So this person sold a site...
This person sold a site
For almost $18k which (IMHO) is a joke. So i looked at his stats because i thought..uhm, ok..maybe the site is a joke but he gets HUGE traffic. But i see he only gets 100 uniques per day..also he states he doesnt even have unique content on there. And sold it for $17.500 ...
I am considering selling some sites of mine also, i have one weight loss site with a stellar domain name (in my opinion) and the site recently just took off, eg. yesterday alone i had 340 uniques..with traffic and rankings climbing like crazy....
Anyway i was talking to the wife and we both agree not to sell the weight loss site, although i am tempted, but i have other sites.
Problem is i dont know anything about selling on flippa or escrow etc. and need to make sure that IF i decide to sell a site i wont get scammed. So if you have pointers/FAQs what to look at as a seller i would appreciate it.
My free PSD logs can be downloaded at PSD Bum. Enjoy!
Tim Pears
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