Why Is Copyright Neglected?
Question: Am I mistaken to perceive old copyrights on web pages as an indication that the site owner does not give attention to detail, is too busy to keep things current and updated...and may have too much on their plate?
It makes me wonder why so many marketers have expired copyrights. Isn't there a code or something that could update this automatically?
I guess it is a pet peeve of mine to land on an attractive website with wonderful graphics, great content and then at the bottom, a copyright that is 2-3 years old! Makes ya wonder!
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The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.
Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."
Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog: dcrBlogs.com, following him on Twitter: dcrTweets.com or reading his fiction: dcrWrites.com but NOT by Clicking Here!
Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.
Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."