PROOF: The most important element on an affiliate sales page?

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It's been 3 years now in this business and I've begun to think that "proof" is the most important thing to help sell on affiliate web pages.

Most people know that one needs "social proof" on a sales page, and one needs proof that you know what you are talking about somehow- Screen shots of sales, dressing up as a doctor and taking a picture, drawing fat and skinny before and after pictures of themselves on Photoshop, etc...

The most powerful "proof" that someone can use on an affiliate sales page is actual honest proof.

I think the faster a newbie can realize this, the faster they are going to succeed.

People can smell BS, no matter how carefully contrived, from a mile away. An honest voice and opinion on a product, from actual use of it, is going to sound genuine and going to persuade people easily and effortlessly.

Buy the product! Take some crappy pictures using it! Do some serious research! Add a crappy video using it using your iPhone! The longer you take and more honest effort you put into reviews, the better you will succeed.

I guess this sounds obvious to some...but I remember when I first started out, I was going about it all the wrong way. I would steal pictures of the product from other sites, I would get all my information about products from other sites and try to piece it together, I would add other peoples videos, and I would consequently make "thin" content that people could smell as BS...or they just wouldn't see the content as compelling.

I've since learned that just buying the product (or even borrowing it from someone!), using it, and making an honest and MASSIVE effort to give the reader all the information they need to make a buying decision, creates a lot more commissions with less effort. Now the visitor sees proof I'm willing to go the distance to help their search/shopping experience.

Stupid simple as they say.
#affiliate #element #important #page #proof #sales

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