10,000 Subscribers? How Long Did It Take?

12 replies
If anyone here has reached the 10,000 subscriber mark, I have two questions:
  1. How Long Did It Take?
  2. Can You Succinctly Explain How You Did It?

What was your approach? Simple opt in form on your site, driving traffic through Twitter and effectively doing SEO? Stuff like that (whatever your approach was)

I'm gathering feedback to, in the near future, make a change in the way I'm building a list.

Whatcha got?
#long #subscribers
  • Profile picture of the author RyanHaus
    Think of it this way.

    10 posts on 3 different forums each (in the same niche) per day equals 900 posts a month:

    Let's say each thread/post attracts just 100 views total (Low end)

    After 1 year: 900 times 12 = 10,800 posts/threads times 100 views = 1,080,000 views

    You offer something of value for free and you have targeted views. If just 1% signs up on your list, you have 10,000 subscribers all interested in what you are offering.

    This is just one of the ways I was able to get to 10,000 in a year.

    Simplicity is the key...honest reviews also help tremendously.

    There is article marketing, squidoo, hub pages, etc.
    If you just focus on one thing...you will get 10,000 in one year easily

    40 sign ups a day = 14,000 + a year.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
    I've been doing this for six years and still don't have that many.

    But I have a great list.

    Quality over quantity anytime. (Think buyers list)
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    • Profile picture of the author dadamson
      Originally Posted by Tim_Carter View Post

      I've been doing this for six years and still don't have that many.

      But I have a great list.

      Quality over quantity anytime. (Think buyers list)
      Great advice!

      You must realize that quantity means nothing, that fact that quantity is a number is the reason people are focusing on it... It's easy to check..

      Quantity is what really matters, too bad this can't always be measured by a 'number'.

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  • Profile picture of the author dotcosecrets
    I think the key is to think on the side of visitors:"why should I subscribe the list?"
    I think if we provide more great content for visitors, like valued articles, free products, etc. They would be likely to subscribe the list.

    And we can put a sentense to call their action next to the subscribe form, like:"Do you want to get our latest content, type in your email and we will send you daily"
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  • Profile picture of the author SolomonHuey
    Somewhere between the 1-2 year mark to reach 10,000.

    I used the stuff everyone says doesn't work...

    Traffic exchanges, safelists, and viral list builders almost exclusively.

    Solomon Huey
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  • Profile picture of the author Nickolie0990
    Quality is way better then quantity, but who says you can build a quailty list fast. Really it all depends on your traffic source and your offer. With the right two combination, you can build a 10K+ list in less then a month.

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  • Profile picture of the author P.Sharma
    I have a small list but it is very very effective since they are all buyers and I've sent them gifts time and again
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    • Profile picture of the author diegoortiz
      exactly 13 months since i started IM

      i did everything from the book:

      started with PPC/banners
      moved to article writing and SEO
      moved to ad swaps
      and finally facebook ads

      all highly targeted in the self help and internet marketing niches
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  • Profile picture of the author dlmore
    My dlmore.com blog only got 800 subcribers through 4 months
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  • Profile picture of the author Philok
    It's about quality and quantity.
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  • Profile picture of the author aminur
    Very well said people. I had the same questions when i started. Kept looking for answers but never took any action. As soon i took action i remember i hit 600 list with in 3 week and that was solid. If you don't want to go out and post all the time, just create a great product on something in demand and give it out for free. Trust me people will love you for that.
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