Finally cracked the code. What I learned.

by XX
13 replies
Experimentation is key.
You can not trust all the things you read.
You need to tweak and experiment for yourself
#code #cracked #finally #learned
  • Profile picture of the author WhosGotMoves
    Thanks for sharing your success. It helps fuel those who have yet to make it to that point and keeps us going.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nickolie0990
    Experience is the best teacher, the problem is it is a DAMN hard lesson to learn.

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  • Profile picture of the author AndreTinker
    Congratulations, hopefully I'll be writing a post just like this in the near future!
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  • Profile picture of the author NateC
    Persistence has to be applied with the experimentation also. Congrats...
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Brauer
    Originally Posted by XX View Post

    Experimentation is key.
    You can not trust all the things you read.
    You need to tweak and experiment for yourself
    100% True.

    Whenever someone says they have a fail-proof way to make!

    What works for them, may be incredibly difficult or near impossible for others.

    But you are absolutely correct, TEST EVERYTHING - then scale what works. This is the foundation of a successful business, online or offline.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    Originally Posted by XX View Post

    Finally cracked the code. What I learned.
    Experimentation is key.
    You can not trust all the things you read.
    You need to tweak and experiment for yourself
    Thanks, That's what was missing from my plan. :rolleyes: :confused: ... NOT

    Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Benson P
    Very true. Taking action is the way.
    I learn more when using it than reading.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    I'm convinced that more people don't do testing and adjusting because too many of us are stuck in "make money RIGHT NOW!" mode. If you take the longer view and plan ahead more (I know, BORING!), you will usually set yourself up better and make more money faster. It works just the opposite of what intuition tells you.
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  • Profile picture of the author jayshankard
    Yes! Very True, the Make Money Right Now mode makes us work less and expect more. We should be focusing on making a solid base for our endeavors, not hurry in for quick results with incomplete experience and knowledge. Implementation is the key to success. Knowledge is incomplete without implementation. Only testing and retesting can make out the gold inside you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Linda_C
    Originally Posted by XX View Post

    Experimentation is key.
    You can not trust all the things you read.
    You need to tweak and experiment for yourself
    I tried sushi once. All the good things I read about it were wrong. For me. They're right for people who LIKE raw fish. I'm not one of them. So I experimented and cooked them. That worked for me.

    Marketing is a lot like that. What works for me isn't necessarily what works for anyone else. Experimenting is how we find out what works for us.

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  • Originally Posted by XX View Post

    Experimentation is key.
    You can not trust all the things you read.
    You need to tweak and experiment for yourself
    Persistence is a big factor for me. If you're not seeing results after a month it can be hard to keep going. The ones that make it in this business are the ones that keep trying and persisting until they do get results.
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