The Importance Of Building A Brand - A Tip For Newbies

17 replies
When you look at the top earners in the internet marketing space, you will see that 99% of them have built a brand. Instant brand recognition will allow you to earn more money then you could ever imagine. Branding does two very important things for your online business. It builds trust and awareness. It is one of the best publicity tools ever. The more brand awareness you build, the more customers you will acquire.

Branding works the same exact way in the online world as it does in the offline world. Just think about it, the more you hear a products name, the more likely you are to give it a try right? Because the more you see or hear something, the more trustworthy you believe it to be. Trust me when I say, building a brand will benefit your online business in a major way.

How To Build Your Brand

I'm sure you are wondering what you can do to effectively build your brand online business. Truthfully, Its not as hard as you might think. Just follow a few simple tactics and you will be on your way to building a very effective brand.

Tactic #1 - Put Your Name On Everything - Putting your name on your blog, opt in pages, articles, videos etc., is a simple way for you to start building brand recognition.

Tactic #2 - Use An Image Of Yourself - Most people don't like to do this but using an image of yourself is a great way to build your brand online. If you don't want to use your own image you can come up with a character that represents your business. For example you could be the weight loss superhero and have a superhero with a big WL on his cape to represent weight loss. You would then use that image on every piece of content you produce.

Tactic #3 - Come Up With A Memorable Slogan - Slogans are another very easy tool you can use to build a brand. Whatever your niche is, create a slogan around that. For example, if you are in the weight loss niche you could use a slogan such as "real weight loss starts here" or "you have the will, we have the way". Those are simple slogans that people will remember.

These are just 3 simple things you can do to start building brand awareness. If you constantly put out valuable content and brand it with your name and images, you will have no problem creating interest in what you have to offer. The key is to start building your brand from the very beginning. Start with your name and then add your logo and image.

Hope this helps all the newbies out there.
#brand #building #importance #newbies #tip
  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    You are totally right!Thanks for posting!From my little experience, i have seen that coming up with a memorable slogan, increases your conversions up to 300%!But you have to find something like you said memorable,easy to remember,easy for someone to suggest to their friends!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    Good suggestions you got there. But Im quite shy as of this moment to show my own picture. LOL. Building a brand takes some courage as well.

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    • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
      Originally Posted by Andrea Wilson View Post

      Good suggestions you got there. But Im quite shy as of this moment to show my own picture. LOL. Building a brand takes some courage as well.

      I'm a behind-the-scenes person too (and a genuine "homebody"). My brand photo is what you see here as my profile photo. I use it in every forum, on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, directory listings where photos are allowed, just about everywhere.

      My goal is that whenever people see that little icon they'll say, "Oh, it's the Bookmark Lady!" :p

      I haven't come up with a slogan yet. It was "Little Gifts that Say a Lot," but then I branched out beyond wedding or even party favors (funerals, memorials, customer thank you's, etc.) so now I need a new slogan.
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    • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
      Originally Posted by Andrea Wilson View Post

      Good suggestions you got there. But Im quite shy as of this moment to show my own picture. LOL. Building a brand takes some courage as well.

      I totally understand. You don't have to use a picture, just make sure that you use the same name on everything. For example, every piece of content I have on the internet is under H. Miller. And the only reason I don't have my full first name is because it was already taken so I just used my first initial.

      Eventually people will start to recognize and remember your name and associate it with what you do.
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  • Profile picture of the author tobyR
    Love the post some great ideas and so true - build a brand its vital
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    • Profile picture of the author alan9187
      Being honest.... I'm ugly.. he.. he..he,

      What if i buy a picture of someone from a stockphoto site, can i use this for my picture?.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sammyll
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Do not open Sammyll Links !! Linked to spam on my computer

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  • Profile picture of the author ben1ewis
    Great advice for newbies, the brand is very important!

    People will relate to you and definitely trust you more!
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  • Profile picture of the author feodor24
    Thanks, there's nothing new but I pretty like your post - straight to the point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    I agree with building a brand. That is how any successful company does it.

    Think about how when you go to the store, you always look for the brand name because you have your favorites....

    Market your own brand online!

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    • Profile picture of the author onemorewarrior
      Brand Is King

      without branding you will remain at the bottom of the heap and go virtually unrecognized.Image is everything.
      Do you think Coca Cola would be what it is today if it never branded itself and promoted a clean trustworthy image.
      Hey Look what happened to Tiger he was on top of the world a well know household name. He is his own brand they can't take that away or deny it.But his image did him in.
      without his schoolboy image he lost major endorsements of major brands.You can't have one without the other your image directly effects you bran.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3679601].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
        Originally Posted by onemorewarrior View Post

        Brand Is King

        without branding you will remain at the bottom of the heap and go virtually unrecognized.Image is everything.
        Do you think Coca Cola would be what it is today if it never branded itself and promoted a clean trustworthy image.
        Hey Look what happened to Tiger he was on top of the world a well know household name. He is his own brand they can't take that away or deny it.But his image did him in.
        without his schoolboy image he lost major endorsements of major brands.You can't have one without the other your image directly effects you bran.
        Very good points!
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  • Profile picture of the author rcritchett
    Great thread, cool replies.

    I definitely align with the significance of putting your image out there for people to see. Hiding in the shadows doesn't work anymore. This thing.. called the internet, is wiiiiide open.

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  • Profile picture of the author Hadouken
    Hello H.Miller,

    Originally Posted by H.Miller View Post

    Tactic #1 - Put Your Name On Everything - Putting your name on your blog, opt in pages, articles, videos etc., is a simple way for you to start building brand recognition. .
    Thanks so much for your tips! I was wondering though if it is really necessary to use your real name or can we just easily use pseudonyms or stage names as well like actors do?

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