Is anyone here Set for Life - due to their online success? or is this just a myth?

2 replies
Is anyone here Set for Life - due to their online success? or is this just a myth?

I wonder if Online Success is attainable by anyone (Myself).

However, I am struggling with getting the serious mainstream traffic which I desire.

Do any of you guys or girls know how to get massive amounts of targeted traffic pointed at your website?:confused:
#due #life #myth #online #seo #set #success
  • Profile picture of the author Wealthyclark
    Originally Posted by GoogleWarrior View Post

    Is anyone here Set for Life - due to their online success? or is this just a myth?

    I wonder if Online Success is attainable by anyone (Myself).

    However, I am struggling with getting the serious mainstream traffic which I desire.

    Do any of you guys or girls know how to get massive amounts of targeted traffic pointed at your website?:confused:
    Set For Life? Nothing is Guaranteed!

    I really think that the biggest problem people have is that they try to take the wrong type of shortcuts.
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanHaus
    Being "set for life" may happen in any business. The internet has potential just like anything else. However, The internet is still in its infancy. With constant evolution, what may work today as far as marketing efforts may not work in the near future.

    You will always have to be on top of your game as more and more people look at the internet as a means of more freedom.
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