Sometimes You Are The Windshield, and Sometimes You Are The Bug...

by tpw
14 replies
Sometimes You Are The Windshield,
and Sometimes You Are The Bug...

People love the Internet, because it allows individuals to start their own online business, minus a lot of the obstacles we find in offline business...

For example, and online business does not require:
  • A Storefront;
  • Utilities for the Storefront;
  • A Business License;
  • Standard Hours of Operation;
  • On-Site Employees;
  • A Phone Number;
  • etc.

By running an online business, you get to avoid most of the above-listed overhead, which allows you to streamline your business for maximum profits.

Many people will mistake this "easier business model" as something that should have "none of the obstacles" of an offline business.

The reality is that we are truly exchanging one set of obstacles for another set of obstacles... And we must overcome the obstacles set it in our path or cease to be profitable...

When you throw up a storefront in your hometown, you generally only need to compete with a few other businesses in your neighborhood or town...

But when you throw up a storefront online, you get the special opportunity of competing with all of the others in your niche, across your country and around the world.

When your local township creates new requirements for businesses, you must rise to the challenge they have set before you and overcome it or cease to operate in your locality...

When you are running an online business and a website like Google or EzineArticles changes its requirements, you must rise to the challenge in front of you and overcome it or cease to use the website to drive sales for your business...

The reality of operating an online business is that we frequently allow our businesses to be influenced or controlled by a third-party website.

For example, how many of you:
  • Rely on Google for all of your traffic;
  • Rely on EzineArticles to market your articles;
  • Rely on PayPal to process transactions;
  • Rely on your web hosting company to support your websites, without your own backups;
  • Rely on your domain registrar to always be there to handle your DNS information (I got bit by this one in 2009, when ICAAN shut down my domain registrar, and I could not update my DNS settings for 6 weeks);

The reality of operating an online business is that when a third-party website makes changes for its own purposes, you will either be the windshield (a benefactor of the changes) or the bug (a victim of the changes).

Do you plan ahead to avoid becoming the bug?

Do you plan for alternative sources of traffic to sustain your business, in case someone makes a change that affects your business negatively?

Do you have alternative plans in place to survive the fallout of any changes made on the Internet that could affect your business in a negative way?

Do you have the strength of determination to overcome all obstacles laid at your feet?

What are you doing in your business to avoid becoming the bug, splattered on the windshield?
#bug #challenges #online business #third-party #windshield
  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    What are you doing in your business to avoid becoming the bug, splattered on the windshield?
    Diversification is what has worked for me in the past and I plan on doing that in the future.

    Just don't put all your eggs in one basket and you should be fine

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Mohammad Afaq View Post

      Diversification is what has worked for me in the past and I plan on doing that in the future.

      Just don't put all your eggs in one basket and you should be fine
      Diversification has worked well for me too. Sometimes it can be very easy to fall into that trap, especially with the IM mantra that states we should only focus on one thing at a time.

      The trick is to focus on something until you get good at it, and then move on to other areas which interest you. This is the recipe for growth, not stagnation - spending an inordinate amount of time focused solely on one method is probably not a very good idea in the long run.
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  • Profile picture of the author dgridley
    Agreed.. so many have the adsense only mindset while broswer tech is leaving them in the dust with most people using ad blockers.. not to mention many people are so used to adsense ads, they don't even see them any more.

    Diversify, diversify, diversify!
    davew3b tumblr blog | davew3b posterous blog | God Bless You (Facebook)
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    • Profile picture of the author bukriv
      Thanks for this thread. It's enlightening and speaks the truth.

      In an online business setup, it is hard (maybe even impossible) not to rely on third parties. The solution that I can think of? Build as many diverse sources of incomes, both online and offline.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimG
    Great thread and it reminds me of one of my own favorite sayings....."Sometimes you are the statue and sometimes you are the pigeon".

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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by TimG View Post

      Great thread and it reminds me of one of my own favorite sayings....."Sometimes you are the statue and sometimes you are the pigeon".


      I just hope you don't hold your mouth open, when you are being the statue...
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    When you're the bug, the trick is to take your butt out of your skull (cuz that's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when he hits that windshield). Get back up, dust yourself off, and firm your resolve. We all fail. OK? We do. Get over it. Get back up, refuse to let it beat you, and keep trying. We sometimes make this out to be easy. It isn't. It's a bit&h some days. Keep going. Let nothing stop you.

    Forget the bug days. Revel in the windshield days.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham

      You're a good writer.

      I always enjoy reading the articles you post here.

      Sure beats reading those Aweber or GetResponse questions...

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  • Profile picture of the author Chevy5
    Hate to say which one I've been feeling like lately.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Originally Posted by tpw View Post

    When your local township creates new requirements for businesses,
    you must rise to the challenge they have set before you and overcome it or cease to operate in your locality...

    When you are running an online business and a website like Google or EzineArticles changes its requirements, you must rise to the challenge in front of you and overcome it or cease to use the website to drive sales for your business...
    And there in bold, my friends, is the Warrior mindset in a nutshell, online or off.

    Some folks rise up, and some just whine.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      And there in bold, my friends, is the Warrior mindset in a nutshell, online or off.

      Some folks rise up, and some just whine.
      Exactly, we get far too many whiners and dreamers in here, and far too few doers. The doers will get things done in spite of what is happening, no matter how hard it may be (they possess this Warrior mindset), and the rest will just flail their hands in despair and give up.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
    Avoid being the bug by diversifying your online and offline business model. Think of it like a series of pillars. Build many pillars to hold your house up because if one pillar becomes shaken or falls, the other pillars should hold you up long enough for you to rebuild or replace the damaged one.
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  • Profile picture of the author pdrs
    be the moose!! at least you'll f*** the car up!
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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by O0o0O View Post

      Avoid being the bug by diversifying your online and offline business model. Think of it like a series of pillars. Build many pillars to hold your house up because if one pillar becomes shaken or falls, the other pillars should hold you up long enough for you to rebuild or replace the damaged one.
      Great analogy!!

      Originally Posted by pdrs View Post

      be the moose!! at least you'll f*** the car up!
      LOL That gave me a belly laugh... Thank you...

      p.s. I'd drop both of you a Thanks, but I ran out of them today...
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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