13 replies
Do you ever have all these great ideas running through your melon
and then as soon as you sit down to type
the only thing running through your head are crickets?

Just like I am a great golfer, until I have to hit that stupid little ball.

It's starting to really get to me, because of the importance of writing content in this business. It is a one of my roadblocks, probably the major one.

Now I do outsource sometimes,
(anybody see Chris Rempals Email today?) and I am not talking about being a copywriter, which is an art unto itself, just a way to let the ideas flow on demand.
I guess that's the best way to put it.

My dad would have said "You just need a good kick in the ass, boy"
(I am old school, he was from before school)

Well in a way, I do need a proverbial kick in the ass.

Does anyone know of a good book or way of getting rid of writers block?

I mean I get it bad most of the time.:confused:

I am sure that I can not be the only one this happens to.

Thanks in advance

#blockhead #writers #writers block #writing tips
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Kerr
    Perhaps change the way you go about it. Instead of going straight to the computer, grab a notepad and jot down the main points of your thoughts. You could then type it up on the computer, expanding on the notes you have made.

    Best Wishes,
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    • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
      " Perhaps change the way you go about it. Instead of going straight to the computer, grab a notepad and jot down the main points of your thoughts. You could then type it up on the computer, expanding on the notes you have made."

      Thanks Ron
      I have thought about getting a recorder to "catch" the thoughts and make it more spontaneous.
      I should try that.
      It's just a little frustrating at times,
      I have the ideas and they just do not want to come out onto the page

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      • Profile picture of the author Wakunahum
        Some of these LSI tools give you related phrases that help you get a few paragraph ideas that otherwise you would not have thought of. That's what I do when I get stuck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bev Clement
    Start by writing, get the thoughts down, and then once you have the main thoughts, edit from there and expand. If you're writing a book, start with the main section of the book and not the introduction.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    I wish I had all the time needed to kickout the ideas in my head...lol

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  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    The secret to good writing is rewriting. Write down what comes to your head now, and then come back and review it again.
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
    I usually carry a notepad with me everywhere I go. It's especially helpful to keep one next to your bed. I can't tell you how many times I've woken up in the middle of the night with a great idea and completely forgot about my idea when I woke up.

    Another thing that's helpful is to give yourself about 10 minutes to sit quietly and meditate on the projects you intend to perform throughout the day. You'll find that as your mind quiets down, your memory will start to come back.

    Both techniques work well for me. Give them a try.
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  • Profile picture of the author briank99
    Here is an easy solution. The feel, felt, found method. I usually use this for squidoo lenses.

    1. I know how you feel. Find a problem. Look at it from their side.

    Such as, don't you just hate it when your sitting at your computer knowing you got to write but nothing comes to mind. You sit there and your mind starts to wonder. Yet, it is going nowhere and your work isn't being done. You're lost and you're not sure what direction to go.

    2. I felt the same way. Tell a story.

    I know what it's like. Everyday the alarm clock goes off at 5:30 AM. I know that I have 45 minutes to start working. I rush to exercise, eat and get ready. Then I sit down at the computer and ask myself "Why did I rush?" "What the heck was I thinking?" "Why do I call myself a writer?"

    3. Here is what I found! One possible solution.

    Then one day I found that if I watch the morning talk shows and just take an interest in one subject then when I get to my computer I write about what I just learned. Nothing big, just a few lines about that new gadget what it can do. What I like about it and what I don't like. If I do this for about 10 minutes then I am up to write about other things.

    But if you are trying to promote something then poke a few holes in your solution and say that you can find more and better ideas by going to this website(or whatever link you want).

    I hope this helps.


    When faced with a charging bull, the choice is not whether you grab the bull by the horns but whether or not you kiss it on the lips.

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    • Profile picture of the author jonb
      1. Get a voice recorder out.

      2. Create an imaginary person to represent your target audience. Imagine his/her appearance, age, what they're wearing, and give them a name.

      3. Turn on the recorder.

      4. Picture yourself sitting across a table from your imaginary friend and start telling him/her about this exciting new product/service you just discovered and why he or she should try it. As you would in a natural conversation, focus on what's in it for them -- in other words, benefits, not features.

      5. Transcribe what you said. I'm betting you'll have a pretty good rough draft of your sales copy.

      And one more thing - get yourself a copy of Triggers by Joe Sugarman. It's sheer genius and will get you excited about writing copy, even if you feel utterly blocked.


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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Just write. Be bad. Be a moron. Write stuff you've written
    before. Write stuff with bad thinking.

    Just write. Be a bad writer. You have to get through the bad
    stuff to get to the good stuff.

    Don't think good writers don't write crap. Most do. It's part of
    the creative process.
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  • Profile picture of the author JOhnny Depth
    I think that you meant writer's block, LOL.

    sometimes I do experience it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Charann Miller
    Just write, sometimes we get too caught up in mental editing that the words don't flow at all. Just write anything that comes to mind, you will find that amidst the blur of text on your screen you will have some good nuggets of information strewn around in there.

    Pick out those nuggets and refine them.

    This is also a great way to just free yourself up to write. Don't overthink it, just do it.

    I also do lots of reading on my subject matter than regurgitate it in my own words in my own style with my own viewpoints threaded through it.

    When writing articles and ebooks I always write my intro last. You end up developing more sound knowledge around your subject matter the further into the project you get so it's better to reserve intros for last.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author rbjc7080
    I find that is is always best to carry a usb type recording device. I use a sandisk it come with all you need, then clear head go for a walk and start talking. If you need inspiration it also has a music feature that you can add to and listen to sometimes it helps to get the words your looking for to flow.
    When your done plug in to the usb port on your computer and go to work.
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