This Might Prove Handy For Newbies
Below is a sales page I've created for the wordpress platform. It's primarily for those who are relatively new and have a low or zero budget. Hopefully they'll be able to tweak it to satisfy their needs. It's free.
There's no catch. No hidden links. No opt-ins. No Scams. Just a straight forward, "There you go, it's yours for free if you think it'll help"
With the theme comes a Read Me, which tells you how to do a few things, including REMOVING my designer link at the bottom of the theme.
There's also a psd file that has the header as is, easily editable, and the same header minus the text. That way you'll be able to add your own text yourself, or outsource it.
The download link for the theme is at the bottom of the demo.
All the best
P.S I hope it's ok to post this on this board. I was hoping for as many people as possible to see it. If this board is the wrong one, feel free to move or delete it as you think best.
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