Over 500 clicks to amazon and finally my first sale!

10 replies
The other day I posted in a thread that I'd sent over 400 clicks through to Amazon as an affiliate and hadn't made a single conversion. Not even an unrelated sale. A couple of posters even commented that I'd had the worst luck with conversions they'd ever heard of.

This week I hit 500 unique visitors without a sale.

I was beginning to think that there must have been something wrong with my account and quite honestly, after 3 months of hard work without any results I was starting to lose heart.

I just logged in to find a modest commission from my first sale! I promised myself I wouldn't start a thread about it when it finally happened but I'm actually a lot more excited than I thought I would be.

Just seeing the money there completely changed my mindset. Everything I've been doing seems so much more worthwhile now that there's proof that it works.

Time to get back to work!
#500 #amazon #clicks #finally #sale
  • Profile picture of the author Irsan Komarga
    Let me the first to congratulate you! Keep it going...
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    Congrats Ben! Now track from which page that click came.
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  • Profile picture of the author esk
    working hard and seeing no results really gives you a hard time
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  • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
    Hey Ben. Congrats its always disheartening when you do a lot of work and results dont seen to come through. Congrats

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  • Profile picture of the author backendbuddy
    Ok, congrats. I started with few products, got 13 visits on that page, only 1 traffic reached amazon that did not convert. For last few days, there is no more traffic. And my lens rank is now going down, down, down. Am i cursed?

    Yes, i have only 1 lens! Nothing else. What are my sins?
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  • Lets hope for your sake it was just a run of bad luck, or maybe the keywords you rank for just aren't good for conversions.

    The first would be most desirable
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    So your conversion rate is 0.2%

    Now its a matter of bringing that up.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    Oh wow that must've been frustrating, but congrats on getting that first sale and now proving that it is working!
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    • Profile picture of the author finebird
      According to the probability theory, if you had the worst luck, now it should be the greatest luck.
      Congrats, mate!
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  • Profile picture of the author pruittfarm
    Way to go!!
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