FINAL UPDATE: Stop Paying Fiverr Providers for Faked Screen Shots
I was excited because I anticipated some exposure that might be able to go viral, if only the tweets found a larger audience.
Between the 5 people that I ordered tweets from, it looked like my story would be exposed to 900k potential viewers.
The first 3 people delivered the tweet and the proof.
The fourth sent me a screen shot that could not be verified on twitter itself. I rejected the job order, then the person shot me some excuse and canceled the transaction.
The fifth person sent me the exact same screen shot as #4 sent me, but under a different fiverr and twitter profile name.
Once again, the tweet could not be verified. I asked for a link to the actual tweet as proof of services rendered.
So the person sent a link to a tweet that did not exist. I rejected again.
I was sent another dead url for a profile that did not exist. We went back and forth several times.
Then tonight, I received a message from the seller telling me to accept the screen shot, because it was the only proof he could provide.
Did I mention that both screen shots referenced users that do not exist within Twitter, and the tweets could not be located via Twitter search or Google search?
I rejected the order again, informing this person that I would not pay for work that could not be proven to have been completed, and I would not pay on any job where fraudulent screen shots to prove the completion of the work ordered.
I am waiting on a response again.
How much do you want to bet that most people who buy from this person accept the screen shot at face value, without attempting to verify the information in the screen shot?
I bet that is the reason this person thinks they can bull**** me into hitting the Accept button on the job order...
If someone sends you a screen shot "verifying the work done", verify the accuracy of that screen shot!!!
Otherwise, you are allowing fraudulent sellers to keep selling fake results...
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