Newbie Internet Marketer Seeking for Suggestions

by GemFranco Banned
2 replies
Good day warriors,

I'm an newbie internet marketer trying to earn money from I have already registered as an affiliate and i need suggestions from successful internet marketers.

Here are the information's that I want to know:

-What is the URL of the website(s) you will use to send traffic to Amazon? (Is it the domain URL of my website or it is page URL where my content for amazon is on)
-Suggestions in selecting product for a newbie. Is it advisable for me to choose the best selling products?

Thank you in advance. All the information's you will contribute will help me a lot. Have a nice day!
#internet #marketer #newbie #seeking #suggestions
  • Profile picture of the author mikeroosa
    Login to your Amazon account and generate the link for the product you want to link to. There should be a bar across the top of your Amazon page that says "Link to this page".

    I like products in the 75.00 and up price range and I try to choose things that are popular.
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanHaus
    Originally Posted by GemFranco View Post

    Good day warriors,

    I'm an newbie internet marketer trying to earn money from I have already registered as an affiliate and i need suggestions from successful internet marketers.

    Here are the information's that I want to know:

    -What is the URL of the website(s) you will use to send traffic to Amazon? (Is it the domain URL of my website or it is page URL where my content for amazon is on)
    -Suggestions in selecting product for a newbie. Is it advisable for me to choose the best selling products?

    Thank you in advance. All the information's you will contribute will help me a lot. Have a nice day!
    1. You will want a URL that is similar to the product you are promoting (if it is available)...

    For example: lets say you are promoting "Toms' weight loss"

    You would want to get a domain that is similar to either
    or a domain that is similar to losing weight.

    Go to keyword tool on google and find out what keywords are being used the most in your niche to find out the best domain.

    You will be pre-selling ONLY. You are warming up your visitors to the product and are recommending it. Easier said than done, but you want to put some great content in there that is genuine. Familiarize yourself with your product the best you can.

    You will put that affiliate link on your website in your recommendation section.

    You are creating a funnel and having domain names that reflect your niche can benefit you greatly on the search engines if you put in good content.

    2. I suggest you go after products you have a passion about. Being new and going after high selling products will mean tons of competition against very experienced marketers. That will just lead to discouragement.

    There is much to learn to be effective in this business. Just start trying it and you will learn soon enough. Experience is gained through experience. Just fall on your face. It will happen. I went through several domains until I got it right. But I always learned better by doing.
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