My only tip to any new internet marketer. Lets hear yours!
Guess what - it isn't any fancy techniques or anything. It is a very simple tip - stick to one site and make it work.
That was my biggest mistake when starting out - first, doing too many things (systems) at once, and even if I committed for one thing for a while, build dozens of sites, hoping that this would increase my income 10 times. But guess what - it didn't.
Instead what I had was a pile of absolutely unusable sites that didn't bring any money, instead, the domains had to be renewed, the hosting had to be paid.. And the cost (either money or time wise) to keep them updated and promote them properly was making me cringe!
That was when it hit me - I need to make one site, and stick with it until it worked. I made an action plan, so that I didn't have to wonder what I should do next, and got crackin'.
Turned out, that this approach changed the game forever.
It took quite a bit of work to rank that one site where I wanted, it wasn't easy at all. But I wasn't overwhelmed. I always knew what to do next, and it was only the matter of getting it done - and there was plenty of time to do it properly.
So my one tip to new marketers is - no matter what you pick, stick to one site, create a plan and make it work!
What's your tip? Lets hear it
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