[Tip] Why Is It Easier To Make Money Online Today Than It Was 5 Years Ago

7 replies
To make things clear, I want to mention that I'm making full time income only for last 1,5 month.

People think it's harder to make money online today than it was 5 years ago. But the reality is it's much easier to build an online business today than it was several years before... Many people think that there is too much competition, but they don't think about the number of people coming to the world of internet everyday!

#1 Reason* - there are more and more opportunities

Now, you can make money with Facebook, Twitter and with all other crazy sites. 5 Years ago such sites even didn't exist! Now, you can use video marketing very effectively. Just a few years you couldn't, because people hadn't quick internet connections. It was painful to watch videos on Youtube. Now it isn't.

Can you see the potential? The biggest problem is to pick just one strategy that works and put that on steroids. It is the key if you want to make lots of money online. Become an expert and the competition will be lower. Continue to tweak you systems and your competition will be 0.

More and more people have internet connections

This may sound a little bit crazy. It seems that everybody has an internet connection. Yes, in USA, and Europe, but there are lots of people in Asia... Africa... South America...

Do you know how many products are on Clickbank?

About 10,000. 20-40 products are added every day. Do you think it is a lot? If you think it's a lot, you are wrong. Only a tiny percentage of these products sell every day. By the way, can you tell me how many people are on the planet?

About 7,000,000,000.

About 2,000,000,000 of people use internet.

The ratio between the people who use internet and the people who sell digital products through Clickbank is 0.000005!!!

Okay, to be honest, people don't sell products only using Clickbank. But as you can see, the ratio is SO low...

There are more coaching courses and they are cheaper

5 years ago, there weren't so many different coaching courses and they were very expensive. Now you can get a step by step system for making $10,000 per month for just $19.95... or even for free.

There are more potential partners

There are much more people making money online, what means you can build relationships with them and get them driving traffic for you, what means more money for less efforts!

Share your thoughts about this topic "do you agree that making money online is easier today than it was 5 years ago?" (maybe I am wrong, because I am online only for about 6 months...)
#ago #easier #make #money #online #tip #today #years
  • Profile picture of the author roypreece
    Originally Posted by Matt Poc View Post

    Okay, to be honest, people don't sell products only using Clickbank. But as you can see, the ratio is SO low...

    There are more potential partners

    There are much more people making money online, what means you can build relationships with them and get them driving traffic for you, what means more money for less efforts!
    Another reason it is easier than 5 years ago is that more people are making OFFLINE sales through the internet. So many people now shop by putting the name of what they want into Google -- and looking to see what comes up.

    Offline businesses who previously would not 'drop ship' or allow unknown internet sites promote their goods are realising that if someone they don't know can make sales for them on the net, for a reasonable commission, then they should accept the order.

    The true revolution -- using online surfing to drive offline sales -- is still in its early stages.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    And with rising living expenses, especially with surging gas and energy prices, we are seeing a tsunami of new first time buyers coming online to find products at low costs....There has never been a better time to sell physical products online than now!

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    • I completely agree! I have bought 2 WSO's one about how to create facebook fanpages, the other about how to get facebook ad clicks for a penny. I applied both of them and am working on my website to sell fanpages. The twist is that I speak spanish, so there will be a HUGE hispanic market that I can tap. I can sell fanpages for $150 to $300, and the WSO's cost me $28 total. I may also eventually market spanish IM videos on how to create a fanpage and get one penny clicks. I can do webinars, host local events, start a meet-up, the possibilities are endless.
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      • Profile picture of the author CPA Andrew
        Originally Posted by unlimitedmarketing View Post

        I completely agree! I have bought 2 WSO's one about how to create facebook fanpages, the other about how to get facebook ad clicks for a penny. I applied both of them and am working on my website to sell fanpages. The twist is that I speak spanish, so there will be a HUGE hispanic market that I can tap. I can sell fanpages for $150 to $300, and the WSO's cost me $28 total. I may also eventually market spanish IM videos on how to create a fanpage and get one penny clicks. I can do webinars, host local events, start a meet-up, the possibilities are endless.
        Would love to see this in action good luck!
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      • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
        Originally Posted by unlimitedmarketing View Post

        I completely agree! I have bought 2 WSO's one about how to create facebook fanpages, the other about how to get facebook ad clicks for a penny. I applied both of them and am working on my website to sell fanpages. The twist is that I speak spanish, so there will be a HUGE hispanic market that I can tap. I can sell fanpages for $150 to $300, and the WSO's cost me $28 total. I may also eventually market spanish IM videos on how to create a fanpage and get one penny clicks. I can do webinars, host local events, start a meet-up, the possibilities are endless.
        Hola..muy bien! I'd be interested to hear how you get on as certainly where I live (on a spanish Island) the local businesses can be a bit insular at looking at online marketing of any form and maybe dealing with a non local.

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  • Profile picture of the author WinstonT
    Haha I think the main reason for its success boils down to a few reasons.

    Due to rapid globalisation, we often see ourselves turning towards the Internet for transactions and information transfer. There's this increase in the acceptance of using the Internet for our daily work, so we see online shopping skyrocketing.

    And the new age calls for us marketers to take it up from the offline stage to the online stage.

    Personally I love that the Internet was created. That has been a truly crazy opportunity for all of us right here. To be able to access an international market connecting America, UK, Asia, Australia and all sorts of people... Surely that would give birth to a crazy multimillion opportunity.

    We all are here, learning stuff and experiencing the ups and downs of the business cycle. I think it's great stuff.

    Let's work together. I'm sure the Internet will grow much more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
    I think it's easier now due to the limited funds you can start with. I posted this recently but when I started online in the mid 90's it cost an arm and a leg to even get online. I paid £2,600 ($4,000) for a desktop computer, a £100 a month for internet access ($160 a month), £100 a year for a domain and basic hosting started from £100 ($160) a month! Oh and trying to get a merchant account was fun back then as well..mention internet and UK banks thought you were a scammer and promptly put the phone down!
    Sure there's more competion online but amount of people that can access the net and actively use it to buy things must be 1000's times more then in the 90's!

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