Best membership site price points?

by 4 replies
What are good price points for a membership site? Any pricing psychology you like best? I heard on a web-call from Ryan Lee that he thinks the set it and forget it $47 and up monthly membership models are dead. People are watching every penny. But if I price too cheap I go broke. What do you think? It cheaper and volume better than too high and constant subscriber churn?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #membership #points #price #site
  • I think it has to be low enough for people to actually join in the first place, maybe you could say $10 for first month then $15 recurring. Thats what i would do to get people interested.
  • There's no answer to that question, depends on the site/product case by case basis. It's not that there's a right price point for everyone, it's what customers think its worth.

    Every product we do whether membership or auto shipped physical product gets tested at multiple price points, could be anywhere from $19.99 to $97 a month.

    You've got to run a few hundred customers into each and then look at your retention, more importantly your value per sale. Your niche, content quality, update frequency, social proof, all play a role in what you can charge.

    If its content based then generally you'd want to stay in that under $100 range, then do a higher end version of the membership at $197 or higher. Your lower continuity is your fishing pool for your higher continuity. Better to get thousands of subscribers in at $67 a month then sell a percentage of those at $197 than start with $197 and kill your acquisition rates.
  • Hey Rob,

    It's not necessarily that the $47/month price point is dead (I still have new members coming into to my $97/month programs).


    The days of just buying cheap resell rights products and sticking a $47/monthly price point is just about over.

    You might be able to get someone to try it for a month - but people are watching their credit card statements even more closely, and they will never stay on.

    It's more about VALUE.

    I've had people cancel at $10/month program just as quickly at a $100/month if they don't feel there is value.

    I still LOVE high priced continuity, as long as you provide REAL VALUE.

    I use Nano Continuity as another level of income to bring people in, create stable income and then offer them options to move to more expensive programs.

    Rock 'on,
  • Banned
    Is it me or did ryan lee just pulled off a great marketing tactic here? haha.

    BTW a member of your inner circle and love your content =)

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    What are good price points for a membership site? Any pricing psychology you like best? I heard on a web-call from Ryan Lee that he thinks the set it and forget it $47 and up monthly membership models are dead. People are watching every penny. But if I price too cheap I go broke. What do you think? It cheaper and volume better than too high and constant subscriber churn?