A Challenge for an IM 'Guru' - Any Takers?
I have been kicking around for a while now, and trying different products for sale etc etc, the same I am sure as many other people who are new to Internet Marketing, spending lots of money trying out BS products, that at the end of the day just dangle a big fat carrot for all us donkeys! The promise of $15k a month from whichever 'secret' method that promises the earth, I have concluded that the IM gurus make all their money from the newbies to internet marketing and not from actually carrying out the methods they claim make them these outstanding fortunes...I would like someone to prove me wrong!
I'd like one of you successful Internet Marketers to prove me totally wrong, I am a blank slate ready to be molded, I am a fairly intelligent guy who picks stuff up pretty quickly, and I have a little knowledge of SEO, video creation, ppc and building a basic wordpress site, and a budget of $200.
Who out of you would be willing to take me and teach me how to make a good living making money from products, listbuilding, video marketing or whatever other means you specialise in, but NOT making money from other IM newbies by selling an impossible dream and fake earnings screenshots. It has to be methods you claim work, instead of the carrot give me the meat of it.
In return I will document every step of the way in a blog, and possibly on the warrior forum itself, of course the actual methods used will not be identified in great depth to protect the way you work, what I am looking for here is actual proof for myself and other ppl that these methods really do work, this would also be of benefit to you as your credibility will increase drastically if the training you are selling to other newcomers actually does exactly what it says on the tin.
If you are interested in taking me up on the challenge please PM me and we can get started asap.
Lets see how many of step up to the Challenge...
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