Ezine Articles March 2011 Onwards
1. The minimum word count is now 400 words and was previously 250
2. You can only submit 10 articles instead of 25 before having your account reviewed for future submissions.
3. They are taking longer than two weeks to give you a decision on new articles
4. They are refusing so many articles now and trying to get you to buy one of their paid services, which starts at $97 a month for a premium service or $697 a year.
They are now getting greedy and wish to make more money, but it is their business and they can do what they want. I have 226 approved by them and I would expect them to apply some common sense to folk who have established accounts, but it seems that they have a big push towards getting paid accounts and with them refusing nearly all fresh submissions, it'll do on of two things, either people will move on other directories like Go or Article Dashboard, or they'll pay the monthly/yearly fee, but it's a dangerous game that, Ezine are playing at the moment. My last two articles have been refused and I have another 8 pending, which I expect to fall the same way and their reasons are quite vaque to say the least.
Thank you for your submission to EzineArticles.com titled "The Easy Steps In How To Make Money With Facebook" (6013480).
We would like to help you get this article approved but there is an issue which needs to be resolved first.
Please contact us at Contact EzineArticles.com for more information.
Thank you for your submission to EzineArticles.com titled "The Health And Fitness Regime Of The Survivor Boot Camp" (6018632).
We would like to help you get this article approved but there is an issue which needs to be resolved first.
Your article does not adhere to the following Editorial Guideline: Section 2.e vi
Anyone who wants to build their article marketing campaign through Ezine, will need to be prepared for some major setbacks.

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