Just realized someone shared my WSO

19 replies
I just realized that someone shared my WSO in a BlueFart forum!

What should I do about this? I don't want to rant.. I am just looking for some advice. How can I get this file that is shared taken down? How can I get the thread deleted at this BlueFart forum. Over 30 people thanked the guy for sharing it...
#realized #shared #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Anup Mahajan
    Is the file shared on a file hosting site? If so, you can complain to them and request them to delete the file.

    Good luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    Send out DMCA takedown notices to the site and where the files are posted.

    Also, and a better way to handle this type of thing is to make sure ALL products you sell that could possibly be shared, contain upsells or additional products they can get free if they join your mailing list.

    Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin_Hutto
    Its the way of the world these days man... If you never go to those forums then you wont even know that anyone is sharing them. I am sure I am ripped out of 6 figures a year... But I make 7 figures a year because I dont worry about it... Its a bummer, but its not the most effective use of your time.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Originally Posted by Mike McAleer View Post

    What should I do about this? I don't want to rant.. I am just looking for some advice. How can I get this file that is shared taken down? How can I get the thread deleted at this BlueFart forum. Over 30 people thanked the guy for sharing it...
    Welcome to the club. You will find a lot of the popular WSO's have reached a similar fate. It's not nice but unfortunately it is the world we live in these days.

    The funny thing is a lot of the people who are probably complaining about their product being leaked on a black-hat forum are the same people who don't think twice about downloading songs and movies for free.

    Now everyone knows how the artists of the world feel when their work is shared and distributed freely over the Internet day after day.

    Regardless, what should you do about it?

    1) Don't make people aware of the fact by starting threads like this. I know you are concerned but now there are even more people who know your product has been leaked on another forum.

    2) If it has already been done then go and change the title of your WSO so if anyone does search those types of forums for it they are not going to find it as it is listed under the original name.

    Then if it happens again you change the name of your WSO again. I recommend you do this anyway as after a while people will become blind to your WSO title if they have seen it over and over. It's always good to change things up every now and then.

    3) The people looking for your product on a forum like that were probably never going to buy your product anyway. So just try and make your product as good as possible and hope that you at least get a little word of mouth out of it.
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    • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      3) The people looking for your product on a forum like that were probably never going to buy your product anyway. So just try and make your product as good as possible and hope that you at least get a little word of mouth out of it.
      Exactly! That is exactly the point. People that hang out in strange places are not your customers.

      You have the same thing in real live: bums stealing food from a good restaurant.

      The restaurant lost some food, but not a patron.

      Same on the internet. People that steal ebooks will never pay you a dime. You don't even want them on your mailing list.

      Call Center Fuel - High Volume Data
      Delivering the highest quality leads in virtually all consumer verticals.

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      • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
        Originally Posted by hpgoodboy View Post

        Same on the internet. People that steal ebooks will never pay you a dime. You don't even want them on your mailing list.
        I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with this. I have actually "say I say".... Shared some of my products under a pin name just to help build a mailing list? Yes, many times and still do from time to time.

        Does this mailing list sell as well as a buyers list? No. Does it sell? You bet it does!

        Rob Whisonant
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        • Profile picture of the author WillR
          Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

          I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with this. I have actually "say I say".... Shared some of my products under a pin name just to help build a mailing list? Yes, many times and still do from time to time.

          Does this mailing list sell as well as a buyers list? No. Does it sell? You bet it does!

          Rob Whisonant
          So you effectively build a mailing list of people from these bh sites and then mail them when you have a new product to sell? Um... I may have to respectfully disagree with YOU on that one. The last people I want to inform about a new product are the people that hang out on these black-hat sites.
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          • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
            Originally Posted by WillR View Post

            So you effectively build a mailing list of people from these bh sites and then mail them when you have a new product to sell? Um... I may have to respectfully disagree with YOU on that one. The last people I want to inform about a new product are the people that hang out on these black-hat sites.
            Never said I alert them of new products like I would a buyers list. You have to "know how" to market to your target audience. In this case people who download things illegally. Disagree all you want. In fact I hope most do disagree with me. I make money on them. You may not be able to. That's OK with me. Leaves more money for me to make.

            Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    Originally Posted by Mike McAleer View Post

    I just realized that someone shared my WSO in a BlueFart forum!

    What should I do about this? I don't want to rant.. I am just looking for some advice. How can I get this file that is shared taken down? How can I get the thread deleted at this BlueFart forum. Over 30 people thanked the guy for sharing it...
    I am one of the older members of BHW and the thing that you need to do is, join the forum and send PM to the admin or wzgizmo politely to remove your product there. Do it silently.... hard to accept but that is the best option. This is also the reason why I became a member of that forum honestly - because of my product being shared... I was able to take it down from mediafire but it took 2 days and reuploading it by other members took only minutes. If you can't beat them, join them....

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author Giani
    Thats not right. I have seen some sites selling eBooks at $3-4 while they are still being advertised and sold thru Clickbank for $37 - $97.

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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    Just a little piece of advice. I wouldn't post in a public forum that your WSO is on a thief forum for free. Ya never know who is reading here.

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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    • Profile picture of the author Tim Brendel
      This happened to me also but with a well known torrent website. Here is exactly what I did, though you may find this is unorthodox, and not for the faint of heart.

      I had a digital product in the IM niche that was purchased by a pirate and uploaded to a torrent site. I found out about it through a friend and signed up for an account on this torrent site.

      At first, I was pissed but then I remembered something that I learned from another IM friend a while back..... If you cut off the pirates at the knees, then you are cutting off a potential method of marketing your products. After all, the point of marketing is to get your product in front of as many eyeballs as possible right?

      Think about it. If your product is good, then the comments that you read on this site can be used to your advantage. Here is what I did.

      I wrote each person that left a good comment and thanked them myself. They all got a giggle out of a digital product owner on the torrent site commenting on their own product. I asked for their permission to use their comments as testimonials on my sales page. To my surprise, most said yes and I had 8 new comments to use as social proof on my site.

      Also, they may like your product enough to share it or become your affiliate, or hell, they may even like it so much that they buy something else from you in the future.

      I'm just saying, you don't have to go the "legal" way if you don't want.
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      • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
        Originally Posted by Tim Brendel View Post

        ...At first, I was pissed but then I remembered something that I learned from another IM friend a while back..... If you cut off the pirates at the knees, then you are cutting off a potential method of marketing your products. After all, the point of marketing is to get your product in front of as many eyeballs as possible right?

        Think about it. If your product is good, then the comments that you read on this site can be used to your advantage. Here is what I did.

        I wrote each person that left a good comment and thanked them myself. They all got a giggle out of a digital product owner on the torrent site commenting on their own product. I asked for their permission to use their comments as testimonials on my sales page. To my surprise, most said yes and I had 8 new comments to use as social proof on my site.

        Also, they may like your product enough to share it or become your affiliate, or hell, they may even like it so much that they buy something else from you in the future...
        Tim, the smart marketer is able to produce limonade from lemons. Well done. Such an approach is more useful for a marketer than wasting time and energy to the wailing, I think.

        Have a nice day,


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        • Profile picture of the author Tim Brendel
          Originally Posted by Joe J View Post

          I think this is such a great idea that could get you more followers or buyers of your products, along with the other suggestions of including links back to your other products or lists.

          What a great, non-confrontational and business-like approach, Kudos!

          I'm definitely going to remember this one. Thanks Tim
          Originally Posted by Sandor Verebi View Post

          Tim, the smart marketer is able to produce limonade from lemons. Well done. Such an approach is more useful for a marketer than wasting time and energy to the wailing, I think.

          Have a nice day,

          Thanks guys!

          In my opinion it just doesn't make sense to get terribly upset or cause a big ruckus over a $27-$47 or even a $97 product. I could see getting upset over a full $997 course, but the fact is that you are not going to be able to stop piracy. Period. And you are still going to make money if you are properly marketing your product.

          Using the comments as testimonials can be an advantage for you, and could also be all the social proof that you need to increase your sales or opt-in conversions up a level.

          Anyway, this worked for me, but it's not for everyone.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
      Originally Posted by George Wright View Post

      Just a little piece of advice. I wouldn't post in a public forum that your WSO is on a thief forum for free. Ya never know who is reading here.

      George Wright
      Well thanks for that...

      Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000 MobileSalesSoftware.com
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      Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    Just report to the file hosting site. They will delete it soon. You should change the WSO title. Because now people know that your WSO has been shared in a forum. Make sure that threat starting time of that public shared thread and identify the person who distributed your WSO.
    Don't woory mate, this is the world that we are living.


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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    That sucks... I wonder how many people are going over there trying to get it now?

    I have had the same problems, but chances are, a majority of these people never even would have come across your ebook.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      That sucks... I wonder how many people are going over there trying to get it now?

      I have had the same problems, but chances are, a majority of these people never even would have come across your ebook.
      Actually the comments are like "i was looking for this one"
      "thanks i wanted this one"

      Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000 MobileSalesSoftware.com
      Invest in domains without the hard work !
      Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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  • Profile picture of the author Joe J
    From Tim Brendel:

    (This happened to me also but with a well known torrent website. Here is exactly what I did, though you may find this is unorthodox, and not for the faint of heart.

    I had a digital product in the IM niche that was purchased by a pirate and uploaded to a torrent site. I found out about it through a friend and signed up for an account on this torrent site.

    At first, I was pissed but then I remembered something that I learned from another IM friend a while back..... If you cut off the pirates at the knees, then you are cutting off a potential method of marketing your products. After all, the point of marketing is to get your product in front of as many eyeballs as possible right?

    Think about it. If your product is good, then the comments that you read on this site can be used to your advantage. Here is what I did.

    I wrote each person that left a good comment and thanked them myself. They all got a giggle out of a digital product owner on the torrent site commenting on their own product. I asked for their permission to use their comments as testimonials on my sales page. To my surprise, most said yes and I had 8 new comments to use as social proof on my site.

    Also, they may like your product enough to share it or become your affiliate, or hell, they may even like it so much that they buy something else from you in the future.

    I'm just saying, you don't have to go the "legal" way if you don't want.)

    I think this is such a great idea that could get you more followers or buyers of your products, along with the other suggestions of including links back to your other products or lists.

    What a great, non-confrontational and business-like approach, Kudos!

    I'm definitely going to remember this one. Thanks Tim
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