What does everyone call 'a steady income'

37 replies
I've heard it said many, many times that its possible to create a steady income online. So I was just wandering. What exactly IS a steady income to everyone?
To me personally it would be the same as my regular shi**y job pays which is around £1600 per month. However I intend to aim higher than that if possible.
I'm not being nosey about your incomes by the way, I'm just very curious!
#call #income #steady
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    However much you earn consistently is a steady income.

    So long as I can pay my bills each month, I won't be disappointed...
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by stesnees View Post

    What exactly IS a steady income to everyone?
    I think a steady income is one defined by its security and longevity, as much as quantitatively, isn't it?
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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
      Every penny you consistantly put in the bank that increases your bank account each month over the prior month's balance can be considered 'steady income'.

      If you haven't reached that point yet then your income isn't steady, it's "helpful".

      That's one way you can look at it...

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      • Profile picture of the author rbates
        Originally Posted by Bill Farnham View Post

        Every penny you consistantly put in the bank that increases your bank account each month over the prior month's balance can be considered 'steady income'.

        If you haven't reached that point yet then your income isn't steady, it's "helpful".

        That's one way you can look at it...

        I do like this definition. Paying your bills - AND putting some money aside on an ongoing basis is the key to actually having steady income.
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        • Profile picture of the author stesnees
          Interesting stuff, thanks very much for your replies. I look forward to the day when I'm making my own 'steady income' online

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    • Profile picture of the author samstephens
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      I think a steady income is one defined by its security and longevity, as much as quantitatively, isn't it?
      I agree! A steady income isn't about the size of the deposit, it's about how often they come and if they're all around the same size.

      Even if you're making $100 per month, every month, then that's still a steady income.

      A steady income requires a solid business plan, and due to the natural spikes and troughs you get in internet business, it's a good idea to look at your income on a fortnightly or preferably monthly income, as well as a yearly income. It gives you a better indication of how you're doing overall.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    It's different for everyone because everyone has a different life situation, budget, financial value system, etc. I come from a financial background and I was extremely conservative in my own projections. I didn't consider anything "steady" income unless it was double my job's earnings, at that time, and it flowed consistently for 6 months without any significant variance.

    Ask 100 people this question and you will get 100 different, varying answers.

    For some people it could be as simple as any income they view as consistent over a certain period of time.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author darrin_kuykendall
    Gross Monthly Revenue - Monthly Expense = Net Revenue
    If Net Revenue is positive and consistent for 3 months or more, it can be noted as consistent, steady monthly revenue.

    Other items for the term "steady" means that the monthly income is trending up versus being flat or being reduced.

    Why only 3 months? Because by this definition & concept, if you can achieve an increase on a month to month basis, it would prove that the next 3 months will be the same, if all things are equal.
    Now take this definition and match it to the guru sales letters who claim "monthly incomes" but only show the 1 month only which is really only the sales from their last launch.
    It's a wonder that no one ever really gives accurate results - meaning explaining expenses that are incurred, what their previous months were. So, there's a lot of "hope" and marketing spin that everyone can achieve the $XXX,XXX "PER MONTH" -- when in actuality, after they paid off affiliates, so-called brought in copyrighters, a silent partner, they are left with about $2,000 -- and that's after 60 days.

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  • Profile picture of the author Traffic Eagle
    If you're talking about full time income, then a steady income would be enough to pay the mortgage, household bills, car expenses, food, entertainment etc., and have enough left over to put back into the business. Don't forget to put some aside to pay your taxes and contributions. Extra money you make is regarded as exemplary income and when you make lots of this, you are well above a steady income!
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    A steady income is a regular income that constantly gives you the money you need without interruptions.

    For example, if every month you make a certain amount of money, let’s say around $2000 per month, you have a steady income. It doesn’t matter if one month you’ll make $1500 if the next month you’ll make $2500. You have to regularly make a good amount of money that won’t fall under your basic monthly expenses in order to have a steady income. Let’s suppose that your monthly expenses are around $1000. You have to make at least $1500 per month to feel fine. Thus, if you regularly make around $2000 per month you are not merely surviving, but having money for other things in your life, besides paying your bills.

    However, if one month you make $2000, but the next month you make $0, and the next month you make only $20, and so on, you have an unsteady income. You can’t relax.
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  • Profile picture of the author carter3
    which business online have you been earning 1600...by the way you can earn a nice income online but it requires hard work and a working strategy for that particle online business. you can as well earn more than that promoting CPA offer with a working strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author steverich
    steady income is anything you make 'consistantly' month on month.
    but i think you probably mean what is a 'comfortable' steady income?

    I guess to begin with 'comfortable' should ideally match your 'job'.
    once you can do that 'consistantly' the more options for freedom you have.
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    As others have said it is nothing more than an income that is consistent monthly regardless of the amount.
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  • Profile picture of the author sarahberra
    To me a steady income is a consistent income that exceeds your normal living expenses.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnstottblog
    Good question; think I would agree with Rod Cortez. You would probably get 100 different responses from the same amount of people. This is because everyone has different circumstances and lifestyles. For example: what would be a steady income for someone with an extravagant lifestyle is very likely to be much higher than someone who never leaves the house with little outgoings.
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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    One thing to consider is you are now a business and can take advantage of the tax codes you cant as an employee so you do not have to make quite as much as you once did to reach your "steady income" or financial freedom.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author BobbyFreiler

    Your idea of steady income should be both consistent, and adjust at the same time - let me explain.

    Initially your steady income should be just that, steady. So each month you wake up and there is a check there for you, preferably increasing with each month. Your initial goal should also be to replace your job income, because if done properly you'll work atleast 1/2 as many hours than you would trading your time for money at your regular job.

    And you can do one of two things dependent upon your goals. Work to increase that income, or work to decrease that time, and adjust it as your life and lifestyle do.

    Take care,

    Bobby Freiler
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Haiton
    Something steady that can sustain the whole family?
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  • Profile picture of the author Nate Simms
    I consider a steady income enough money to buy me chips and beer.

    ...I easily meet my goals each and every month. LOL.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
    Steady income is wonderful.
    My growing income is better. Grows every month since 2005.
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  • Profile picture of the author AD25
    Sorry but that's a dumb question.
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  • Profile picture of the author RussRuffino
    A steady income is when you have more money than you know what to do with. Until you get to that point, you should not rest!

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  • Profile picture of the author veenafurtado
    It's what the word says -
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  • Profile picture of the author mahal788
    Steady income to me is a consistent incoming cashflow which is more than enough for me and my family to live comfortably on everyday.

    Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Does anyone else find it remotely humorous that the OP was looking for us to tell him how many dollars we earn each month, and 25 responses later, no one has?
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Originally Posted by stesnees View Post

    I've heard it said many, many times that its possible to create a steady income online. So I was just wandering. What exactly IS a steady income to everyone?
    To me personally it would be the same as my regular shi**y job pays which is around £1600 per month. However I intend to aim higher than that if possible.
    I'm not being nosey about your incomes by the way, I'm just very curious!
    I have worked a so called "steady job" before i was in IM...and to be honest, there IS nothing like a steady job. I have seen BIG NAME companies in Illinois downsizing, laying off etc..etc...if you believe that there is something like a "steady income" as opposed to internet marketing you are living an illusion!

    In fact, now in IM i am more in control than i ever was in a "steady" job.
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    • Profile picture of the author qpok
      For me a steady income would mean that i could become free of the normal working rutine in the "real life". For me, in Denmark - that would mean around $2700 each and every month without too much ups & downs.

      "Working from home" could be directly translated to the real worlds word "work" which in turn will include an equal amount of monthly payment. I guess it boils down to what your set goals are and what your current state in life is.
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      • Profile picture of the author DudleyDog
        Originally Posted by qpok View Post

        For me a steady income would mean that i could become free of the normal working rutine in the "real life". For me, in Denmark - that would mean around $2700 each and every month without too much ups & downs.

        "Working from home" could be directly translated to the real worlds word "work" which in turn will include an equal amount of monthly payment. I guess it boils down to what your set goals are and what your current state in life is.
        This can be done and a lot more with a bit of work

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        • Profile picture of the author Damani Tabor
          Steady income, for me is that income which is sufficient to substitute for my day job, allow me to live within my means at the level to which I have been accustomed, and still save extra for a rainy day.

          Additionally there must not be too many fluctuations in a given period.

          For example, lets say I do mostly seasonal marketing.. like Haloween Costume affiliation, and then Christmas, what happens in the gap. Even if I made a killing, it may not necessarily be steady if there were to be a shortfall inbetween.

          However, if I lived within my means so as not to exhaust what is made during Haloween, and spread it out, then it could be considered steady.

          To summarize (sorry for wordiness)...

          Steady is being able to live comfortably between paydays, no matter how far apart.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    Steady income is what we are getting if we already feel comfortable with the amount of money that goes into our bank accounts. If you dont feel so relax for tomorrow or you still worry about money everyday then you are not making a steady income.

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  • Profile picture of the author Casper C
    Simply having enough money coming in each month. I would call it consistent, but if you make $3000 one month, and then it doubles to $6000 the next month, and then down to $2000 the next month... they're clearly not 'steady' figures, but still remain enough money for someone to live off each time. I'm an affiliate marketer and I'm used to numbers widely varying each month sometimes. But I always have enough money.
    I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

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  • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
    A steady income is about $10,000 per month. That's enough to pay the mortgage, groceries, provide for your wife and few children running around the house, put back into your business, and still build up a nest egg for your retirement, your children's education, and your backup emergency money in case your wife decides not to work or if you lose your job.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Sorrell
      I guess it depends on where you live. A steady income for someone living in London is gonna be triple what someone's steady income needs to be if they're out in the sticks somewhere. Of course, it is important to factor in other variables that may take your fancy from time to time. Gambling, chasing after blonde russian women, needless wanderlust etc. It all adds up.

      Though to paraphrase Henry Ford, 'If you know how much money you've got then you've not got much at all'
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      • Profile picture of the author sirtom
        At first I thought a steady income was replacing the income from my full time job. Once I did that, it was a matter of making enough to support myself and invest into my business.

        In a dollar amount, id say for myself $5,000/mon is steady, $7,000 is comfortable. And until I scale that up more and change my lifestyle habits, it works for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author paologiannone
    Steady income is what you need to earn to be comfortable, and it all depends from your family circumstances and spending habits. 6000$ a month, that is a reasonable steady income
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  • I'll give an example since that's what you're looking for. If I didn't have debts, a steady income for me would be roughtly 1000 pounds, around 1600 dollars a month. That would pay my rent, food for me, girlfriend and baby, gas and electricity, water, all related car expenses, internet, gym membership, hosting and so forth.

    The downside to this is affording anything over 1k dollars would take months of saving. So if I want a holiday, It'll take half the year just to save for it.

    With 3,000 dollars a month I would live like a king.
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  • Profile picture of the author dc_publius
    Do you people understand what 'steady' even means?

    It has nothing to do with quantity.
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