Article Marketing Experience? Pros and Cons

22 replies
Hi. I'm investigating article marketing. What are the top directories to advertise in? Finally, is there anyone here who has extensive experience with article marketing who could give me some advice such as what are the Pros and Cons, Do's and Don'ts of article marketing. Thanks in advance for your answers and help.
#article #cons #experience #marketing #pros
  • Profile picture of the author SocialMediaOwls
    You will definitely find a TON of people on here that have much experience in this antiquated means of promotion

    Health and Fitness niche Affiliate Program | High CTR/EPC | Personal Account Manager 24/7 support

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    • Profile picture of the author Derek Soto
      I'd use

      Even during their dip in traffic because of the new google update, I've actually had an increase in opt-ins from my articles posted on there ( over 500 )

      Here's my formula:


      KEYWORD - Weird or Genius Linking Trick?

      ( use your keyword first, then use ( - ) then use a question to build intrigue for the reader to open your article and read it.

      I write five paragraphs 100 words each with my KEYWORD once in each paragraph.

      In the fourth paragraph make your KEYWORD clickable and link to your site. As of right now allows this keep in mind they can and do change their mind, but if they do, they only apply the changes to NEW articles so anything that they've previously approved is safe!

      In your resource box use something like:

      If you'd like to learn the top three secrets the pros use to ...., click here: KEYWORD

      you'll want to make your keyword clickable as anchor text because it can help to have keywords related to your niche point to your site.

      Here is an example of the code you can use to make your keyword clickable:

      To get cutting edge techniques to Rank #1 in Google, click here: <a target="_new" href="">ENTER YOUR KEYWORD</A>

      ( replace yoursite with your actual site and enter your keyword with the keyword you have optimized the article for )

      Let me know if you have any questions about this.

      later friend,

      Derek J. Soto

      Discover How to Create a Brand New $300 Income Stream Every Single Day! Click Here Before Sold Out <--------------------

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      • Profile picture of the author sylviad
        You have some incorrect information in your post.

        1) If you put your keyword in every single paragraph (every 100 words), EA will reject your article. In a 500-word article, your keyword should not appear more than 2-3 times tops.

        2) EA will not let you put your own links inside the article. You can only add your own links in the resource box. The only exception is if your link goes to information that expands on what you said in the article (clarifies a point, offers proof of what you said, for example). In other words, it is not just a promo/sales page.

        Using incorrect methods like these is what causes many EA users to become frustrated when their articles are rejected - not once but numerous times.

        Follow the rules (read them on EA) and your articles will be approved much faster. Be sure to check your article in the Preview and test your links to make sure they work. Invalid links (links that have been entered incorrectly) will cause your article to be rejected.

        As far as article directories go, you want to target those with the highest PR.

        Now... these rules apply to EA. Each directory is different, so be sure to read their guidelines. Some allow you to put your own links within the article. Some allow anchor text in the article; others do not. Some allow higher keyword density, too. It all depends on the directory.


        Originally Posted by ricocrownmedia View Post

        I'd use

        Even during their dip in traffic because of the new google update, I've actually had an increase in opt-ins from my articles posted on there ( over 500 )

        Here's my formula:


        KEYWORD - Weird or Genius Linking Trick?

        ( use your keyword first, then use ( - ) then use a question to build intrigue for the reader to open your article and read it.

        I write five paragraphs 100 words each with my KEYWORD once in each paragraph.

        In the fourth paragraph make your KEYWORD clickable and link to your site. As of right now allows this keep in mind they can and do change their mind, but if they do, they only apply the changes to NEW articles so anything that they've previously approved is safe!

        In your resource box use something like:

        If you'd like to learn the top three secrets the pros use to ...., click here: KEYWORD

        you'll want to make your keyword clickable as anchor text because it can help to have keywords related to your niche point to your site.

        Here is an example of the code you can use to make your keyword clickable:

        To get cutting edge techniques to Rank #1 in Google, click here: <a target="_new" href="">ENTER YOUR KEYWORD</A>

        ( replace yoursite with your actual site and enter your keyword with the keyword you have optimized the article for )

        Let me know if you have any questions about this.

        later friend,

        Derek J. Soto
        :: Got a dog? Visit my blog. Dog Talk Weekly
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        • Profile picture of the author Derek Soto
          Originally Posted by sylviad View Post

          You have some incorrect information in your post.

          1) If you put your keyword in every single paragraph (every 100 words), EA will reject your article. In a 500-word article, your keyword should not appear more than 2-3 times tops.

          2) EA will not let you put your own links inside the article. You can only add your own links in the resource box. The only exception is if your link goes to information that expands on what you said in the article (clarifies a point, offers proof of what you said, for example). In other words, it is not just a promo/sales page.

          Using incorrect methods like these is what causes many EA users to become frustrated when their articles are rejected - not once but numerous times.

          Follow the rules (read them on EA) and your articles will be approved much faster. Be sure to check your article in the Preview and test your links to make sure they work. Invalid links (links that have been entered incorrectly) will cause your article to be rejected.

          As far as article directories go, you want to target those with the highest PR.

          Now... these rules apply to EA. Each directory is different, so be sure to read their guidelines. Some allow you to put your own links within the article. Some allow anchor text in the article; others do not. Some allow higher keyword density, too. It all depends on the directory.


          I appreciate your concern, but they accept my articles every day exactly the way I've described. When I say something on here, it's from EXPERIENCE not theory. For all of the sticklers and perfectionists on here: You should obey all rules at all times.

          I believe that if you try something in ezinearticles and their human reviewers accept it time and time again, then they find it acceptable. There is no law being broken or sin committed if their own people accept what you submit to them. Point is, test and find out what you can and can't do and that will give you an edge that most don't have.

          Discover How to Create a Brand New $300 Income Stream Every Single Day! Click Here Before Sold Out <--------------------

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    • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
      Originally Posted by SocialMediaOwls View Post

      You will definitely find a TON of people on here that have much experience in this antiquated means of promotion
      He's partially correct. There are loads of posts on here that will tell you all you need to know to get started. This thread will descend quickly to choas. Use the search button and get reading.
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      • Profile picture of the author genietoast
        Ezine Articles's Title Suggestion Tool is really effective.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    Article marketing requires more than a question and answer to be learnt. Try to read because there are loads of threads about this matter posted already. So far nothing is better than ezine but there are articlebase and articledashboard as the next options.

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  • Profile picture of the author ambalaldarji
    For article marketing you will be needed Fresh and unique content so that people can attract on your article. And submit your article in top article sites.

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  • Profile picture of the author diegoortiz
    in my opinion go with these:

    EzineArticles, Squidoo, GoArticles and Hubpages

    but always remember when it comes to article marketing its QUALITY over quantity.

    ALWAYS give your audience amazing content. try to fix there problems with a humanly voice on words, and NEVER EVER EVER spin or respin an article EVER
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  • Profile picture of the author diegoortiz
    if you want go ahead and PM me here on warriorforum and ill tell you how you can contact me directly and we can talk about this in more detail
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  • Profile picture of the author BulletheadX
    Originally Posted by lwilliams777 View Post

    Hi. I'm investigating article marketing. What are the top directories to advertise in? Finally, is there anyone here who has extensive experience with article marketing who could give me some advice such as what are the Pros and Cons, Do's and Don'ts of article marketing. Thanks in advance for your answers and help.
    Do a search on this forum for "Alexa Smith". Go to her profile; click on the "statistics" link on the left, then the "show all posts" link on the right.

    Start reading backwards through her posts, and the threads in which she posted. Pay attention to the links she has provided within her posts (they often look like "here, here, here and here"). Read those threads as well.

    Pay attention to the others who post in those threads, and their interactions with Alexa. You'll pretty soon figure out which other posters you'll want to follow. Keep notes.

    Take some time and read back through about the last six weeks, or roughly since the Panda/Farmer update. Follow the details; allow the big picture to form. You'll be amazed at the breadth and depth of information from about 8-10 ppl in particular.

    Good luck,
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  • Profile picture of the author shafiqkamal
    Here's a list of article directories that I normally use:

    1) Ezine
    2) Goarticles
    3) Articlebase
    4) Articledashboard
    5) Buzzle
    6) Bukisa
    7) Amazine
    8) Sooperarticles
    9) a1Articles
    10) Article Snatch

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  • Profile picture of the author calfred
    Dear Leon,

    By all means, to answer your question, click on my signature and read the OP.

    PS: Don't buy it. Just read the OP and your questions will be answered.

    PSS: Here's a secret. I only use

    Hope this helps man.


    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
    here are the top article directories:




    And, few tips ...

    Generally, articles you create should be:-
      1. Useful , but incomplete
      2. Compelling
      3. Search engine friendly
        • Use The main keyword in the title
        • You articles should be LSI friendly
        • Moderate length - between 400 to 500 words
        • Keyword Density 2 %
    Hope it helps .
    CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author Alenmax
    Today article writing and submitting to good article submission sites is very important for the promotion of your site and blog,etc.If you are not taking the benefit of the article submission then you are out of the race of the search engine optimization.It results in the increased no of back links and the good search engine rankings for your keywords in the google search engine search results.

    If any body wants to optimize the search engine than he needs to make quality no of back links as many as possible.A good no of websites which have high pr have high no of quality back links even in thousands and lacs and crores.

    High no of back links are very important to increase the pr of a page or website or a blog.Submitting article to good article sites like ezine, articlebase, sooperarticles sites comes out to be very useful and profitable.

    You can leave 3 or 4 backlinks in an article which remains forever till that article site is present and that means that you will get traffic for that period without an extra work.If you have an habit of the blogging then if you post regularly then you will get links juice to your site.If you stop posting in your blog then traffic will also be stopped to your site.For this you will need a good list of best article submission sites, which you can also search on the net.To konw more see there you can find a good list of articles and other info as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author lwilliams777
    Thank you one and all. I am really impressed by your thoughtful answers. I wish I could thank you all but this is my first posting. However, I would appreciate is Diego if you could PM with your contact information (I can't PM until after another 48 posts).
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  • Profile picture of the author ratracegrad
    I disagree that article marketing is dead despite the comment of one other poster. But this person seems to be posting in many threads that article marketing is "antiquated" or so in the past form of marketing.

    I have had quite a bit of success with article marketing and I am the top ranked author in several categories on ezinearticles and my articles have been viewed over 25,000 times. Nice bit of traffic that brings in to my websites and my lists.

    Another article directory that I have not seen mentioned here is knol. knol is a site run by google. I would think that google might give preference to knol articles in their new ranking algorithm but can not provide this.

    Article marketing should be just one strategy that you use to drive traffic to your websites. It should not be the ONLY method that you use.
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  • Profile picture of the author ejb2059
    Do write original content
    Do not plagerize / steal
    Do be informative
    Do not Spam
    Do spell / grammar check

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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    Write for syndication. This means people publish your EZA article (or whatever directory) on their site with your resource box and backlinks.

    You improve your chances of syndication by writing articles people want to publish. Therefore, write quality articles.

    I was never much interested in article marketing until I started reading on WF about the power of syndication. That made sense to me and makes article marketing worth it. Publish one article, and if syndicated, you get more readers and backlinks for no additional time invested. It's leveraging your work.

    Therefore, you're better off spending more time writing quality and getting it syndicated than writing garbage and no syndication (in my view).

    Reduce your time investment further by simply publishing your actual blog posts once indexed on EZA. This way the only time invested is the time it takes to format an article in EZA (a couple minutes).
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by lwilliams777 View Post

    Hi. I'm investigating article marketing. What are the top directories to advertise in? Finally, is there anyone here who has extensive experience with article marketing who could give me some advice such as what are the Pros and Cons, Do's and Don'ts of article marketing. Thanks in advance for your answers and help.
    I have quite a bit of article marketing experience and the dos and don'ts really depend on your goals and the directories you are using. Plus everything just recently changes along with the new google algorithms.

    The benefits are numerous and I can tell you that I have websites that I build and only did article marketing for that still make me money and they are 8 to 10 years old. I have not done anything to them in probably 5 years. I also have sites that I have recently put up that make me money after about a week of work.

    My advice is that you make sure you are using good content and that your articles are at least 500 words in length. Use article marketing for both traffic and for SEO purposes.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author diegoortiz
    PM'ed you my info
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  • Hi Lwilliams777,

    I recommend writing articles, aimed at providing your specific target readers benefits in the form of tips, info, advice, suggestions and techniques useful for their needs and problems relevant to your onsite content, products and services, in your own style and ways most appropriate for informing, educating and entertaining them...

    I recommend integrating into your articles your own relevant sets of observations, inferences, test results, actual experience, theories, opinions and perspectives...

    I recommend publishing your articles on your website, updating your sitemap.xml and submitting it to Google via your Google Webmaster Tools account, before submitting those articles to article directories...

    I recommend submitting your articles to contextually relevant article directories where webmasters of websites go, to find articles they can publish on their website for their target viewers...

    Hope this helps...
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