'80s Membership Site Sales Page Isn't Converting

38 replies
Hello and help!
I have big plans for this '80s membership site I've been working on (I've got to get it running to save my house). I loved the '80s in the U.S. growing up and all of my friends did too. It's so popular there are games, shows and many sites on the web about it.

So, I created an '80s membership site that's using an autoresponder to deliver content daily. Problem is, I've had about 800 unique visits and only 2 takers and that's a dismal conversion rate. Those that have signed up are enjoying it.

So I call on you, oh great ones, to evaluate my sales page, price point and anything else you can think of to help me discover the issues, how to enhance the offer, etc.!

80's Trivia | 80s Fashion, Fads, Trends, Movies, Music, Hair | The 1980s!

Thank you in advance!
#80s #converting #membership #page #sales #site
  • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Meier
    Honestly you had me laughing hardcore at some of the stuff, I was really young in the 80's but recall a lot of the stuff you were talking about.

    My thought though is how much market research did you do before hand? I mean I understand nostalgia and everything but I don't know how many people would pay for it to be given to them daily. Not being a downer just wondering.

    I think it is a really good site and very well laid out though, just don't know about the paying for it part.
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    • Profile picture of the author Marie Pugh
      Well, I can't offer any advice on the copy - it was one page I actually enjoyed reading! You had me sitting here singing the song for the question "How could you leave me standing..." - it was bugging me so bad! But - I figured it out (Prince - am I right?) Then, of course the one about what Billy said it was a good day for...(White Wedding)

      Love it - I have the '80's trivial pursuit and I love playing it! Oh, the '80's!!!

      (Sorry I couldn't help you - but enjoyed your site)

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    • Profile picture of the author Kyle Tully
      Originally Posted by Sylvia Rolfe View Post

      I think it is a really good site and very well laid out though, just don't know about the paying for it part.
      That's what it really comes down to.

      I didn't even look at the copy and could tell you it won't convert.

      Who is the market here? What other similar things have they purchased? Where is the demand?

      The bottom line is this:

      Is this a hungry market that spends money on this type of product? Maybe, but I doubt it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
        I saw this post yesterday and decided not to post. Today, I'll be upfront and honest.

        I lived the 80's and love it. I also wouldn't pay for this nor can I envision the model working or making enough money to save a house.

        I feel you're putting your eggs in the wrong basket. When people get nostalgic, they'll hit google and find nostalgia for free. Then its over. Nostalgia filled...life continues.

        If you want to make money and save your house, you need to build sites for products that people are hungry for. Look at the following article and ask yourself "where does my site stand?".

        The Top Ten: Emotional Buying Triggers

        Your model is barely scratching #10.

        Rethink this...go to Clickbank and look at the top sellers...learn from them.

        Then go get Desperate Buyers. It is on the front page of the Warrior Forum for a reason.

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  • Profile picture of the author mostphere

    Yes, That's cute you know...:-)

    After reading the sales letter then I think about the target audience are. I believe that you have done the research about that, but in my opinion ( just 2 cents ), it will be more profitable if its about 70's.

    You see, I am 29 now, I passed the full years of 80, but it seem that the 70's much more touching my heart cause what the world have back there is nice, cute, and touching.

    Well, I don't mean that you should switch..

    Are you using adwords? If so, perhaps the ads is not too relevant from what you offer.

    Try to experiment...more
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    • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
      Originally Posted by mostphere View Post


      You see, I am 29 now, I passed the full years of 80, but it seem that the 70's much more touching my heart cause what the world have back there is nice, cute

      Edit: mostphere, 70s:
      Ugly clothes, no style, vietnam, rebellion, anti-establishment, hippies, drugs..what in 70s was "cute and touching" ? To me it seems everyone is embarrassed that the 70s actually happened
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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    As far as I know I am Sylvia's age and I'm a child of the 80's. There's tons of cute things from the 80s. I remember the Glo Worm, GI Joe, Cabbage Patch Kids, Smurfs, Care Bears, I watched Ferris Buellers day off, I remember the big fluffy sock things, the awful music, and the huge bangs and hair. It was probably the worse fashion decade ever, thankfully I was a kid and not into fashion.

    Some people have nostalgia over certain things but how many people will really pay for-I'm not exactly sure what you're offering I think 80's trivia and flashbacks, but it just doesn't seem like that many people would pay for it.

    Edit-I hate to sound negative but I really can't see a lot of ppl paying to subscribe. So what about changing it to sell stuff from the 80s instead? There's probably lots of ppl who would love to buy stuff leftover from the 80s. T-shirts, toys, glo worms, whatever. Like selling physical items or joining an affiliate program.

    siggy taking a break...

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    • Profile picture of the author Adam Kenzington
      Originally Posted by annoyedgirl View Post

      I hate to sound negative but I really can't see a lot of ppl paying to subscribe. So what about changing it to sell stuff from the 80s instead? There's probably lots of ppl who would love to buy stuff leftover from the 80s. T-shirts, toys, glo worms, whatever. Like selling physical items or joining an affiliate program.
      Wow, there was only one post when I started writing my tome, earlier.

      I agree with AnnoyedGirl...

      I think that is the way to go, too. Give the memories for free (a good way to get people to opt-in to your list, so you can market to them, later), but monitize the site with physical merchandise. You could have Amazon.com and Ebay offers automatically populate your pages.

      I'd still work on the copy a little too.

      And off topic...AnnoyedGirl, IMO, the new picture is so much better. You look less annoyed in this one. (maybe I should update my pic, too. I've aged a little since that was taken )


      "I can" is much more important than I.Q.

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  • if my house depended on it

    1. I'd get more agressive and have a dropin optin and on-exit popup

    2. I'd build a few more membership sites (different topics)

    note: i don't like #1 but if my house depended on it I'd be split testing them

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  • Profile picture of the author TiffanyLambert
    I LOVE the 80s - graduated in 89 from high school.
    In fact, I made a funny TWO DOLLARS photoshop tonight for my friend who owes me something - those who have seen Better Off Dead know what I mean.

    But like the others, I wonder who would pay for this?

    Sell 80s stuff instead!
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  • Profile picture of the author davebo
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    • Profile picture of the author Francis Chan
      Most people have some nostalgia for a period of their life. It's fun or nostalgic to reminisce that favorite time of your life occasionally but daily on a paid basis? I doubt it.

      If I'm in the mood I would enter "80s trivia" into the top right hand search box of my browser and get a list of free trivia sites.

      I am sorry to be so brutal but I believe that's how most people feel.

      Maybe the best way is modify your business plan. Use the information you already have and send them out free to your mailing list. Market to the list physical products instead.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
    I think just give it more time.

    The 80s are back stronger than ever

    You see it everywhere. the hair is coming back, the fashion is coming back and it seems rock/metal is on its way here too.

    Your site should pick up steam.
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  • Profile picture of the author crystalq
    Why not turn it into full 80's website or blog and
    get paid via cpa, adsense, amazon or ebay?

    And offer what you got now as a free additional bonus.
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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      You have a very good-looking site, but I agree with some of the previous posts regarding the membership model.

      Perhaps people don't want daily '80s nostalgia.

      If it were me, I'd concentrate on building an authority site; getting the Infinite80s brand across; then going for something like "'80s Theme Nights".

      One-off events are potentially huge business and lend themselves to a lucrative franchise model (I've attended several '60s nights, for instance).

      Also, consider '80s trivia evenings, with your company supplying all the props.

      Anyway, all the best with your venture.


      Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author Floyd Fisher
    First off, if people are actually enjoying it, why isn't there testimonials?!?!?!

    Secondly, I seem to be missing something here. You say you have two members, but on your sales page you have 100 crossed out, and it says 73 are left.

    Did you sell 27, or is that a sales trick? :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author esr
    Wow, your sales pitch really took me back. I was in high school in the 80's and it brought back a lot of memories.

    To be honest, I might have paid the membership fee if it were a one-time fee.

    That's my two cents. Perhaps charge a lifetime membership fee and make it up on the back end.
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    "If you don't take effective action, you're robbing yourself of the life you really want."
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  • Profile picture of the author elitesalesgroup
    You have a very good idea but I also think you should sell 80's merchandise ie: The red and black Michael Jackson jackets , jelly bracelets, slouch socks, jellies (shoes) and t shirts- lots of 80's themed t shirts! I think you'd do a lot better that way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    I would turn it into a free site, get the interest (traffic) and then sell advertising on that site and monetize in other ways as well...

    Mike Hill
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Kenzington
    Alright, here's my impressions of your sales page...

    (Disclaimer: I didn't like the 80's very much. Music sucked (for the most part), I was too old for the toys & games, the movies were alot of "teen anxist" (spelling), etc... The 70's was my decade of choice.)

    OK, your page keeps asking "Questions" that leave me asking "So What? or "Who Cares?". I would change the copy to remind folks of the pleasant nostalgia factor. Your questions about, if someone asks a question about the 80's, what do you do?...Made me think to myself "I'd check out "Trivial Pursuit"? They have an 80's version, and that would be a one time purchase.

    You must give your readers a compelling reason to sign up, not just bringing up trivia and ask, "Wasn't that Fun?..."

    What are the benefits of becoming a member of your site? Money is tight, now, for most people. You have to give them a really good reason/benefit for spending that money with you.

    You want to tap into their (warm & fuzzy) memories/feelings. Use psycological triggers like "Remember..." (that will make them "go inside" and access the appropiate memories).

    Here's a quick lesson. This sentence works with everyone. (Try it):

    "Do you remember that time you _______? (Fill in the blank)
    Example: "Do you remember that time you got in so much trouble? You know the one..."

    If I say that, I have no idea which memory that will trigger, but, the person you say it to sure will. You will trigger a memory in them that they will re-live in crystal clarity, like a movie in their mind.

    Did the question trigger any memories for you of that time you got in trouble? Yea, it works with us all.

    So, start some of your sentences with "Remember when..."
    "Imagine..." is another good trigger. Pepper your copy with some of these.

    Also, Tell your story. Let them know you are struggling and you are doing this to save your house. Get them involved in your history/story. A personal connection will move their emotions, and emotion sells.

    Now, I'm not suggesting giving your personal contact info. We aren't looking to create stalkers, here. Involving folks in your story is totally different than letting them come and see the house you are worried about losing.

    Remind them of a younger, more care-free time, and tell them the benefit of being able to escape to those fond memories with daily reminders from you.

    Try to involve all 5 of their senses in your copy. Remind them of the look, taste, smell, feel and the sounds of their youth. The more of their senses you can involve, the more desire you will create within them to have your product.

    You have to give them emotional experiences. They buy on emotion and justify the purchase with logic.

    There's more, but start with that. Come back and let us know when you've made changes and we'll check it out again.

    After you have made a few upgrades to your copy, you can always go to the copywriting Thread and ask for a critique. (But start with us here, first).

    I want to see your copy get even an 80's hater, like me, excited!

    PM me if you need more help

    Good Luck,


    "I can" is much more important than I.Q.

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    • Profile picture of the author Spotted_Doe
      WOW! Lots to think about and many thanks for all your replies.

      Yes, I did research. Keyword research, questions to people, discussions with current site owners etc. VH1 has a whole Loved the '80s series of shows. Plus, there are a ton of '80s products for sale so I know it's big. The model where I sell '80s merchandise and use AdSense etc. is being used by numerous different sites and from what I understand, it's the memories people want more than the merchandise. Thus, I built a membership around the memories instead. So, it's interesting that so many of you say to sell the merchandise.

      I know I wouldn't actually buy merchandise. I love to remember Michael Jackson's glove but I sure as heck don't want one! Plus, a stomper was cool in the dirt when I was 10, but surely isn't now.

      Sooo... what if the price was $5.95 a month or $47 for a year? Does that make it more attractive? Or is it still not doable to you?
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      • Profile picture of the author Kyle Tully
        Price isn't the issue.

        I'd make it a free site, gets heaps of SE traffic and make money off of CPA & affiliate sales.
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        • Profile picture of the author Tony6597
          Where did you get the sales page from, did you make it your self?

          It looks pretty good to me!

          If your trying to save your house, offer to make sales pages for people. If this website is mostly your handywork, do freelance.

          When I first say your post I thought it would be a hocky website, but it looks really good to me.

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          • Profile picture of the author Spotted_Doe
            Hi Tony,
            Yes, the sales page and site are all done entirely myself.

            Each of the emails people get have a new trivia question, the answer to yesterday's trivia question and a 'Did You Know' section that gives some history or other bits of info (like how Night Ranger's Sister Christian came about and what' 'motorin' actually means in the song). In addition, there's a link to a page with photo(s) and video(s) so you can see the music video, product, TV bit etc.

            I guess I'm in the minority, but I'd pay to get something like that in my email everyday. It always makes me smile and I just can't see the merchandise piece working out - especially since other '80s sites aren't doing that well with that model.

            Any other ideas that aren't related to merchandise sales and AdSense?
            Really, it seems like a lot of you enjoyed the sales letter, so I guess the question is what WOULD you pay for?

            I'm in the midst of creating an '80s song lyric quiz I'll turn into a PDF and brand to go viral. Would that be something you'd pay for instead? I don't know, just trying to save something here... I really believe in it!

            Thank you!
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            • Profile picture of the author Spotted_Doe
              @ Tiffany Dow - "I want my two dollars!"
              Cracks me up to this day and is a question in my emails!

              @Marie Pugh - Yes, you're right, it's Prince!
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  • Profile picture of the author AgencyScripts
    Here are some quick tips to get a higher conversion rate...

    Change your headline to another color, maybe a black, or dark soft
    red. Make it centered too, and maybe make an emphasis on the "imagine"

    --> I first looked at your site, and scrolled and had to scroll up to see
    even if there was a headline. Your header image is ALMOST a waste of
    space, and there is one main feature that kills it. On sight. Dead. lol

    You have that same color purple on the top of the header, and on the
    headline. I see the purple first, and when I see the purple text I assume
    its apart of the graphic or design, so I don't read it, just see it?

    Do you know what I mean?

    I think that may be an issue of getting higher conversion rates, getting
    people to actually read the sales letter.

    Judging from what people are saying above is that its a good sales letter,
    but when I first landed on it, I didn't read anything besides the thing about
    the polo shirt, lol.

    You could move that dude down into the copy more and have it wrap around
    the text like you did the video. Because it is funny, and makes you read it.

    Also maybe making the header image its own element with an ending to it,
    because right now it has a gradient to white, and seemlessly goes into the
    letter which can be good, but for this instant, I think you would be better
    off with a stronger header.

    If you aren't good with color, just model of what others have done.

    Here a few good sites you can model yours after in terms of color:


    Just use the color picker thing in photoshop to get the exact hex color
    codes for them, and change your colors in your sales letter to those
    colors you like.

    But in the bigger picture... Maybe you should make this site idea into
    a blog, and have these updates through that, and get people to opt-in
    or subscribe to your blog.

    You then can sell advertising space, and do affiliate offers. Probably
    make way more with offering ad space on your blog than with 100 people
    paying you at $9.97 a month, plus you can also use adsense, etc etc.

    There is a market for people who love 80's stuff, but im not sure they
    will want to pay for it?

    Anywhoo, best of luck to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    The domain is not yet 3 months old. The meta tag description is only 74% relevant. SEO Score is 92%, so that is good. You are missing 15 alt tags of 22 total (not good). In summary not all bad, but you could rewrite the meta description better.

    Maybe the writers here can help?

    80s trivia. A 1980s membership site for hilarious memories of '80s clothing trends, '80s party songs, fads, 80s fashion, culture, music, commercials, toys, 80s movies, TV, pop culture, trends, eighties slang and more!

    Maybe the Domain Hawks here can help?

    The domain name itself "infinite80s.com" is not what I would have used, but maybe it is ok for a niche. "80sforfun.com" or "80sforlife.com" would have been my choice. All available.

    Why not design the site such as msn.com or aol.com? Videos, Games, and RSS feeds to start. Resell iTunes, music CDs, and clothing. Once you have at least 1,000 visitors a month approach small business clothing stores in your area to advertise. Once you have all the advertisers you can resource - sell the site or continue to develop it.

    A good webmaster can do all of the web work in a few hours. Hope this helps.

    Jeffery 100% :-)
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
    here is a thought:

    you know the avergae age for people nostalgic about the 80's.

    (hint: it's not teens and it's not grannies.)

    so your monetization efforts don't have to be 80's t-shirts and thats type of thing...

    you have a coveted demographic that you can monetize, carefully, OUTSIDE the niche....
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  • Profile picture of the author TiffanyLambert
    I would and have bought t-shirts and posters as nostalgia for friends. I would think the merchandise would do better - bringing it back.

    I love the trivia and often Google it if it's being discussed but would never pay for the trivia.

    Maybe you could devise some off the wall slant to the site - brainstorm. Something that makes being a member of the 80s site like getting an invitation to the cool kids club. I, like the other person said, would do a ONE time cheap fee - under $10 - rather than an on-going one. You could amass millions of members that way.

    $2 tiff
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally

      I smiled all the way through your salesletter, it brought back some happy memories of my childhood ! But I wouldn't pay to join the site as I don't think it is a buying market at the first connection point as most people are looking for free stuff in this niche to begin with. I actually think you done well with 2 sales from 800 visitors in this niche with a monthly membership.

      But I was surprised at the big search numbers in this niche, I would be offering free memberships to all your visitors and working on your backend offers. All of these people at some point will buy on ebay and amazon and there is good potential.

      Box sets of famous 80's movies
      Retro 80's fashion
      80's cds, posters
      80's toys
      80's t shirts

      You could also link to 80's movies and music videos on youtube but put it on your own site and offer some CPA offers or adsense next to the video etc..

      I took some keywords from adwords below, I would build pages and offers based on these.

      [1980's clothes]
      [1980's clothing]
      [1980's costumes]
      [1980's dress]
      [1980's fashion]
      [1980's fashions]
      [1980's hairstyles]
      [1980's movies]
      [1980's music]
      [1980's tv shows]
      [80's aerobics]
      [80's attire]
      [80's bands]
      [80's clothes]
      [80's clothing styles]
      [80's clothing]
      [80's costume]
      [80's costumes]
      [80's dance]
      [80's disco]
      [80's dress]
      [80's dresses]
      [80's fashion pictures]
      [80's fashion]
      [80's fashions]
      [80's games]
      [80's hair styles]
      [80's hair]
      [80's hits]
      [80's jeans]
      [80's leg warmers]
      [80's make up]
      [80's makeup]
      [80's movies]
      [80's outfit]
      [80's outfits]
      [80's pants]
      [80's party]
      [80's pop]
      [80's retro]
      [80's rock]
      [80's shoes]
      [80's songs]
      [80's style clothes]
      [80's style clothing]
      [80's style]
      [80's sunglasses]
      [80's t shirts]
      [80's toys]
      [80's tv shows]
      [80's tv]
      [80's wear]
      [80s fashion]
      [80s music]
      [madonna 80's]
      [styles of the 80's]
      [the 1980's]
      [the 80's]
      [toys from the 80's]

      Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks

    have people give gift subscriptions to people nostalgic about the 80's.

    its the type of thing a person wouldn't pay for- but as a gift idea it hits the spot.

    but make it a one time fee, not a monthly one...

    just my 0.0000002........
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    80s nostalgia would be a LARK! I sincerely doubt you
    can get people to pay for information about it.

    Music? yes.
    Actual clothing? yes.

    Fun information? No.

    You could build a big, fun list with this... but trying to
    get money out of people to do it is not a strategy that
    makes sense to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author chris_surfrider
    I'm amazed you got 2 people to pay to join...

    I was born in the early 80's and I have some memories of that time, so it is nostalgic, for sure. And I enjoyed your writing tone.

    But you have a very long, disappointing UPHILL battle ahead of you if you try to "make something work"...

    ...as opposed to doing something that clearly IS working.

    I've learned that lesson the hard way, many times.


    Making 6 Figures From Affiliate Marketing is Easier Than You Think. Here's Proof:


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  • Profile picture of the author Amy Bass
    What I would do is offer your membership site for free and make money on the backend with affiliate products such as T-Shirts, old movies, clothing etc...
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  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
    if you are tight...

    you might consider selling the site- which would raise you some cash and let someone else do the promotion...
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Ward
      I have to agree with other posters on this one.

      I lived the 80's, met my wife in the 80's etc. I even bought her the " You Know You're A Child Of The 80's When... book by Mark Leigh and Mike Lepine.
      I have since bought more of the same book for 80's friends.

      I think your site is great, but would i pay to be a member ? sorry No.

      Would I buy products that reminded me of that era ? I have !.

      If you have the traffic to the site, you have more chance of selling me a Dirty Dancing DVD for nostalgia than getting me to sign up to pay a membership.

      I would build a list/free membership, and in those daily offers, promote products you think they would be interested in.

      If you looking for a site to save your house, I have to agree with other warriors, this is not the best site for that. I think it is great and can be developed into a money making niche, but I would find another site to deliver the cash needed in your current situation. I am new here, but not new to to the Internet, it is clear to me you can find all the help you need in the forum to help you through.

      All the best to you.

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  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
    I'm sure many of us would like an update to what you did?
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  • Profile picture of the author James Schramko
    Originally Posted by Spotted_Doe View Post

    Hello and help!
    .....I loved the '80s .....

    So, I created an '80s membership site ......

    Thank you in advance!
    This is mistake number one... liking something yourself is not a reason to build a MONETIZED website. For a hobby or passion sure - no problem.

    You may have skipped the important part about research.

    What problems does it solve?
    What passion does it serve?
    Do people buy this stuff already?
    What are the buying keywords for this market?

    Scrap it and go for a market that has a huge PROVEN appetitie to consume anything you can put in front of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.

    to add something constructively here:

    80s were GREAT, it was honestly the best time ever, i dont even know where to start.

    However, as a site (as cute as it might be) it totally fails since there is NO WAY in hell to monetize this, at least in a reasonable way. A "80s membership" <--- this is just bizarre. If you get more t than a couple singing up you should be happy.

    I say also: 80s, hell YEAH...but scrap this site and move on, it's a dead-end..."i love the 80s so i sign up on this site"...will never work.
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