Drop Bounce Rates below 30% with this Tip!

by LMC
8 replies
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to throw you a nice tip, it is confirmed that this will drop your bounce rate significantly lower as well as increase user clicking activity by at least 10%, tried and tested on over 50 websites. Confirmed by increase in sales.

You can see it in action on this site: My Site

When you go to it, notice the simple three boxes on the page, hover over them and notice the change in the background of the image as well as the change done in the text. This is a very simple change done in photoshop, you just create two images and make the adjustments to one of them.

On the home page you put this code in:

you place your images on the main root folder and create the variables below.


<script type="text/javascript">
var a = new Image(); a.src = 'buycostumes.png'; (image 1)
var b = new Image(); b.src = 'buycostumes2.png'; (image 2)
var c = new Image(); c.src = 'buytuxedos.png';
var d = new Image(); d.src = 'buytuxedos2.png';
var e = new Image(); e.src = 'movie.png';
var f = new Image(); f.src = 'movie2.png';

After you have the script in, when you call the images you use this script below, ###### is the page you are connecting to. You can see where i call the images out.


<a href="#########" onmouseover="document.images['s1a'].src='buycostumes2.png';" onmouseout="document.images['s1a'].src='buycostumes.png';"><img src="buycostumes.png" name="s1a" height="200" alt="Buy Dumb and Dumber Tuxedo Costumes" width="180" border="1" align="left" ></a>

<a href="##########" onmouseover="document.images['s1c'].src='buytuxedos2.png';" onmouseout="document.images['s1c'].src='buytuxedos.png';"><img src="buytuxedos.png" name="s1c" height="200" width="180" alt="Buy Dumb and Dumber Tuxedo" border="1" align="left" ></a>

<a href="##########" onmouseover="document.images['s1e'].src='movie2.png';" onmouseout="document.images['s1e'].src='movie.png';"><img src="movie.png" name="s1e" height="200" width="180" alt="Dumb and Dumber Movie Information" border="1" align="left" ></a>

That is it.

Simple tricks that provide awesome results.

There might be better ways to do this, but what this does is create activity on your site which is becoming ever so more important.
#30% #bounce #drop #rates #tip
  • Profile picture of the author Fleki
    Not sure i fully understand, are you saying this is more likely to make users click on something or are you saying this makes it look like there's another document being pulled up by the user?

    Million Years In Four Minutes

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3608087].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    If I ran an autoresponder, and someone had 30% bounce rates, due to address, I'd cancel their account! They are CLEARLY NOT getting names the proper way!

    Of course, you must be misusing terminology. And WHO CARES if you have "activity". What you want is for PEOPLE to look at the info, etc.. and you often want them to buy things.

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    • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
      Thanks LMC that was a good tip...little things can make a big difference in a site.

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      • Profile picture of the author AlanT
        Thanks for sharing the javascript code for this. I've always wondered how to get those kind of effects.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bill_Z
      Hey nice tip! Thanks for the share, going to try this.

      Originally Posted by Fleki View Post

      Not sure i fully understand, are you saying this is more likely to make users click on something or are you saying this makes it look like there's another document being pulled up by the user?
      He is saying that by adding that code to change the images as you hover over them, it will catch the eye of the visitor, which in turn is likely to increase visitor "activity" a.k.a more clicks on the site and a lower bounce rate.

      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      If I ran an autoresponder, and someone had 30% bounce rates, due to address, I'd cancel their account! They are CLEARLY NOT getting names the proper way!

      Of course, you must be misusing terminology. And WHO CARES if you have "activity". What you want is for PEOPLE to look at the info, etc.. and you often want them to buy things.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3608709].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      If I ran an autoresponder, and someone had 30% bounce rates, due to address, I'd cancel their account! They are CLEARLY NOT getting names the proper way!

      Of course, you must be misusing terminology. And WHO CARES if you have "activity". What you want is for PEOPLE to look at the info, etc.. and you often want them to buy things.

      Steve the subject line isnt what the message is about. He is talking about people on his site.

      Screw You, NameCheap!
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  • Profile picture of the author matt5409
    can't believe the confusion in this thread, i only skim read it and it was OBVIOUS what the OP was talking about. it's a good tip.

    personally i'd recommend doing it with pure CSS though
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3608740].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigDaddys101
      Originally Posted by matt5409 View Post

      personally i'd recommend doing it with pure CSS though
      Maybe its just because I am PHP and still a bit scared of Java, but I would probably go with the CSS route to, it's about the same amount of code writing.

      a#look {display: block; width: 86px; height: 38px; margin: 0 auto; text-decoration: none; background-color: #ff00ff; }
      a#look img {display: block; border: 0; }
      a#look:hover {background-color: #0000ff; }

      *code source = Ben's web programming pages: CSS and Images

      But your right LMC just about anything cool or amusing will keep a visitor on the site. Useful Content, Interesting Interactivity, just something to do in general
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