Super Tiny Acer Aspire One and Camtasia?

7 replies
I have my eye on one of those super tiny netbooks - the Acer Aspire One and was wondering of anyones experience with using one and using camtasia? :confused:

With it's super small screen size how does that affect camtasia recording if at all?

If anyone has any experience with using camtasia on screens that are 9" in size PLEASE let me know!

#acer #aspire #camtasia #super #tiny
  • Profile picture of the author Wakunahum
    It will record X pixels by X pixels depending on your resolution or how big your selected area is.

    I have a 10" netbook and it seems to do fine.

    If you wanted to get a bigger resolution, you can always just plug in a monitor and get a much larger resolution if you needed it that big.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    I'm looking into getting that Acer Mini so I can take it with me to meetings and such. Not for working at home but using it more for examples and power point presentations, etc...

    Mike Hill
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  • Profile picture of the author J. Barry Mandel
    Yeah Mike I just did research on all netbooks and that one seems to be the best for my IM needs. It's got 160GB, enough ports, and is loaded with XP.

    It looks like for about $375 you can grab one and pay maybe $50 more for a drive to load up software.

    Not too shabby for something you can easily take with you wherever you need to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author eholmlund
    might be kind of nice... you could record full screen and it would easily fit within most people's monitors.
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  • Profile picture of the author Floyd Fisher
    Originally Posted by Justin Mandel View Post

    I have my eye on one of those super tiny netbooks - the Acer Aspire One and was wondering of anyones experience with using one and using camtasia? :confused:

    With it's super small screen size how does that affect camtasia recording if at all?

    If anyone has any experience with using camtasia on screens that are 9" in size PLEASE let me know!

    Screen size isn't your problem...the cpu just might be.

    Ask techsmith if an intel atom processor has enough horsepower to run camtasia. My gut tells me no.
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  • Profile picture of the author hdcayse
    I realize this is an old post, but I had been thinking of trying this out myself today for some reason and stumbled across this post. I have an Aspire One D-150 with 2 gb of RAM. My preliminary test is that it records the screen just fine. I tried it at 640x480. It has a max resolution of 1024x600 on the laptop screen, but you can connect to an external monitor for higher resolution.

    I haven't tried to convert an avi file to anything else yet. My guess is that it will be pretty slow. I'll check it out and report back.
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