Secrets to profiting from PLR

24 replies
Hey Warriors,

I am wondering if you would be willing to share with me your biggest secret/tip to profiting from PLR.

#plr #profiting #secrets
  • Profile picture of the author Alan Cheng
    There are lots you can do with PLR products such as packaging them as bonuses for your main product or for an up-sell.

    You can even place them on document sharing sites such as Slideshare and Docstoc to generate traffic to your money pages.

    But these aren't considered secrets though. Just take some action and you'll see what works best for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author skyla
      First off you want to change the PLR and make it unique to your niche. Quickly rewriting PLR only takes minutes and you can also add additional sources of information to the product. Reference links, editors notes can all compliment and enhance your PLR.

      Take several articles and compile them into a report. Break them down and use as blog posts or autoresponder messages. Turn articles into videos and podcasts.

      Use the PLR material as an idea source and create new articles or even an e book from them.

      None of these are secrets, just good ways to use PLR and make it unique.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ronnie Nijmeh
    More cool Products from Ronnie Nijmeh

    Automated Book Design and Publishing (Convert docx to pdf AND create Kindle formatted books!)
    Personal Finance Loophole (Get on Page 1 of Google for FREE... making shed tons per lead)
    Bread Money Method (IM & Weight Loss = Peanuts compared to this MONSTER niche)
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  • Profile picture of the author ladywriter
    Agree with making it unique...would it help to give a few sample articles so they know your PLR is the 'good' kind and not the 'spun 100 times barely legible' kind?
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    • Profile picture of the author skyla
      Originally Posted by rosegrower76 View Post

      Agree with making it unique...would it help to give a few sample articles so they know your PLR is the 'good' kind and not the 'spun 100 times barely legible' kind?
      Any good PLR will send you samples if you ask. I am just working on uploading samples to my site as a giveaway.
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  • Profile picture of the author abbesnwk
    Best is to use as a bonus for your product, and for articles, compile them together to create reprts or e-books
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  • Very simple.

    Take more time to work with the PLR than everyone else does. PLR when used properly isn't a magic bullet solution for content or product creation, but can still be a real time saver. Going that extra mile is where the real money is made.


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  • Profile picture of the author DeJuan Collins
    I would have to say that one of the biggest secrets to using PLR is creating multiple niches with the same PLR products. Take the PLR and create diverse niches for different businesses or professions. Example, instead of just creating PLR for the IM world, use PLR to create a modified version for Doctors, Lawyers, Stay-At-Home Moms, Plumbers, etc. Hope this helps.

    De'Juan Collins
    internet marketing coach
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  • Profile picture of the author Peggy Baron
    I don't think there are any secrets to using PLR, but what IS important is to actually use it. Go into buying PLR with a plan so you get what you're looking for. If it's a complete package, buy from a respected PLR package seller.

    With your plan in mind, change the PLR to suit your needs. The easiest way to do that is to add to it - images, screenshots, examples, personal experience, more bullet points, etc.

    I think it was Robert Plank who said you should aim to use the PLR you purchase within 24 hours. Not always doable, but it gets you moving forward and taking action with it.

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    There aren't any secrets. It's simple business. Buy it cheap and sell it for more. Get PLR stuff that people want. Make it available with a written, audio or video (or all three) appeal on a clean looking site, drive traffic to your offer and the sales will come. There are variations on this like membership sites, bonus stuff, etc. But the basic formula is virtually the same all the time. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tiptopcat
    As a person new to PLR (am setting up a site), would you say that it is definitely important to provide free PLR content right from the beginning or is it ok to provide a sample of your writing on the website?
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    • Profile picture of the author Doug Wakefield
      I don't give away any freebies, and rely simply on a sample to prove my writing. Now I have testimonials, so the sample means a little less.

      Originally Posted by Tiptopcat View Post

      As a person new to PLR (am setting up a site), would you say that it is definitely important to provide free PLR content right from the beginning or is it ok to provide a sample of your writing on the website?
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    • Profile picture of the author Peggy Baron
      Hi Tiptopcat,

      I would do both! But it's easiest to start with showing a sample on your site. Then when you've had time to create a free pack, you can offer that on your site (with opt-in) and also use it for a free WSO to build your subscriber list.

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      • Profile picture of the author Doug Wakefield
        I should give away the whole pack I pulled the sample from considering that I pulled the pack from service from a total lack of traffic and sales. The sample was the blockbuster from it.
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        • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
          Think of PLR as a starting point, not the end. What you get from good quality PLR is research that has been done for you already, so good PLR does save you lots of time. But you need to take the PLR content and repurpose it and make it unique.

          Some ideas:
          • take the best parts of a PLR report and submitting it as a free viral report to ebook directories
          • break up a large PLR ebook into smaller reports
          • if it's a video PLR series, you might want to rebrand it and perhaps distribute the videos to a membership site
          • some people take PLR articles on a specific topic and compile them into an Amazon Kindle ebook

          So there's lots of ways to repurpose PLR. The key is to make it unique and market it accordingly.
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          • Profile picture of the author mikeroosa
            It's really only limited by your imagination. I typically use them as bonuses, but you really should rework them.

            For example, take a video plr and convert it to an ebook or take an ebook and use in your auto responder to give your subscribers some free content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    I have to agree with Peggy - the first thing is to make sure that you actually use the PLR. I am guilty myself of buying PLR and letting it sit on my computer forever and not getting around to using it.

    Rewrite it, use it for article marketing, use it for blog posts, make a short report out of it, there is just a huge amount that you can do with PLR as long as you actually USE IT and not just let it sit there gathering dust.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    There is no secret in in making money from PLR. Well the usual that people do is to rewrite the PLR and add them to a site/blog as a new content. There are other marketers who uses PLR to send something interesting to their list and then you may convert those PLR as a video as well and you can submit them to video sites like youtube or vimeo.

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    • Profile picture of the author cynthea
      This has been a valuable thread. I am somewhat new to IM and as a writer, I'm interested in the idea of selling shorter articles with private label rights. I appreciate everyone's thoughts. Thank you!
      > Former Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 Writer Available to Work for You <
      Ghostwriting |Copywriting for the Web | Information Architecture
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  • Profile picture of the author willster74
    The best tip I can give is to take a PLR product and totally rebrand it...

    You can use the plr product for a front end offer - just add your name and your own title.

    Create your own unique sales letter or sales video, get new graphics - header/mini site graphices and ebook graphic.

    Takes some work of course but basically you are using the PLR as a shortcut to product creation but doing your own superior marketing. This works as I have done very well with this strategy.

    Hope that helps,
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  • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
    There is no secret to making money with PLR it is simple about finding the high quality PLR, which is both original (in that it hasn't been re-produced) and fresh, whilst leveraging targeted traffic to the website you utilise the PLR for, whether this be a complete PLR minisite package or just utilising high quality PLR articles for leveraging traffic to your already established blog.

    Simply, you can make lots of money with PLR by getting high quality PLR and targeted traffic.
    If you want to learn how to make money online, no bullshit click here.
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  • Profile picture of the author BlondieWrites
    There aren't any secrets to profiting from PLR. It's just a matter of using it instead of letting it sit on your computer.

    There are so many ways to use PLR and make money with it!

    The main thing is to rewrite the PLR or make changes to it so that it's not exactly the same as when you purchased it.

    You can use PLR for your blogs or websites, in newsletters (print and online), in magazines, reports and ebooks, autoresponders, sell on Kindle as ebooks, for membership sites, webinars, videos, etc. You can build Wordpress blogs with PLR content and then use WPTwin to clone/backup the blog and sell the whole thing as a PLR blog, in various niches.

    The ways to use PLR and make money is only limted by your imagination.

    Content Niches

    Content Niches - Niche Content, PLR Content, One Owner Content, PLR Articles, PLR Ebooks, Ebook Content, Printables, and More.
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  • Profile picture of the author salmansafder
    ill definitely try PLR with my 1 niche product in the shape of different contents.


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    • Profile picture of the author Alminc
      When it comes to PLR content (most often written content), the crucial
      thing is to be the first to put it in use online. The one who can publish
      PLR material, with minor customisations, FAST will enjoy all the benefits.

      If you are not fast, then you must change it to a much higher degree
      in order to benefit from it.

      Whatever you want to achieve with your PLR content, do it within few
      hours after downloading it.
      No links :)
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