How the rich get rich...

35 replies
I met a millionaire the other day. I asked him ' How did you make all your money?'

He leans back and and takes a breath. 'Well, about 3 years ago I stumbled across a website giving advice on 'how to make money online'. I signed up to the webmaster's newsletter and each week he would send me an email with a different tip on how to make money online. Initially I didn't attempt them as I was new to the internet and was a little nervous about getting into internet marketing.

Eventually, after receiving about 6 months worth of emails from this guy, he sent me one about a course he had created that he claimed would help me make hundreds of dollars a week if I followed it correctly. I figured this was the start I needed. I paid $47, got the ebook and duely got to work on it.

It didn't reap the rewards he suggested it would, but after about 3 months of work, I'd happily doubled my money. I took that money and invested it into a video course I'd seen available. The information featured in this course was more comprehensive. I started applying all the knowledge I was learning and after about 9 months I'd managed to make about $1,000. I then took this $1,000 and reinvested it into advertising and hiring article writers. Another 6 months followed and I'd made about $3,000.

All the while, I'd seen a guru who was offering coaching, for a cost of a $3,000 and now I had the opportunity to take advantage. I invested all my earnings to date. I was not disappointed. After the year of coaching, I'd made about $10,000.

Then my wife's father died and he left us two million dollars.

  • Profile picture of the author TiffLee
    Originally Posted by AdamCBR View Post

    I met a millionaire the other day. I asked him ' How did you make all your money?'

    He leans back and and takes a breath. 'Well, about 3 years ago I stumbled across a website giving advice on 'how to make money online'. I signed up to the webmaster's newsletter and each week he would send me an email with a different tip on how to make money online. Initially I didn't attempt them as I was new to the internet and was a little nervous about getting into internet marketing.

    Eventually, after receiving about 6 months worth of emails from this guy, he sent me one about a course he had created that he claimed would help me make hundreds of dollars a week if I followed it correctly. I figured this was the start I needed. I paid $47, got the ebook and duely got to work on it.

    It didn't reap the rewards he suggested it would, but after about 3 months of work, I'd happily doubled my money. I took that money and invested it into a video course I'd seen available. The information featured in this course was more comprehensive. I started applying all the knowledge I was learning and after about 9 months I'd managed to make about $1,000. I then took this $1,000 and reinvested it into advertising and hiring article writers. Another 6 months followed and I'd made about $3,000.

    All the while, I'd seen a guru who was offering coaching, for a cost of a $3,000 and now I had the opportunity to take advantage. I invested all my earnings to date. I was not disappointed. After the year of coaching, I'd made about $10,000.

    Then my wife's father died and he left us two million dollars.

    So the moral of the story is that I must find a partner that has grossly rich parents?

    ...better start bar hopping tonight!
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    • Profile picture of the author Henry White
      Originally Posted by TiffLee View Post

      So the moral of the story is that I must find a partner that has grossly rich parents?

      ...better start bar hopping tonight!
      Just keep in mind that almost all of the older generations are trying to hang in there long enough for advances in the various sciences to enable them to effectively live forever!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bozigian
    Originally Posted by AdamCBR View Post

    Then my wife's father died and he left us two million dollars.

    Thats pretty cold especially with the happy smile. No offense
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      • Profile picture of the author stesnees
        Ha Ha fantastic! I was well taken in by that

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        • Profile picture of the author DudleyDog
          LAUGH. I nearly did.

          There are other way to get rich. Believe me I know

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          • Profile picture of the author KenFighter
            Originally Posted by DudleyDog View Post

            LAUGH. I nearly did.

            There are other way to get rich. Believe me I know
            U must joke

            Tell us man.... I dont know how to get rich quick except im rob banks
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            • Profile picture of the author Floyd Fisher
              Originally Posted by FendyAziz View Post

              U must joke

              Tell us man.... I dont know how to get rich quick except im rob banks
              There is no such thing as 'get rich quick'. You can try, but all you'll do is go bankrupt real fast.

              What you need to join is the 'get rich slow' club.
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              • Profile picture of the author rama
                Originally Posted by Floyd Fisher View Post

                There is no such thing as 'get rich quick'. You can try, but all you'll do is go bankrupt real fast.

                What you need to join is the 'get rich slow' club.
                yeah, maybe there are just some few lucky one out there who didn't ready have to sweat it out like Mark Zuckerberg
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  • Profile picture of the author KenFighter

    Always invest for knowledge...
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Haha. This is quite funny.
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  • Profile picture of the author tsuccess
    Wow... what a story.
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  • Profile picture of the author ratracegrad
    If the morale of the story is to marry somebody with rich parents, how do you drive traffic and get backlinks for this strategy? What exactly would you email list offer you?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    Haha what a joker!

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  • Profile picture of the author islem16
    lol nice, I still thought it was a scam
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  • Profile picture of the author JusttheFacts
    That happens about as often as winning the lottery!
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    • Profile picture of the author Badger
      That did make me chuckle!
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  • Profile picture of the author royljestr
    Haha...that was a good one!! :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    Very funny, really had me going on that one, )
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  • Profile picture of the author SocialMediaOwls
    good one. Great moral to the story

    Health and Fitness niche Affiliate Program | High CTR/EPC | Personal Account Manager 24/7 support

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    That was good.

    I take most of what I earn online & invest offline (stocks).
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  • Profile picture of the author NicolaTewhare
    I really liked that story. Got me out of a slack state.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim3
    Originally Posted by AdamCBR View Post

    I met a millionaire the other day. I asked him ' How did you make all your money?'

    He leans back and and takes a breath. 'Well, about 3 years ago I stumbled across a website giving advice on 'how to make money online'. I signed up to the webmaster's newsletter and each week he would send me an email with a different tip on how to make money online. Initially I didn't attempt them as I was new to the internet and was a little nervous about getting into internet marketing.

    Eventually, after receiving about 6 months worth of emails from this guy, he sent me one about a course he had created that he claimed would help me make hundreds of dollars a week if I followed it correctly. I figured this was the start I needed. I paid $47, got the ebook and duely got to work on it.

    It didn't reap the rewards he suggested it would, but after about 3 months of work, I'd happily doubled my money. I took that money and invested it into a video course I'd seen available. The information featured in this course was more comprehensive. I started applying all the knowledge I was learning and after about 9 months I'd managed to make about $1,000. I then took this $1,000 and reinvested it into advertising and hiring article writers. Another 6 months followed and I'd made about $3,000.

    All the while, I'd seen a guru who was offering coaching, for a cost of a $3,000 and now I had the opportunity to take advantage. I invested all my earnings to date. I was not disappointed. After the year of coaching, I'd made about $10,000.

    Then my wife's father died and he left us two million dollars.


    I was looking forward to reading this.

    Nice wind up

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  • Originally Posted by AdamCBR View Post

    I met a millionaire the other day. I asked him ' How did you make all your money?'

    He leans back and and takes a breath. 'Well, about 3 years ago I stumbled across a website giving advice on 'how to make money online'. I signed up to the webmaster's newsletter and each week he would send me an email with a different tip on how to make money online. Initially I didn't attempt them as I was new to the internet and was a little nervous about getting into internet marketing.

    Eventually, after receiving about 6 months worth of emails from this guy, he sent me one about a course he had created that he claimed would help me make hundreds of dollars a week if I followed it correctly. I figured this was the start I needed. I paid $47, got the ebook and duely got to work on it.

    It didn't reap the rewards he suggested it would, but after about 3 months of work, I'd happily doubled my money. I took that money and invested it into a video course I'd seen available. The information featured in this course was more comprehensive. I started applying all the knowledge I was learning and after about 9 months I'd managed to make about $1,000. I then took this $1,000 and reinvested it into advertising and hiring article writers. Another 6 months followed and I'd made about $3,000.

    All the while, I'd seen a guru who was offering coaching, for a cost of a $3,000 and now I had the opportunity to take advantage. I invested all my earnings to date. I was not disappointed. After the year of coaching, I'd made about $10,000.

    Then my wife's father died and he left us two million dollars.

    I was so happy I read that
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  • Profile picture of the author Derek Soto
    lol, good stuff!

    Discover How to Create a Brand New $300 Income Stream Every Single Day! Click Here Before Sold Out <--------------------

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  • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09


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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    I admit, you caught me off guard with the ending. Is it suppose to be funny?? You posted in the wrong thread... there is an off topic thread here buddy....

    Anyhoo, let me tell you that I consider myself rich and no I don't have millions. It all depends on one's definition of being "rich".

    So to make a long story short, I started in IM just about 10 years ago now. Now, keep that in mind... That's right... 10 Years Ago! Boy did it ever take a long time, but look, I am successful and I quit my job, retired at 40 years old!

    It sure didn't progress along the lines of your millionaire guy. In fact, doing what he did, there is no way he would of became successful in real life. IM has nothing to do with gambling!

    In real life, it takes a boat load of knowledge to succeed!! Yes and a BIG boat!

    If it takes a million dollars to succeed, then I haven't yet. However, if it means having no debts whatsoever, and almost $184,200 in bank which I leave there for rainy days, then am I still rich and did I succeed in your opinion?

    Without going into all the details, It took me forever to reach this level of success "IF" it satisfies one's definition of success.

    Inheriting is "Not" success!! And I think most here will agree. Paris Hilton is nowhere near having succeeded!

    Anyway, I doubt you would of turned this into a joke if it had been a true story.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    I was caught by the story. I thought it was for real until the last line break up the story. Funny, huh. Now I must find a rich husband. LOL

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  • Profile picture of the author goodmast3r
    Very funny. Is that real?
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Originally Posted by AdamCBR View Post

    Then my wife's father died and he left us two million dollars.

    Hahah and I was wondering where you were going with this good one!
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  • Profile picture of the author JusttheFacts
    Was that story really copied from Wikipedia?
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  • Profile picture of the author donkey097
    that has put a huge smile on my face, classic story
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  • Profile picture of the author AdamCBR
    LOL. Nope, it's not a real story. It was a joke I heard years ago and I just adapted.

    But by asking that goodmast3r, you really put a smile on my face.
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