Opt-ins are icky and Email Marketing Makes Me Queasy, What If...
Here I'm talking about the IM and all associated niches specifically.
I have been around the IM game for a little while now, and am finally at the point where I have found very consistent success with several methods and strategies.
I am finally at the point where I feel comfortable and confident enough to enter the IM niche myself and start a blog and start marketing there.
My question for this esteemed thread is that with all the absolute CRAP out there right now in "the industry" I don't believe building lists and marketing through emails is as efficient as it can be in several non-IM niches.
My idea is to put off building an opt-in list, and substitute it with a Facebook fan page and/or group.
Here is my theory . . .
EVERY fan you get, you will be able to build a very personal relationship with. They will be your friend and be able to post on your wall, you can chat with them, they will have one-on-one access to you. Not at all times, of course, but it just seems much more personal.
This will enable you to build a comfort level, and relationship with your "list" unlike previously available . . .ummmmm, EVER!
I think this is awesome, especially for this niche.
I think this would be an easy and efficient way to build TRUST with the people who are interested in YOU and what YOU have to offer them.
It seems extremely powerful, especially in this NICHE, where you question everything and everyone.
I mean, you go to a $5 SEO page and there are 100 questions people are asking because they don't want to get ripped off for their 5 bucks.
I'm in the early stages of developing this method . . .
I'm looking for you guys' opinions and ideas for how to make this work properly and smoothly.
Things like how I get buyers to join my Facebook group before accessing my product and stuff like that.
Say anything you like (I'm not one to take offense), who knows . . .
Maybe it'll even work!
Let me know what you guys think . . .
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