Bad Economy Please STFU

28 replies
Yep, sorry... I said it! Bash me if you want.

But the whole media should STFU for a while. The more they talk about how bad
the economy is the worst it will get!

- Guy reads in the news paper how bad the economy is (day in and day out)
- He spreads bad news to his wife
- Next day they don't buy that car because of the evil economy
- His boss comes to see him in the morning to tell him he is being laid off because nobody's buying cars anymore

Sorry, this is off topic, but next time when someone starts talking about the economy I will keep my mouth shut, it's not helping anyone.

Including the internet marketing community

P.S: Sorry I know this is off topic
#bad #economy #stfu
  • Profile picture of the author Eric Stanley
    Just got worse, the US Auto bailout just failed in the senate.. Look out belowww!
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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony Smith
    seriously though, the more people hear about other people not wanting to spend money and the fact that we are in a recession just makes them not want to spend money at all, in turn making our economy even worse. so i AGREE, media, please STFU. please and thank you. good post!

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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
      Yup. I just ignore the whiners who go on about "the economy" and "recession" and "the sky is falling in".

      Get over it!

      Look for the opportunity. look for the silver lining, because - believe me - there always is one.
      Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
    Just look at historical events that have occurred during 'recessions'... that's when the most innovative ideas have revealed themselves.

    Opportunity knocks when you most need the company.

    - Jared


    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author coolWebsites
    It seems the economy is undergoing a restructuring (new jobs/different industry shifts, you wouldn't use a 1970's typewriter nowadays, would you? But in some areas it would be like typewriter manufactures complaining because computer keyboards are replacing them), plus people that overextended themselves are now being called on their debts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jakehyten
    Its almost a self fulfilling prophecy. If youve ever read "the science of getting rich" by wattles it talks about going a year without watching the news or reading the newspaper. Gotta be careful what you put in your head
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  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Dean
    There's a difference between saying the economy is bad... which is true...

    ...and blaming the economy for why you can't make money or using it as an excuse to fail.

    You can still make money in a recession or depression. The famous copywriting book, "The Robert Collier Letter Book," has a lot of examples of direct mail pieces written during the depression. They were selling expendables like books, and still making good money doing it.

    But again, that's no reason to forget about the problems with the economy.

    The fundamentals are not sound. There's too much debt. Inflation could be a big problem. It's not a bad idea to pay attention to what's happening with the economy so you can prepare.

    ...but it is a bad idea to use it as an excuse to fail.

    Free Coaching WSO: How to finish all your 2013 "Goals" in JANUARY with my proven productivity secrets - taken from 9 years working as a freelance copywriter. Click Here

    Occupation: Best Copywriter Ever.
    Matt Bacak, Jim Edwards, Ryan Deiss and more.
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    • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
      Originally Posted by Stephen Dean View Post

      There's a difference between saying the economy is bad... which is true...

      ...and blaming the economy for why you can't make money or using it as an excuse to fail.

      You can still make money in a recession or depression. The famous copywriting book, "The Robert Collier Letter Book," has a lot of examples of direct mail pieces written during the depression. They were selling expendables like books, and still making good money doing it.

      But again, that's no reason to forget about the problems with the economy.

      The fundamentals are not sound. There's too much debt. Inflation could be a big problem. It's not a bad idea to pay attention to what's happening with the economy so you can prepare.

      ...but it is a bad idea to use it as an excuse to fail.

      Totally agree, I will never use the economy as an excuse, I have never made more money in my life than I am making right now.

      I just spent $250 dollars on a snake, and I eat steak and shrimp every night.
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      • Profile picture of the author ExRat

        I agree with all of the comments and sentiments - I feel the same about it. But you know what they say (and you know it's true) - there are opportunities and positive lessons in everything - even the most annoying/depressing/disastrous situations. And often, the worse it is, the better it is - if you know what I mean.

        Here are a few quick ones, to demonstrate -

        1) reinforcement - this situation is reinforcing my commitment towards some very positive things -

        a) withdrawing further from media influence, water-cooler/barstool life coach talk etc

        b) observing and understanding how the masses are reacting to this barrage and tailoring my life-plan and business-plan (further) based on the conclusions

        2) understanding - seeing through the smoke and mirrors and really seeing the media spin machine at work, in all of it's (sic) glory - and looking even deeper at what the smoke and mirrors are attempting to hide

        Conclusion - once upon a time, I was like everyone else (easily led). Now these things annoy me.

        Asking myself -

        a) why they annoy me

        b) what has changed

        c) what this means for my future

        ...leads to some very positive conclusions.

        Don't be annoyed, be happy...

        Roger Davis

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        • Profile picture of the author Matthew Olson
          Put the right product or service in front of the right audience and you will prosper.... regardless of the economy.
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        • Profile picture of the author Hardi Wijaya
          Originally Posted by ExRat View Post

          I agree with all of the comments and sentiments - I feel the same about it. But you know what they say (and you know it's true) - there are opportunities and positive lessons in everything - even the most annoying/depressing/disastrous situations. And often, the worse it is, the better it is - if you know what I mean.
          The Chinese knew this eons ago. It's already in their blood.
          Chinese translation of crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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          • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
            Originally Posted by coolWebsites View Post

            It seems the economy is undergoing a restructuring (new jobs/different industry shifts, you wouldn't use a 1970's typewriter nowadays, would you? But in some areas it would be like typewriter manufactures complaining because computer keyboards are replacing them), plus people that overextended themselves are now being called on their debts.

            That's right, industries are changing and shifting, thanks to technology (internet too). Entrepreneurs, like us, see opportunity and go for it.

            The regular folks, who love the false illusion of a "secure" job is completely a mess right now (rightfully so) as they see there economy falling apart (its actually happening right now).

            While the old economy crumbles and the masses have little faith in the secureness of the corporate world, many will be looking for other avenues to make money.

            These other avenues to make money are the "emerging" industries. These new emerging industries, will become the new economy, and will replace some of these bigger businesses.

            Knowing what the emerging industries are and knowing the biggest market gaps will make you a complete fortune in these "desperate" times.

            The smart marketers know how to use this economic downturn, the trends, spin it, and use it to there advantage and to make lots of money...

            The same way IM use "google trends" to make a quick buck on a quick trend.. You can follow bigger trends, get in front of them, and make a fortune.

            The person who informs these "desperate" people about these emerging industry, trends, and how to make money with it, will become filthy rich.

            The IM industry is part of it, but only a small slither of the complete pie...

            "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

            "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
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            • Profile picture of the author P_Cerrito
              There is so much good info above in this thread. There is always opportunity where there is failure- heck my predictions is that many new millionaires will be born as a result. It's so nice to know others are optimistic too.

              I stopped listening to bad news and started looking for oportunities.

              PS- anyone ever notice the kinds of commercials they play on TV on News channels and depressing tv shows versus an action movie?

              "We are the architects of our own lives"
              Power to attract wealth, success, love, and romance ...

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              • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
                Originally Posted by neo7117 View Post

                There is so much good info above in this thread. There is always opportunity where there is failure- heck my predictions is that many new millionaires will be born as a result. It's so nice to know others are optimistic too.

                I stopped listening to bad news and started looking for oportunities.

                PS- anyone ever notice the kinds of commercials they play on TV on News channels and depressing tv shows versus an action movie?
                It all comes down to your mindset. The people who have been working for a company for 20-40 years, are stuck in a mindset (like most of the US population). Mindsets and habits are difficult to change (sometimes) if you've been in it for so many years.

                Humans naturally resist change. You can capitalize on that fact alone.

                So, when CHANGE happens, and trends and economy SHIFT, money is there (somewhere)! Knowing what the change is, where the shift is, knowing the mindset of the people, comes into play.

                With technology and communication speeding up , so rapidly, we are also evolving much quicker as a result and able to make more money as well.

                "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

                "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
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            • Profile picture of the author Jim M
              Hi guys,

              Firstly I need to get something off my chest - network marketing is something which only a very few people can make money doing.A few years ago I spent time at the top end of a network marketing company - I was a 'Regional Director' - with a downline of about 3500 Distributors and Managers.

              Unless you are in a 'buyers club' -or want to consume the products at trade prices - DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY!

              The upside of network marketing is that you can meet some really good people, and you can learn some really good marketing techniques - but you won't make any real money on a long term basis unless you're at the top end of the tree - it's a hard numerical fact, there's no point in trying to debate it.

              Here's the killer question for anyone who tries to recruit you into 'an opportunity' --

              "So this is a good opportunity then - so how much did you make last month?"

              Typical response:- "Well I'm not making a lot at the moment whilst I'm building my business"

              Have you had any answers similar to that - sound familiar?

              Secondly world economies are in turmoil - denying or failing to face up to that fact is a fallacy. What we all need to do as experienced internet marketers is to identify the opportunities that appear from within all that turmoil.

              eg. The opportunities to show small business the savings to be made by using the internet to promote and sell products, cutting the budget spent on newspapers magazines and other forms of advertising.

              Thirdly have a focus on over delivering to your customers -but never lose sight of the fact that you need to provide for you and your family!

              Hope you found this useful..
              Jim Montgomery
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    • Profile picture of the author Anthony Smith
      Originally Posted by Stephen Dean View Post

      ...and blaming the economy for why you can't make money or using it as an excuse to fail.

      thats probably the most amazing thing i've heard in weeks. finally the truth comes out, so sick of hearing people whine, and blame the economy. The only person they have to blame is themselves for their failures...

      Need help finding affiliates?
      Need a joint venture broker?

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  • Profile picture of the author melanied
    I heard on NPR that the unemployment rate is about 6% right now, which is higher than usual - but it was at 25% during the Great Depression. We've got a long way to go before it's that bad! (THANK GOD!)
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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    I've also gotten sick of hearing about the economy quite a while back. It's gotten a little excessive.

    siggy taking a break...

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  • Profile picture of the author Empowered Entrepreneur
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
      Oh great more affiliate links in the sig file... Come on guys the forum rules are No Affiliate Links in the sig file (Jayson)...

      As for your post well Robert kiyosaki just joined an MLM company so you think he's going to say that it's the best business model out there? Hmmm...

      I remember the Kevin Trudeau and Nutrition for Life days... LOL

      Everyone's using the Economy as a scare tactic to promote anything and everything.

      Mike Hill

      Originally Posted by Empowered Entrepreneur View Post

      Hi all,

      If you want to know what's really going on in the economy, not all the useless crap you see on the news do youself a huge favor and go over to betternetworker dot you know what...

      Type in robert kiyosaki into the search box, and click on the call with mike dillard and robert kiyosaki and listen to this call. You are going to be absolutely shocked at what you will hear.

      I had the opportunity to recently be on this call, it was a real eye opener.

      And if you dont have an opportunity that can make you a ton of money real quick, you better find something fast.(Kiyosaki has been teaching this for over 12 years and you will hear him say it in the call...)

      My partners and I have found a couple of these companies and systems...we have been able to go from nothing to aproaching 100k per month because of one main company.

      You can explore the links in my signature file if you would like to learn more.

      Best of luck to everyone in something that 95% of people don't even know is coming...


      P.S. I am definitely not the kind who jumps on the band wagon with all the negetivity, but it's pretty hard to refute the things you will hear from Kiyosaki on this call...
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Fox

    This 'bad economy' has a lot of benefits for us IMO. I registered two really good domains last week to monetize it.

    Now if I were not breaking into the Internet Marketing field, I would be truly concerned.

    We have such an amazing opportunity to be able to reach into any lucrative nook or cranny anywhere on the planet.

    God, life was hard when I depended solely on my families manufacturing business for income and a sense of hope. Here in Michigan, our state is truly in the economic toilet.

    I could have joined the 'why me' crowd and simply bitched and complained, but where would that have left me?

    If anything it's fueled my desire even more to succeed with IM.

    Anyone else find it funny that we all seem to write our post responses like ad copy? I just noticed sentences all broken into groups of 4 or less, ha ha. I caught myself also but scroll up and look.

    I DO love this place......

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  • Profile picture of the author Matt MacPherson
    It's all one big psychological snowball effect.
    Signature :: Learn to code with interactive challenges.
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    • Profile picture of the author ildarius
      It's not a bad idea to pay attention to what's happening with the economy so you can prepare.
      I'm with you on that, it's good when the media talks about how you can save money on income tax by cashing out failing stock and declaring the loss as an expense or buying more RRSPs (applies to Canadians).

      But headlines like: "Companies still have Christmas parties, even though the economy is bad!" and "How many gifts can people afford this year" is garbage, it has no useful value IMHO

      Good to see so many intelligent and positive replies here
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  • Profile picture of the author Fabian Tan
    The media, second to family members and friends, is the greatest influence on people. People lose perspective and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    I had my best month last month coincidentally, and the trick lies in not bending over and letting the media swallow you up.

    If you consider yourself a capitalist marketer and you're grumbling about the economy, you should be ashamed of yourself!

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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Fox
    I've been helping run my families manufacturing business here in Michigan for the last 20 years. As a relative newbie to the Internet Marketing world I am beginning to see both sides of the coin.

    I completely understand how bad it indeed is for those in that sector. I am there and have been there believe me. We are a 3rd tier supplier and automotive is or rather was a large part of our business.

    Our plant has dropped from nearly 50 employees down to about 6 and it's getting worse. It's not from lack of effort. The competition for work is INSANE. Not crying, just stating a fact. Often we can not buy the steel for the cost of a finished, machined, plated part from China.

    Those of us here taking advantage of the internet are in a unique position. Basically we are recession proof short of a worlwide power outage. People will always be looking for information on something. We can silently from our living rooms crawl the entire digital universe like spiders looking for hidden treasure in the form of niches etc.

    My point is, for Joe Sixpack who goes to work on the same 6 foot square of concrete every day that is where his world ends. He only knows that the parts he makes on the assembly line are no longer needed.

    More and more Americans will turn to the net for income. Just wait until the bulk of India and China get online.

    In short, I can honestly say those in the manufacturing sector have it bad and they can either complain about it or move in another direction.

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  • Profile picture of the author bannerdemers
    At least I can afford gas again : -)
    save money. make money.

    tools and resources to get you started
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  • Profile picture of the author AverageGuy
    well, just one observation: I live in a area where the traffic was very bad. Before, even only about 3-4 months ago, the intersection has the traffic about 400K cars/day. It took me at least 45 minutes to drive to the office although it is only about 14 miles. I drove on local, because if I drive on highway, it takes longer. Now, it takes me less than 30 minutes on highway. The main reason is that there are many fewer cars on the highway.

    officially, recession began from the end of last year, it does not matter whether we talk about it or not.

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  • Profile picture of the author allisonwahm
    Did anyone go shopping on Black Friday? Could have sworn everyone still had money with all that shopping they were doing lol. Totally agree with your post.
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