller -- not the product.

      It's "the other side." It's when you move past the market, beyond their current level of awareness, beyond their adapted sophistacation, and peer into the mind of the individual on a personal level. By establishing identity with your prosepcts themsevles you can effectly reach even the unreachable. By the way of the queen, even the advertising-imune prospect can become a loyal buyer.

      Now before anyone accuses me saying somethig I'm not saying, I'll go ahead and address it now.

      Who, generally speaking, in a relationship has more power, the man or the woman (i.e., the king or the queen)?

      You can decide for yourself.

      signature goes here

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  • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
    I would say quality content is king and SEO is queen.
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    • Profile picture of the author Przemek Bloniarz
      I agree, without SEO, you will have to pay for traffic..
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      • Originally Posted by Przemek Bloniarz View Post

        I agree, without SEO, you will have to pay for traffic..
        There are other free online traffic generation ways outside SEO...

        Traffic funneling from one online place to your website, by using content
        beneficial to your target audience, contributed to those online places, with more
        supplemental onsite content to establish your business and website as expert
        resources of useful content beneficial for your audience with relevant needs and problems...

        Then building mutually beneficial business relationships with your target audience and partner
        Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
        • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    If quality content is the King then the Queen is traffic.
    The King is their to attract the Queen.
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  • Profile picture of the author AzzamS
    Content is Queen and marketing is king
    Download 101 Actions for a Complete Website SEO Technical Audit Sample FREE today and charge clients $$$ with it.
    SEO Case Study: 1.7M Visitors from 27,000 Keywords Click here to read the post .
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    • Profile picture of the author parbat
      Now criteria has changed . Content is king and your honesty is queen .

      so be honest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pixel
    links the the king, content is the queen
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    • Profile picture of the author nerrutis
      Originally Posted by Pixel View Post

      links the the king, content is the queen
      and in-website links deliver a lot, just not reciprocal!
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  • Profile picture of the author theultimate1
    I don't know who the queen is, but I might be the knight you need...

    </blatant pitch>
    If Content Is Your King, Then This GhostRider.. err.. GhostWriter Is Your Knight!
    My Sample Articles
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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    Queen is conversion... for sure. The idea that content is king is that content is what is getting people to your site... we obviously want people to do something once they get to the site, so conversion is queen.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anup Mahajan
    If content is the king, marketing is the queen ..

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  • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
    Actually traffic is king and content is queen and those buy 10,000 hits for $10 deals are the joker.
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  • Profile picture of the author mitoshthewarrior
    Originally Posted by Manuelcrc View Post

    I have heard different versions of this, If content is King....

    Different people have different opinions as to what works best for them. In my own case my blog design would easily go in as my queen.

    When I created my blog, I threw up some posts, did some real promotions, signed up with different communities and did things just to get the word out (including on Face book and Twitter). And I got results.

    But when I bought a new theme and completely overhauled my blog design, I began experiencing:

    * A 50% increase in subscription rate
    * 66.67% new visits
    * Increases pages/visit (3.25)
    * Drastically reduced bounce rate (my bounce rate today is just 8.33%)

    and others

    Once again, I know each person has something working for him. Yours could be your marketing and advertising, yours could be guest posting or any other thing. Mine is design...Hope it helped someone

    Without a doubt, the Queen is Backlinks!

    "Do the actors on Unsolved Mysteries ever get arrested because they look just like the criminal they are playing?"

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  • Profile picture of the author gittar1122
    Content is King and Queen......you can say SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author 72K.org
    Value is definitely queen lol - content could be a load of garbage, but what value will it have if people don't want it. I have websites with alot of content, and all it does is generate useless traffic. I rather have 100 visitors with valued content than 100,000 visitors with garbage.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    Content is Queen

    User-generated content is King
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Quality content is king. The queen is distribution channels.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Tinkerbell
    I've been reading back through the comments here and find it hard to believe so many miss the point of first providing excellent content with great value before any of the other elements can come into play.

    If you have no valuable content, for what purpose would you need SEO or Traffic? None.

    Without valuable content, what need would you have of a great design? None.

    Without something of relevant value to visitors, you have nothing to market in the first place.

    Marketing (which includes SEO, advertising, link-building, etc. which are all methods of driving traffic) would fall into third place, and in this Royal Family analogy, I guess that makes marketing our Prince.

    If your marketing efforts work as well as you'd like and you make sales, there is customer service to consider. Fulfillment. We can leave this to the Princess.

    Again I say design is the castle in which our royal family lives. We could add the entire nobility if we wanted, but I'll stop here for now. I'm sure others will have more to say.
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    • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
      Originally Posted by Tinkerbell View Post

      I've been reading back through the comments here and find it hard to believe so many miss the point of first providing excellent content with great value before any of the other elements can come into play.

      If you have no valuable content, for what purpose would you need SEO or Traffic? None.

      Without valuable content, what need would you have of a great design? None.

      Without something of relevant value to visitors, you have nothing to market in the first place.

      Marketing (which includes SEO, advertising, link-building, etc. which are all methods of driving traffic) would fall into third place, and in this Royal Family analogy, I guess that makes marketing our Prince.

      If your marketing efforts work as well as you'd like and you make sales, there is customer service to consider. Fulfillment. We can leave this to the Princess.

      Again I say design is the castle in which our royal family lives. We could add the entire nobility if we wanted, but I'll stop here for now. I'm sure others will have more to say.

      I didn't think of that earlier. Awesome analogy.

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    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Originally Posted by Tinkerbell View Post

      ..first providing excellent content with great value before any of the other elements can come into play.

      If you have no valuable content, for what purpose would you need SEO or Traffic? None.
      Well,perfectly agreed.

      For me,personally,it is absolutely "implied" that i MUST provide excellent content to my customers.

      With "quality content" i meant what you say...that the content must be excellent,valuable.

      Traffic means nothing if you don't have excellent,great content first.
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  • Profile picture of the author donhx
    Content is King, your mailing list is Queen.
    Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
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  • Profile picture of the author LauraJames
    Content is king and this allows the queen to wear many different "hats," including traffic and sales. To me, quality content must be the foundational piece upon which you begin to build.

    Chief Executive Officer
    Best Designed Blogs
    Based in Canada and the USA
    None of our work is outsourced

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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Barboza
      Marketing is King and Queen. Of course, quality content is PART of the marketing
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    • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
      Originally Posted by LauraJames View Post

      Content is king and this allows the queen to wear many different "hats," including traffic and sales. To me, quality content must be the foundational piece upon which you begin to build.
      Couldn't agree more

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  • Profile picture of the author syamnich
    the content is king, then the queen is control..hehe..
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    • Profile picture of the author Mar
      Originally Posted by syamnich View Post

      the content is king, then the queen is control..hehe..
      If content is King, then I'm the Queen :lol:

      Now altogether .... say "Yes, Ma'am"

      .... You've just got an idea of how powerful the fumes are from the distillery ....

      Mind you, I do believe that a well dressed website is as powerful as a well dressed woman!

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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    So who wears the pants?
    Apparently there are many different opinions, and perhaps there is more than one right answer, quality, value, SEO, Marketing, Kings, Queens, even Knights, wow, its a Renaissance, fair, but seriously for a moment.

    There must be many different answers, the one that makes the most sense to me is long term results, we have so many people out there marketing great results, oriented concepts, but they fail to mention that those results are often temporary.

    Sure you can use a few tips and tricks to get up in the search engine results, but how long does it last, (not long folks) when you decide to use a concept to obtain quick results, the end result is that the laws of physics are constant.

    What goes up must come down.

    Newton was right, gravity is constant.
    If you want to truly develop content with the long term results firmly in mind you have to do a little of all of these things, mentioned in this post, not only do the light's have to be on, but someone has to actually be there too.

    with the recent changes effecting SEO results in google, the rules of the game have changed and where it stops no one knows for sure, except for google.

    So, dont find yourself locked into one way of thinking it may require an open mind in order to make the changes you need in order to truly succeed.
    Bitcoin | Crypto | Blockchain Secrets |
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  • Profile picture of the author pacesetter007
    If content is King, my Grand mother is the QUEEN! She's DAMN good at satisfying visitors... I'd just learn from here and move on!
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  • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
    In the end every one of us learns something...but we cannot all come to a conclusion.

    Peace. The response has been great! Thanks everyone for contributing.

    But anyone else?

    [B]Get free resources for Entrepreneurs and Startups.

    Check out our collection of Product and Business Reviews?

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  • Profile picture of the author HigherPrThanGod
    Originally Posted by Manuelcrc View Post

    I have heard different versions of this, If (good) content is King....

    Different people have different opinions as to what works best for them. In my own case my blog design would easily go in as my queen.

    When I created my blog, I threw up some posts, did some real promotions, signed up with different communities and did things just to get the word out (including on Face book and Twitter). And I got results.

    But when I bought a new theme and completely overhauled my blog design, I began experiencing:

    * A 50% increase in subscription rate
    * 66.67% new visits
    * Increases pages/visit (3.25)
    * Drastically reduced bounce rate (my bounce rate today is just 8.33%)

    and others

    Once again, I know each person has something working for him. Yours could be your marketing and advertising, yours could be guest posting or any other thing. Mine is design...Hope it helped someone

    Traffic is king, content is queen.
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  • Wrong. Content is not King.

    King = Targeted traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa

    That means injecting it INTO your content. It's the difference between being the king of a small country nobody has ever heard of, and being the king of an empire.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Content is king, and the king is always trying to woo his queen. Who would that be?


    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author wanna-succeed
    Easiest question on the forum.

    Content --->King

    Alexa Smith----> Divine Queen.

    Plain & Simple!

    No sig, good day m8...

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  • Profile picture of the author ngywng
    If content is king, the queen is building list...
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  • Profile picture of the author PabloVTB
    Traffic is Queen. Well, sometimes Traffic is the Emperor, I would say
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  • content is king, then hard work is queen

    both are interchangeable
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Quality would be King. There are tons of websites with useless content that does nothing for anyone.

    Queen would be the Value that others get from your 'useful' content. If your readers value your content, they most likely will share it and you will get a lot of free 'real' back links to your site. This will naturally bring more visitors back to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author SGForce
    Content is King, Backlinks are the Queen
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    • Profile picture of the author Caragui
      Originally Posted by SGForce View Post

      Content is King, Backlinks are the Queen
      My sentiments too.
      Join Me In My Internet Marketing Journey at Nomasir Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author social saint
    Content is the kind, Marketing is Queen.

    Persistence, Persistence and Persistence.

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  • Profile picture of the author lazysloth
    Originally Posted by Manuelcrc View Post

    I have heard different versions of this, If (good) content is King....

    Different people have different opinions as to what works best for them. In my own case my blog design would easily go in as my queen.

    If content is King ,Design is Queen like it
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  • Profile picture of the author TelZilla
    if ($content==$king) { $everything_else=$queen; } else { return $zero; }

    Don't get so wrapped up in making money that you forget the important things in life.
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    • Profile picture of the author aandersen
      Originally Posted by O0o0O View Post

      Backlinks is queen. Without backlinks, your content will be worthless because no one will find it. :-)
      Hmmmm... I think... Just maybe....


      beep beep dooh doh bloop do beep bloop

      bbbrrrrrrrr brrrrr



      "hey dude"

      "hey, what's up?"

      "not much man, just wanted to tell you about this website"

      "oh wow, that's awesome, I'm gonna tell everyone at work tomorrow."

      "rock on dude"

      signature goes here

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  • Profile picture of the author satrap
    In my personal experience, both the king and the queen are backlink(s). I mean, all you have to do is, look at search results across many different niches.

    There are hundred and thousands of one page sites with only a sales page that rank high and are on the first page of Google for their keywords.

    There is no content on these pages but a few sentence that are purely saleslatters! How did they get there?...

    They aren't on the 1st page of Google because they have fresh quality content. No, as a matter of fact most of them have no content on that one page site but a few sentence of sales pitch that is there to get you to buy their product or enter your email to join their list.

    They got there, because they have backlinks, lots of them!

    That is why I think backlinks are both the king and the queen.
    60 Awesome Ways to Make Money Without a Job
    Check out my blog Survey Satrap featuring honest reviews of paid survey sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    I agree! Marketing or SEO is Queen.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    If content is KING then my queen will be traffic. Without traffic there will be no conversions. No profit, nothing.

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  • Profile picture of the author MarkMOZ
    Her, maybe?

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  • Profile picture of the author colie3188

    Without TRAFFIC it doesn't matter how good your content is.

    Content is QUEEN, to retain your viewers and get them to stay with you!

    Hope this helps ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Christina Jo
    If Content Is King, Then The Queen is?
    Traffic is the queen ...
    No affiliate links in sig files
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  • Profile picture of the author Jude.A
    If content is king, then the queen is definitely quality back links to your website.

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  • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
    It's SEO.

    And the price is, if you wonder, your wallet.

    Penalty Safe, Long Term, 100% Whitehat Backlinks
    Love your site? Then check out SafeSpokes!
    karan996@irchiver.com karan997@irchiver.com
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