My only tip to any new internet marketer. Lets hear yours!

49 replies
Today I was thinking, if I had a chance to give a new internet marketer one tip, what would that be? What would make the biggest difference, what would be the one golden tip that I'd appreciate myself couple of years back?

Guess what - it isn't any fancy techniques or anything. It is a very simple tip - stick to one site and make it work.

That was my biggest mistake when starting out - first, doing too many things (systems) at once, and even if I committed for one thing for a while, build dozens of sites, hoping that this would increase my income 10 times. But guess what - it didn't.

Instead what I had was a pile of absolutely unusable sites that didn't bring any money, instead, the domains had to be renewed, the hosting had to be paid.. And the cost (either money or time wise) to keep them updated and promote them properly was making me cringe!

That was when it hit me - I need to make one site, and stick with it until it worked. I made an action plan, so that I didn't have to wonder what I should do next, and got crackin'.

Turned out, that this approach changed the game forever.
It took quite a bit of work to rank that one site where I wanted, it wasn't easy at all. But I wasn't overwhelmed. I always knew what to do next, and it was only the matter of getting it done - and there was plenty of time to do it properly.

So my one tip to new marketers is - no matter what you pick, stick to one site, create a plan and make it work!

What's your tip? Lets hear it
#hear #internet #marketer #tip
  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    My tip Create a game plan. Remain the big picture person.

    dont buy books, tools and outsourcers for your business ...become a master researcher to seek out the best workers for the money. or pass preliminary info off to a VA and have them research.

    i.e. Need articles written look at previous comments in warrior for hire.....go to other networking sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kvn
      My small tip is, don't be a "Jack of all trades and Master of none"

      Don't jump from method to method. Its so easy to get distracted when you are getting emails about lot of "easy or quick money making methods" that promise to make money online even without an internet connection.

      Stick to your plan until you see some good results with it.
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      • Profile picture of the author sailor4528
        Yep, good advice. Problem is, when you start there is so much to learn and you get diverted a lot (at least I did!). I've been at it 18 mths now and only just getting the focus; but my original plan seems to be holding up, except on $ :-(


        Take a break - entertain yourself with a great Kindle techno-thriller! Gate of Tears by James Marinero. Action, intrigue, naval and aerial conflict in one of the world's strategic oil chokepoints. Up to the minute and beyond...Video Trailer

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  • Profile picture of the author Mrmuscle90
    Mines along the lines of what has been said already, dont get sucked into push button methods and promised riches products. If it looks to good to be true then it probably is, if you havnt got money to waste then dont! Start by looking round the forum at free methods, find one that works and then progress from there
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  • Profile picture of the author Owen Mailer
    These tips are all good and really should be listened to !!!!
    my only one would be don't listen to people that say Im is hard. Don't listen to anyone that says it's easy, make your own mind up!

    if you think its to hard you wont try.
    if you think its to easy you will get a fright (most the time).
    HOWEVER: a little time a little effort and some patience and it will payoff in the end
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeMack
    Choose your keywords carefully. Don't just run blind into a niche. Spending a few hours in the beginning will save you days, weeks, even months, of frustration and wasted time and effort.

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  • Profile picture of the author Brendon Zahrndt
    Split Test.

    You will always do some things wrong. You will never know how to improve upon those failures without simultaneous testing of another system to see which does better.

    When you find which test converts the best, put that system up against another.

    Rinse and repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author Keith Everett
    My tip to any new Internet Marketer would be, be yourself - market you the "brand" and be unique. Everyone else is already taken..
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  • Profile picture of the author lamavridis
    Thank you for that tip I am new to affiliate marketing and you start to think of all the different possibilities and site that you can create rather then focusing on just the one and really giving it 100%
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  • Profile picture of the author Wes Gomer
    Some great tips here.

    Here's one: Dont just keep reading and waiting till you feel you have sufficient info to start up; you will always find a new method and jump onto that in this way.

    What you must do is take action, and learn from your mistakes. Thats the only way you will know what works and what doesn't.

    Just my 2 cents. :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author James Clark
      Learn as much as you can about Market Research
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      • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
        Originally Posted by James Clark View Post

        Learn as much as you can about Market Research
        This is number one. I agree with the advice to stick to one site until it's making money, but if you hastily pick a bad/highly competitive niche, making money will never happen. I spent over two years working on an SBI site on bodybuilding of all things, and it obviously went nowhere. No sub-niche or anything... just straight up bodybuilding... none of my pages ever got close to the top ten.
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  • Profile picture of the author LifeWithWill
    Focus on being as helpful as possible and providing value, then the money will follow. Don't waste your time looking for the "easy loopholes" and you'll make money.

    or, as Albert Einstein says more elegantly:

    "Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value."
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  • Profile picture of the author Murlu
    My Tip: Find a hobby or something that truly interests you and create a blog that you don't expect to make money from - simply learn the process of creating content, online marketing and handling a community.

    If your site fails, no biggie because what you've learned is the most important.

    If your site takes off than you're doing something you already love
    Signature - Niche-Ready PLR Articles Packs at just $12.95 each! - Where I write about starting an online business and taking your blog to the next level.

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  • Profile picture of the author fated82
    my tip is focus on building a list and treat IM as a business. becoz it is.

    Also, your business should be solution oriented. Understand what your customers want and create products to meet that needs.

    You can be rich if you enrich others...
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  • Profile picture of the author Vijay M
    Pick one niche. Any niche. Stick to it. Find all the sub niches within it and market to them. If you are creating a new website, create it in the same niche, but with another angle, or, targeting a different demographic.

    If you are operating in the same niche, you'll be an authority in no time.
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  • Profile picture of the author benrobertsjr
    All helpful comments. For me Matt nails it for newbies. I just started making decent money late last year and it was from a site that I started 18 months ago and neglected for a long time until I noticed some affiliate conversions and resumed creating quality content to the point now where it's a steady earner. Had I stuck with it from the git go I'd be further along. Even now I easily get distracted by the next idea, you have to have a plan and focus because it's too late in the game just to step in ****, you have to work hard to earn these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
    1. It Is "Impossible" To Escape, Dodge, Or Avoid Mistakes
    Or Challenges

    Did you "give up" when you fell off your bike more than once?

    Did you "give up" when you were learning how to tie your shoe?

    So why then, if you KNOW instinctively the only way to succeed
    is to screw up sometimes, do we assume success comes "easy"
    all of a sudden?

    Would you make the argument that "your teachers and parents"
    made you BELIEVE mistakes aren't normal?

    ...if THAT'S the case, are you not of sound mind to make the
    decision for yourself to CHANGE the way you WANT to think to
    go back to EXPECTING and HAPPILY making mistakes so you CAN
    have the success you want?

    2. I Don't Care How COOL (or real) Someone Went From ZERO To
    Making $10k A Month...

    what that person doesn't tell you (and often, never will) is
    that he or she went through their OWN unique challenges and
    made their own mistakes to get to where THEY'RE at.

    Are their systems that eliminate many common mistakes and the
    learning curvee? Yes. But not ALL mistakes and not YOUR learn-
    ning curve. Your learning curve maybe accepting your new found
    wealth...who knows.

    3. It's Beaten To Death But...

    Action wins -- everytime.

    I learn 1000x more and, ironically, make more MONEY when I
    take action...even if when I don't have all the answers and...

    I NEVER do!

    I used to be a "book junkie". You couldn't pry me out of a
    bookstore or convince me to go to a club because all I would
    do is read, read, read and study variables to EVERY possible
    situation that existed.

    I've probably made more mistakes than most people can handle
    in a lifetime -- and that's just my business related mistakes.

    But it's the most FULFILLING experience my soul could ever
    yearn for, and I've had a TON of success when I put down the
    "book" and traded it for putting my head on the chopping block

    Now, I almost never visit a bookstore and, the only time I go
    is when I completed a MAJOR project and take myself a deserved
    break...and I do this once every 3-4 months.

    Taking action, no matter the amount, will not only make you
    more'll fulfill you and help you fill in the blanks
    that are missing...

    like "experience". What you are here on this earth to do...


    What DO you really have to lose? If you DONT' do it, will you
    feel better knowing you did NOT, versus knowing that you did

    In the grand scheme of things, nothing REALLY's
    the experience we ALL want, so when you avoid it, you die a
    slow and more painful death then a gunshot wound to the chest.
    **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
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  • Profile picture of the author Ofthemix
    My tip would be to learn proper keyword research techniques. For me, that one tip has doubled my IM income every month since I figured out how to correctly do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rich Struck
    Promote your own products.

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  • Profile picture of the author bkkmma
    All the above are important. The main things have to be stay with one plan, ensure good content for one site and learn from your mistakes. Or learn the hard way like me !
    Selling guest posts in the health niche on an aged, PR3 site with a legit link from HuffPo for only $17 a pop. Limit of 10 available per month. PM if interested. Permanent sitewides for $45 (Limit of 8 EVER.)
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  • Profile picture of the author veenafurtado
    Hard work and persistence -
    you need not have one site!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jun Balona
    This is my tip: make a log on everything you do.

    And I mean EVERYTHING: the day you started, how you find keywords, buying domains and web hosting, setting up your website, etc.

    That way you can closely monitor everything that you have done from day one. So in the event that you screw up, you can make changes easily, or better yet, open a thread on things you did and seek help to many seniors here who are more than willing to help.

    Now this is the fun part: the moment you did everything right and you started earning money, make a step by step report on how you did it (your reference would be your log).

    Now it's up to you if you want to use that report as a copy to many of us here for free or as a WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogerAderholdt
    Hey Matt,

    Good post. I like your idea and think it is very powerful. It's hard enough to make ONE website work properly and market properly... soo sticking to ONE Website and doing it RIGHT is a great tip.

    MY TIP would be: THINK BIG

    Based on my own experience of over 10 years full time on-line I have discovered that it is just as easy to sell a $3,000 product on-line as it is to sell a $30 product on-line.

    The TIME spent, the money spent and the EFFORT spent is almost always the SAME.

    It takes just as much time to Write an article for a $30 product as a $3,000 product.

    It takes just as much time to Get a LINK for a $30 product as a $3,000 product.

    It takes just as much time to POST A FREE AD for a $30 product as a $3,000 product.

    It takes just as much time to Set up an Auto-responder system for a $30 product as a $3,000 product.

    It takes just as much time to Set up a BLOG for a $30 product as a $3,000 product.

    It costs just as much MONEY to Advertise in a Magazine for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

    It costs just as much MONEY to HOST your Website for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

    It costs just as much MONEY to do a SOLO Ad for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

    It costs just as much MONEY to do PPC Advertizing for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

    It costs just as much MONEY to Advertise in a NEWSPAPER for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

    It costs just as much MONEY to for a Virtual Assistant for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

    It costs just as much MONEY to Hire Workers (Website Design, Article Writers, Video Producers, Bloggers, ANYTHING) for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

    Sooo WHY spend the same amount of EFFORT, TIME and MONEY building a $30 product when you can build something of value that millions of people want and earn $3,000 profit or more per sale.

    Sooo PROVEN TIP is....

    THINK BIG...
    Get entire State B2B Leads for only $20.00 or get 1,000 Surveyed MLM Leads for your business for only $20.00. Check it out at:
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
      Originally Posted by RogerAderholdt View Post

      Hey Matt,

      Good post. I like your idea and think it is very powerful. It's hard enough to make ONE website work properly and market properly... soo sticking to ONE Website and doing it RIGHT is a great tip.

      MY TIP would be: THINK BIG

      Based on my own experience of over 10 years full time on-line I have discovered that it is just as easy to sell a $3,000 product on-line as it is to sell a $30 product on-line.

      The TIME spent, the money spent and the EFFORT spent is almost always the SAME.

      It takes just as much time to Write an article for a $30 product as a $3,000 product.

      It takes just as much time to Get a LINK for a $30 product as a $3,000 product.

      It takes just as much time to POST A FREE AD for a $30 product as a $3,000 product.

      It takes just as much time to Set up an Auto-responder system for a $30 product as a $3,000 product.

      It takes just as much time to Set up a BLOG for a $30 product as a $3,000 product.

      It costs just as much MONEY to Advertise in a Magazine for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

      It costs just as much MONEY to HOST your Website for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

      It costs just as much MONEY to do a SOLO Ad for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

      It costs just as much MONEY to do PPC Advertizing for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

      It costs just as much MONEY to Advertise in a NEWSPAPER for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

      It costs just as much MONEY to for a Virtual Assistant for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

      It costs just as much MONEY to Hire Workers (Website Design, Article Writers, Video Producers, Bloggers, ANYTHING) for a $30 product as it does for a $3,000 Product.

      Sooo WHY spend the same amount of EFFORT, TIME and MONEY building a $30 product when you can build something of value that millions of people want and earn $3,000 profit or more per sale.

      Sooo PROVEN TIP is....

      THINK BIG...
      I disagree with you BIG TIME...

      because it's 10x MORE work to market products and services
      that are CHEAPER or "less expensive" than more expensive

      "cheaper" customers or clients ASK for more than what they
      paid is worth, they require MORE attention, DEMAND more of
      your time, and expect "royal carpet treatment" for pennies.

      ...they're far more likely to request refunds, and often on no
      basis then "I need the money back to pay bills" or "this doesn't
      work because I thought it was going to be push button".

      The MOMENT you start working with higher-end customers and
      clients, virtually ALL of those problems fade away -- I still can't
      explain why it's such a HUGE difference, but anyone who starts
      off selling products and services for less than $100 and thinks
      bigger selling for $500 to thousands of dollars per sale...

      suddenly making money is "fun", FAR less time consuming, &
      those kinds of people are so much more fun to work with and
      to help because they know they payed a good sum of money
      so their FAR more likely to take your advice and DO something
      with it to solve their problems.

      But it IS a mindset issue.

      I know some people who seriously believe that the economy is
      their "reason why" they'll stick with selling $5, $10, or $50 WSO's
      or clickbank products...

      it's sad, but to each his own.
      **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
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  • Profile picture of the author sailor4528
    or, in a few words

    "plan the work and work the plan.."

    First though, you need to know where to start...


    Take a break - entertain yourself with a great Kindle techno-thriller! Gate of Tears by James Marinero. Action, intrigue, naval and aerial conflict in one of the world's strategic oil chokepoints. Up to the minute and beyond...Video Trailer

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    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Saying that beginning and sticking with one site may not be enough because some people might see some successful sites in niches that are relatively foreign to them and without researching the background, may opt in and try to create business in such niches.

      I am not saying that you wouldn't succeed but a surer way to succeed online is to find a niche you are really passionate about and create your site or blog on a relevant sub-niche there.

      Working consistently towards the success of that single blog or site in the niche that interests you will not just make you money but you will have fun while earning.
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  • Profile picture of the author woody821
    Study what other people are doing within your niche and improve on it. You can never do enough research and the time you put in the research will pay off.
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  • Profile picture of the author sarahberra
    Good points!! I was doing the same thing and my head was spinning. I just couldn't keep up. Right now my only focus is working for clients and auto-blogging. I might add squidoo back in the mix in the summer, but I really want to focus on one or two main methods for now.
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  • Profile picture of the author eleary
    It's all about focus - some quick tips - already mentioned above - choose one thing (product, website, whatever) and stick to it until it works
    Don't get stuck "learning" - no money comes in until you act!
    Organization is important - one technique is to you Clocking it - it's free - and it will let you list each part of your project, plus you can add times to it. It's for project management.
    Another technique is the Pomodoro technique - again timing how long you spend on each task.
    Are you seeing a trend? You need to be aware of where your time is spent. The goal should be 80% action 20% learning.

    One idea is to break your time up - work on something for 15 min., 30 min, or 1 hour - and do only that until your time is up...

    Just a final note...I read an article the other day - I think it was called the 2 Tab method...Basically it said you do not need more than two tabs (in your browser) open at one time. One tab that you are working on, and one for reference. The idea is - the more tabs you have open, the more unfocussed your brain is....I noticed I had over 10 open at the time -
    Focus is an ongoing project!
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  • Profile picture of the author danielsteven
    Focus! it's easy to get caught up in the next best thing with all the new product launches coming out every day....find a strategy that works and stick to it!
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    • Profile picture of the author donhx
      Create your own information product and use all the methods you read about here to sell it. Don't sell other people's stuff.

      If you cannot actually write your own, get a quality job from someone else--but you be the owner of your own product.

      As has been said, don't get side-tracked. Be single-minded in your promotional work. Learn from your little successes and failures as you do this, build on your successes.
      Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
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  • Profile picture of the author mediasurgeons
    Don't give anyone a cent of your money unless your sure they're not "faking it until they make it".

    Too many WSO's and "coaching" from people with half a days field experience.

    Don't rush. It should take 6-12 months to see success from this, not 6-12 days from push button software.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt Abel
    Believe in yourself. If you don't nobody else will...
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  • Profile picture of the author cupul89
    thx matt cool tips for newbie here, i'm using autoblog now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    Focus on one thing until you get it right!

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
    Invest in domains without the hard work !
    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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  • Profile picture of the author ocd
    My 3 keys to success recommendation

    1. The keyword advice given is absolute GOLD. A highly competitive phrase in a competitive niche will drive you nuts as a beginner...but then again, you are forced to learn.

    2. Prepare to put on your 'big boy pants' and work VERY hard.

    3. Use a schedule: almost militant works. Ex.: Mondays write articles in the morning and submit to strict/lenient directories in the afternoon. Tuesday is video day. Wednesday is podcast/Press Release or forum posting. Thursday is social media looney tunes day. Friday is RSS and ping

    With a schedule, you can screw up many things and still get results. As you learn and gain more experience you can fix or delete your past mistakes...usually. As a real life example, where did I get the idea that 5 primary keywords on a site was a good thing? I'm on the first page in 3 out of 5 but talk about wasted time!
    The link of great joy and happiness...but this one? This is the one that all window cleaning companies in the free world are inspired by. Hey, where did the sarcasm font go?
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  • Profile picture of the author Oranges
    1. Go step by step, don't mess around yourself with 100's of sites.
    2. Plan for long term goals.
    3. Don't blindly believe what IM Gurus says in their ebooks.

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  • Profile picture of the author AD25
    Originally Posted by Matt Ausin View Post

    That was when it hit me - I need to make one site, and stick with it until it worked. I made an action plan, so that I didn't have to wonder what I should do next, and got crackin'.

    So my one tip to new marketers is - no matter what you pick, stick to one site, create a plan and make it work!

    What's your tip? Lets hear it
    That is my favorite tip. And I agree 100%
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  • Profile picture of the author theplugindude
    Build a List, Build a List, Build a List..

    Rant over...;-)
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  • My biggest tip.

    Pay for Internet Marketing education. Don't go in blind and don't solely rely on conflicting information from forums.

    Getting one good mentor, or joining one good training membership, will focus what you do and make you more likely to succeed.


    Get My Exclusive Online FAST Start Training
    Totally FREE For A Limited Time - No Email Optin Required

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  • Profile picture of the author IM Business
    An ounce of action is worth a pound of research.
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  • Profile picture of the author Donnie42
    Hopefully no one, but I think a lot of people do this is jump to the next big so called opportunity and never just focus on what your doing now.

    I was jumping on every new opportunity I saw on the Internet thinking this is the one until I finally took a deep breath and settled down. Make a plan..Have something everyday..
    keep focused!!

    This is a marathon..Not a Sprint..we can ALL get there but no short cuts!!
    Thoughts become things..Choose the good ones!

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    • Profile picture of the author jlucado
      1. Study, Learn, Implement.
      2. Work hard and and be Persistent.
      3. Believe in yourself.

      You can think you can or you can think you cannot. You would be correct either way. It is all about what you think.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony S
    My tip would be the same as many of the other suggestions posted to this thread. That is to stick with a basic plan, try to keep yourself focused on the tasks ahead of you that day and avoid distractions.

    Nothing can stop your reaching a daily goal like wasting time on useless or non essential activities that don't take you closer to your main objective. Oh yea! try not to become overwhelmed with to much information keep it simple as possible for the best results.

    "Give a person a fish they can eat for that day: teach them how to fish they can eat for their lifetime".

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  • Profile picture of the author zanbrok
    Originally Posted by Matt Ausin View Post

    So my one tip to new marketers is – no matter what you pick, stick to one site, create a plan and make it work!

    What's your tip? Lets hear it
    My tip to you is don't provide any tips until you truly know what you're doing. back in 2008 i spend several months promoting a make money online site and got it to like 100 visitors daily. i made no money because i thought it was not enough traffic to meet my expectations . I wanted to make at least $2000 a month from it. Of course after spending so much time on one site and realizing it was mostly a failure i lost complete hope in internet marketing and threw in the towel. Now, to my point. Had I known to invest 1 month for instance with say 4 hours a week on this site hoping to see say 50 visitors daily , and then started another and another things would have been much different. Each site would now be a success since i only invested a few hours a week and my expectations for that time invested is acceptable to me.

    So your quote about stick to one site and one thing no matter what you pick until you make it work is completely wrong and may end up killing your IM dreams permanently if you happen to hit one of these experiences. i was on the wrong path first by picking too competitive keywords and not willing to do all it takes to get it to page 1 or not realizing how much work it took.

    Use judgement, are you progressing? Should you be progressing by now a little bit whatever that may be? If you are not at all, analyze what you are doing, maybe you are on the wrong path after all, all make money online gurus do that to us anyway. Why the hell would they tell you how to take a piece of their pie for 100 bucks?
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  • Profile picture of the author vheissu28
    Yeah, I think my one tip would certainly be to NOT start out with affiliate marketing, but with creating your own products.

    Among many other advantages, this allows you to quickly build a quick list of buying subscribers as well as have your affiliates that already have lists do all the heavy lifting for you.
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