Writers block? Heres a cool tip!

18 replies
Do you ever have trouble writing articles?

You don't really know where to get started? You don't know what to write about to attract your target market?


Here's a tip I learned from a marketing genius of mine and it works very well.

Anytime you have writers block and you don't really know what to write about when your creating articles, blog posts, etc....

Simply go to a forum related to your niche...
Look for the threads that get a lot of views...

(those are obviously hot topics)

and write about that topic!

Don't make it harder than it has to be.

Below is a link to a forum search engine to help you get going.


Hope this helps for you guys/gals out their with writers block

Have a great day,
Daniel Steven
#block #cool #tip #writers
  • Another good tip would be to search for videos on YouTube. Note down the main points and recreate your own article or blog post.

    D & L

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  • Profile picture of the author jimbowman
    Great tips!

    Another good idea would be to go to go offline and check a magazine; there are magazines for any niche. They have their fingers on the pulse, and usually know exactly what the public are interested in reading about.

    And, if you are looking for ideas in a really focused topic area, do a search on Google Books, and click on the link on the right that says "Magazines".
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  • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
    Also check out Jason Fladlien's 7-minute article method -

    How To Write An Article In 7 Minutes Or Less

    He outlines a system that enables you to sit down and churn out articles in less than 10 minutes. Then, churn out 8 different variations of the article in less than an hour by following his system.
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    • Profile picture of the author RevenueGal
      I usually start digging through my plr topics for ideas. But, another idea that you can do is take one of your really good subpoints from a previous article and create a brand new article. Just expand on that point...research and dig deeper.

      ~ Rhonda White
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    • Profile picture of the author danielsteven
      Originally Posted by timyang View Post

      Also check out Jason Fladlien's 7-minute article method -

      How To Write An Article In 7 Minutes Or Less

      He outlines a system that enables you to sit down and churn out articles in less than 10 minutes. Then, churn out 8 different variations of the article in less than an hour by following his system.
      That's pretty cool....thanks for the share
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  • Profile picture of the author Amrutg
    It is really a new way to find stuff for writing. Thanks for sharing this link. It would be of help at some time. thanks again.

    Useful,informative articles on health,diet,exercise,home remedies,beauty,stress management, depression,happiness,fitness and much more -

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  • Profile picture of the author Revolves
    Originally Posted by Greg Wildermuth View Post

    Those are great tips! I always use forums for ideas, especially on tricky subjects. I used to use Yahoo Answers for ideas, but then I realized that they're all more or less the same. Forums are much better.
    I agree with the Yahoo Answers thing. It is a bit repetitive, but is still useful for some basic research.

    One technique I like using is merely looking at article titles (not content) for ideas. Works for me all the time, and also ensures that I write unique content (because I'm not looking at the original article's content).

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  • Profile picture of the author backendbuddy
    I think watching videos will be very interesting. For my block i keep researching more and more facts!
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  • Profile picture of the author erange
    Hey...you're letting our secrets out! ;-)
    Great advice. In fact, once you start developing a list...you might also start to 'feel' the 'beat on the street' from the questions your subscribers ask. The only thing I'd add is that you should also focus on writing about what YOUR list wants to hear about.

    To Your Success,
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    And then to be sure to cut what you wrote out so you aren't just giving it away! Yeesh. Good tip! I've done stuff like this...
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  • Profile picture of the author Banner Design
    It is really new to me I would like to check out. seriously have been searching for this information guess what I finally got it. It works great , guess time for my new article. Thank you for the good information.
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  • Profile picture of the author josephl
    hi there,
    what i sometimes do is to paste an article i've written into Word and use the summary tools. It will show the autosummarize tool. I set the % to about 75% to get most of the main points. Then I rewrite again in my own words.
    Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author tedwood
    The forum search engine is okay.
    However I think It has way too much advertising to be taken seriously.
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    • Profile picture of the author r4nd0m12345
      Sounds like a good tip. I hate writers block!
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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    Similarly, if you have to stop writing in the middle of an article or e-book, stop writing in the middle of a sentence.

    I read once that Oscar Wilde used to use this trick to pick up his train of thought again. I've tried it and it works. Now I always

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  • Profile picture of the author darren13
    Great tips and thanks for the website. Just checked it out and it looks good for gathering writing topic ideas.

    Conquer or Die

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