Incredibly Easy Way To Be A Better Salesman

6 replies
Everyone always talks about how in order to sell well, you need to get into your customer's mind. You need to stop thinking about your own wants and needs and start thinking about others.

There's no better way to do this than to:

Get away from your computer and socialize with people.

Working in IM you develop a sort of tunnel vision that can be harmful at times.

I've dismissed products that I thought wouldn't sell only to discover that my friends and family bought them.

I think it's important that we don't lose touch of the human element in our businesses. There's another person on the other end of the transaction. Not just a statistic or credit card number.
#easy #incredibly #salesman
  • Profile picture of the author cclegg06
    I agree.

    It is easy to get so deep into the techniques of pushing someone down the sales funnel that you forget what is causing them to move along the funnel in the first place.

    They see a problem solved. You understand that problem and find a way to truly solve it and you'll be successful.

    (Easier for me to say than prove in practice... but I keep at it.)
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    Do you have a "tactic" for those people -- and I don't mean to imply myself here, you understand...but those people such as myself who don't like most other people?


    Not promoting right now

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    • Profile picture of the author Derek_The_Nomad
      Originally Posted by Steven Fullman View Post

      Do you have a "tactic" for those people -- and I don't mean to imply myself here, you understand...but those people such as myself who don't like most other people?

      Haha. I find the more I interact people, the more I understand people, and the more I like people.

      A lot of people are the opposite - which is cool.

      But know that studies say that people with more friends live longer. And they make more money too.

      Full-time product creator & advisor. Full-time traveler.

      My blog on information publishing & marketing:

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  • Profile picture of the author Jim Pearson

    Are you looking for an answer to your question or just joking?
    To Your Success;
    Jim Pearson
    Co-founder of
    Get Your Free Copy of "How To Market Yourself As The Expert You Are."
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  • what is socialize?
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  • Profile picture of the author Derek_The_Nomad
    I'm talking about face to face contact with people. Obviously it's good to socialize other ways - facebook, phone, forums etc.

    But there's something special about live, in person, interactions. You get to the know the real person. They can't hide behind clever comments they take 10 minutes to come up with before responding.

    Full-time product creator & advisor. Full-time traveler.

    My blog on information publishing & marketing:

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