I am SICK of affiliates stealing my keywords!

19 replies

Does anyone here know how to shield your domain name
from all those damn spy tools??

I am so sick of getting my campaigns hijacked by affiliates
that only rewrite my presell page and start bidding on the same
keywords that I took time to research.

This has happened to me 3rd time this month!

Is there a way to stop them from accessing this data somehow?
#affiliates #keywords #sick #stealing
  • Profile picture of the author SandyDuPlessis
    Originally Posted by affhelper View Post


    Does anyone here know how to shield your domain name
    from all those damn spy tools??

    I am so sick of getting my campaigns hijacked by affiliates
    that only rewrite my presell page and start bidding on the same
    keywords that I took time to research.

    This has happened to me 3rd time this month!

    Is there a way to stop them from accessing this data somehow?
    I am a little confused, since I have no involvement with regards to affiliates at this stage and am very poor affiliate material for other marketers

    Are these your own affiliates, or rival affiliates?

    If they are rivals then obviously I have no answer.

    However if they are your own, then I should think that you want them to be successful and it seems logical to me that you would in fact give them all the keywords. After all, one way or another they are earning money for you and/or helping you build your list.

    Since I will hopefully have affiliates of my own soon, this may turn into an interesting thread.

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  • Profile picture of the author matthewd
    Why offer an affiliate program then?
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    Originally Posted by affhelper View Post

    I am so sick of getting my campaigns hijacked by affiliates that only rewrite my presell page and start bidding on the same
    keywords that I took time to research.
    Then why would you even offer an affiliate program?

    Wow. I mean... wow.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jenni Mac
      If they're your affiliates, shouldn't you be giving them keywords? I listend to Willie Crawford's blogtalk radio show the other day and one of his key mentions was that Merchants should NOT compete with their affiliates. Their job as Merchants is to do whatever it takes to help out their affiliates.

      If they're rivals selling the same affiliate product as you, I doubt very much you can stop them discovering your keywords. It's all part of the game isn't it?
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  • Profile picture of the author affhelper

    They are not my affiliates! They are just competing against me.
    Some of my CPA campaigns took a lot of time to set up so they
    profit. Then some dude comes along and uses Keyword Spy and
    steals your keywords..lol

    It's ridiculous. They even copy the landing page. I actually went a changed
    something on one of my landing pages and the affiliate did the same thing
    after he noticed what I did.

    There has to be a way to protect yourself from those spying tools.
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    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Originally Posted by affhelper View Post


      It's ridiculous. They even copy the landing page. I actually went a changed
      something on one of my landing pages and the affiliate did the same thing
      after he noticed what I did.

      There has to be a way to protect yourself from those spying tools.
      If they are copying your landing pages, there are legal remedies for that. There are also other...remedies. Imagine if their campaign suddenly became....unprofitable for some reason. That would suck for them, but hey, it happens sometimes.
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  • Profile picture of the author matthewd
    Oh, I understand now... don't know the answer though.
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  • Profile picture of the author blase40
    I dont think there are any ways to stop it. And if something comes up that is able to put a stop to it, the tools will be updated to bypass such measures.

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  • Profile picture of the author affhelper
    Of course if it was an affiliate for my product then I wouldn't care
    what he does.

    But I am running my own campaigns on Adwords where I am an affiliate
    with CPA networks, and sometimes it really makes me mad when I see
    those copycats.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
    There are very little regulations on what a person can and can not do on the internet. On the other hand, there are over $1.4 billion internet users. If they are using your words to compete against you, don't worry about it. It's not like they are stealing your customers. There is plenty to go around for everyone.

    Maybe you should use the same programs as a shortcut to promote your affiliates. It will save you time and you will get similar results as your competition.

    You know the saying... If you can't Beat'em, Join'em
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    • Profile picture of the author Kunle Olomofe
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[324871].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Lance K
        CALL your CPA network (get em on the phone). Tell your rep about how you're putting together and testing offers, and then ramping up the winners. Then tell them that some of their other affiliates are copying your hard work and cutting into your income. And if they continue to let them do it, you're going to take your efforts to another network and they'll be left with lazy, unimaginative copy cats. Which will cut into THEIR income.

        Then simply show them where to find the copy cats.
        "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
        ~ Zig Ziglar
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      • Profile picture of the author P_Cerrito
        The only thing I will ever use PPC for is my own products and my content sites unless it's a very short term thing or research. Too many copy cat's lacking their own originality and stealing people's hard work. haha If I was to ever prmote an affiliate- it would be thru a site and list I built. It's the only positive way I have found. Any else?

        "We are the architects of our own lives"
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        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Whenever my PPC advertising results drop below acceptable levels, I just drop them and move on to other products, whether it's affiliate products or my own products. That's just business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    I would setup additional websites, ones that your competition is
    unaware of and that they wouldn't have any way of discovering.
    Maybe even place those on a separate hosting account. Don't
    use all of your keywords on any one site but spread them around
    over 2-3 sites or whatever. I know all of this is a hassle, but it's
    a surefire way to keep the copycats at bay.

    And if you do not want people competing against you from forums,
    do not place your niche links in your forum signature.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fabian Tan
    Search for 'block Spyfu' on Google. There are some good content around to solve this.

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    • Profile picture of the author affhelper
      Originally Posted by Fabian Tan View Post

      Search for 'block Spyfu' on Google. There are some good content around to solve this.


      Thanks Fabian! Found exactly what I was looking for.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    I just did a little diggin on the issue and I'm curious to what solution you decided to use. Using an .htaccess file makes no sense to me since that won't stop scraping on Google. The author in the above article says they scrap the actual sites and not Google to collect their data...

    Can anyone explain how they would scrape sites directly and tie it into ppc data? Now I thought I did read somewhere that they get their data by accessing isp and server logs. That would explain how this could work, but that doesn't sound right from a legal standpoint.

    I did find another way to block them that should work which is using the Google ip exclusion tool in your Adwords account to block their bot ip's, assuming you can get a hold of all the spy tool ip's...

    So I guess I would try using both .htaccess and the Google ip exclusion tool as an extra security measure...

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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Tan
    Internet marketing is a world of "Dog eat Dog"....

    With so many SUPER-ADVANCE " Spying tools" around...

    And so many ebooks teaching "anyone" how to spy on your competitors on how to swipe the entire PROFITABLE campaign....

    It's a matter of time "everyone" would be doing that......

    Just for the HUGE affiliate paychecks......

    Diversify your marketing efforts...

    Don't just rely on PPC...

    Use all revenues...forums marketing, articles, social, SEO, building blogs.....etc.

    Gd Luck !
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  • Profile picture of the author Biggy Fat
    IM is such a cutthroat industry. Everybody steals shit all the time in it, including those commissions.
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