The 3 Most Common Mistakes Newcomers Make With Web Copy
People have so many choices when they conduct a search on the web.
It is important therefore that as a newcomer -- you avoid these 3 common mistakes that many make when writing web content.
- Don't scream 'Buy, Buy, Buy!'
Whatever your subject matter -- you can bet there will be hundreds of other sites offering something similar.
However -- the good news for you is most of these other sites will be shouting 'buy, buy, buy' and will be attempting to get their visitors to dig out their credit cards.
To this day -- there are not nearly as many smart sites that put themselves in the shoes of their visitor -- and ask ' what's keeping this guy up at night? Why can't he sleep?'
Your site/product must provide a solution to a visitor's problem.
Remember -- your visitor is a real person with a real problem. Not an anonymous cyberspace email with a credit card.
- Make a list of benefits
Don't try and 'sell' -- just be gentle.
Grab a writers pad and list your benefits -- as many as you can think of.
Will your product give your visitor more time, or an understanding of a problem, better skin, more energy, an answer to their debt problems, more traffic to their website etc etc etc.
POWER TIP! If you spend a few hours listing genuine benefits -- your copy will be written for you.
- Edit your content
Less really is more.
The newcomer has a tendency to write too much! Remember the old adage: K.I.S.S. It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid.
Being a ruthless editor is one of the best skills I have learned.
I know there is TONS of information you want to get across. But life is busy -- everyone is running around. Remember that. Keep your web content short and sharp.
How many of us really read an entire webpage? (sure a few do -- but that is the minority).
If you are anything like me - I scan over a webpage -- read the headline -- a bit of text here and there -- often a few testimonials.
But already I have decided if I like what I see within a few seconds. A common mistake is to write long clumps of text that the site owner convinces himself that the reader needs to know.
Most of the time -- they really don't!
POWER TIP! Just list all your benefits -- slap on a sign up form -- and get out!