Important Paypal Question - New Paypal Accs

24 replies

I'm getting a new paypal account (non US based) and I wanted to know if there is anyway they'll accept big deposits into it, starting from month1, without causing me a headache.

Perhaps I'll need a biz acc and I might also need to call them on phone and let them know that this new acc is gonna be receiving over $18k a month or so, from the start?

Has anyone done anything similar, without getting their account frozen by paypal??? I mean, all of the deposits are traceable to companies and networks that I'm working with... so it MIGHT not be a big issue? I don't know.

Would appreciate insights on that.

#accs #frozen paypal account #important #new paypal #paypal #paypal account #question
  • Profile picture of the author donhx
    Originally Posted by Mystery777 View Post


    I'm getting a new paypal account (non US based) and I wanted to know if there is anyway they'll accept big deposits into it, starting from month1, without causing me a headache.

    Perhaps I'll need a biz acc and I might also need to call them on phone and let them know that this new acc is gonna be receiving over $18k a month or so, from the start?

    Has anyone done anything similar, without getting their account frozen by paypal??? I mean, all of the deposits are traceable to companies and networks that I'm working with... so it MIGHT not be a big issue? I don't know.

    Would appreciate insights on that.

    I have had experience with this. It is important to have a business account and it is important to call them if you expect a big, sudden increase in activity.

    When you sign up for a business account, they ask what sales volume you expect. Pick a high amount.

    There are all kinds of horror stories about PayPal freezing accounts when there has been a big influx of money. In reality, that almost never happens, but they are within their rights to do that if they suspect fraud. They are not alone... even regular credit cards companies and banks have the right to do that. PayPal has 250 million customers so you hear all kinds of stories... some may be true, but most are from people who violated the PayPal Terms of Service and were penalized.

    Your situation may be different since you are outside the US. If in doubt, call PayPal. I have always found them to be friendly and helpful.
    Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
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    • Profile picture of the author Mystery777
      Thanks man!

      That's what I thought. It can't be just impossible for new accs to accept relatively big sums right off the bat.

      If they ask about expected sales volume, then it solves the problem. I'll call them anyway to make sure I don't get "bamboozled".

      Originally Posted by donhx View Post

      I have had experience with this. It is important to have a business account and it is important to call them if you expect a big, sudden increase in activity.

      When you sign up for a business account, they ask what sales volume you expect. Pick a high amount.

      There are all kinds of horror stories about PayPal freezing accounts when there has been a big influx of money. In reality, that almost never happens, but they are within their rights to do that if they suspect fraud. They are not alone... even regular credit cards companies and banks have the right to do that. PayPal has 250 million customers so you hear all kinds of stories... some may be true, but most are from people who violated the PayPal Terms of Service and were penalized.

      Your situation may be different since you are outside the US. If in doubt, call PayPal. I have always found them to be friendly and helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Yusuf
    how can you call paypal if you're non usa ?

    i'm asian and confused to how to call them

    no sign today...

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  • Profile picture of the author Nisip
    paypal will very often freeze your account even for receiving $20.

    the horror stories that you heard about, are nothing compared to the reality.

    if you really chose using paypal, be prepared for the very worst

    anything that a Paypal officer promises you or tells you, be sure that they will break their promise and words in the next hours.

    I have seen many businesses and I have dealt with countless payment ways.

    Paypal has the highest fees and it is the most traumatic and horrible experience you will ever go through

    Be prepared, you have been warned
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3680836].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ezpay4me
      Definitly, I have my own story with paypal after taking into consideration that I would be the last person to a have my account frozen. PayPal is money hungry and they can definitly feed themselves because they do not protect you under the Banks FDIC because PayPal itself is not a bank although it operates as if it is one.

      To be on the safe side choose a PayPal alternative, I suggest AlertPay, I am sure it will eclipse PayPal very soon. And if you don't believe in these paypal stories , then go on to youtube and watch some paypal sucks videos and if you had ever had a bad experience with paypal you will definitly relate.

      Anyway good luck and I hope you make the right decision because there is really no turning back.
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      • Profile picture of the author Nisip
        Originally Posted by ezpay4me View Post

        I have my own story with paypal after taking into consideration that I would be the last person to a have my account frozen. PayPal is money hungry and they can definitly feed themselves because they do not protect you under the Banks FDIC because PayPal itself is not a bank although it operates as if it is one.
        Everybody believes that Paypal will not do it to them.

        Search on youtube and see the thousands of people
        who filmed themselves and gave exact reviews of Paypal
        and what it is Paypal = a very large SCAMMING website
        who will take your hard earned money and use it for themselves,
        at their own will.

        But in fact, if Paypal didn't steal your money yet, don't worry, they will do it soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author donhx
      Originally Posted by Nisip View Post

      paypal will very often freeze your account even for receiving $20.

      the horror stories that you heard about, are nothing compared to the reality.

      if you really chose using paypal, be prepared for the very worst

      anything that a Paypal officer promises you or tells you, be sure that they will break their promise and words in the next hours.

      I have seen many businesses and I have dealt with countless payment ways.

      Paypal has the highest fees and it is the most traumatic and horrible experience you will ever go through

      Be prepared, you have been warned

      No, PayPal has 250 million customers. They could not stay in business if this was accurate.

      Also, keep in mind that unhappy people have sued PayPal, but no group has won a case since 2002. That case went back to 1999 before eBay bought PayPal.

      There are sites that have many PayPal "scare stories" (like, etc). Notice each is selling something-- such sites are merely affiliate sites trying to get you to buy their expensive alternative. PayPal fees are EXTREMELY low when compared with the alternatives, including Merchant Accounts. That's another reason so many people use them.

      Many people do not read the PayPal Terms of Service. That is the real problem. They break the rules, then they complain when PayPal enforces the rules they have set.
      Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
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  • Profile picture of the author tfos4941
    Paypal do freeze accounts but they never take your money permanently usually it is due to a breach of their TOS.

    You have a new account so you have the initial transaction limits in place still? You will need to contact them and let them know as they will need you to fax them more information. They will need proof of who you are, your address and business details.

    If you are expecting to receive $18k in the first month I would expect them to freeze the account, don't worry though it will not be for long.
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  • Profile picture of the author socialbookmark
    I don't think PayPal freeze accounts if you work as their TOS. Maybe you logged in your account from an unsupported country and its the reason for closing your account. As i know PayPal is safe and they don't steal your money.

    I love warriorforum. zendegiyesabz

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  • Profile picture of the author imfusa
    Originally Posted by Mystery777 View Post


    I'm getting a new paypal account (non US based) and I wanted to know if there is anyway they'll accept big deposits into it, starting from month1, without causing me a headache.

    Perhaps I'll need a biz acc and I might also need to call them on phone and let them know that this new acc is gonna be receiving over $18k a month or so, from the start?

    Has anyone done anything similar, without getting their account frozen by paypal??? I mean, all of the deposits are traceable to companies and networks that I'm working with... so it MIGHT not be a big issue? I don't know.

    Would appreciate insights on that.

    They will request you some documents, like a bank statement, driver's liscence, and maybe you will be needing to upgrade to a business account.
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  • Profile picture of the author CharlieSheenSays
    I am sure you need to open a business account for this. One of my client is getting 20k per month and never had any problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nisip
    yes, there is one guy who never had any problem, your client,
    and and there are hundreds of thousands others who had horrible experiences with paypal.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nisip
    Important to know:

    How Does PayPal Make Money With My Money? According to the San Francisco Chronicle, there are approx. 100,000 complaints outstanding at PayPal (Are any of these yours?). In many instances disputes can run on for months leaving people frustrated and out of pocket as they are unable to access their accounts. So what happens to the millions of dollars tied up in frozen accounts and disputes? Well, here is a clip from the San Francisco Chronicle that basically sums it up:
    U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel of San Jose refused to dismiss a lawsuit that seeks class-action status on behalf of thousands of PayPal customers nationwide. A common allegation is that the company brushes off or stalls customer grievances for months and meanwhile freezes the customer's account and pockets the interest (So that's how they make their money!). No wonder they freeze so many accounts!

    The Lawsuit You Need To Know About
    As you will come to discover while browsing through the many horror stories posted on this site by current and former PayPal users, PayPal has some tough allegations to deal with. Allegations of mishandling money, unnecessarily locking funds, not providing adequate customer support, freezing accounts with no explanation and disregarding customer complaints, just to name a few.
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    • Profile picture of the author donhx
      Originally Posted by Nisip View Post

      Important to know:

      How Does PayPal Make Money With My Money? According to the San Francisco Chronicle, there are approx. 100,000 complaints outstanding at PayPal (Are any of these yours?). In many instances disputes can run on for months leaving people frustrated and out of pocket as they are unable to access their accounts. So what happens to the millions of dollars tied up in frozen accounts and disputes? Well, here is a clip from the San Francisco Chronicle that basically sums it up:
      U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel of San Jose refused to dismiss a lawsuit that seeks class-action status on behalf of thousands of PayPal customers nationwide...

      This quote is GROSSLY UNFAIR. Judge Fogel said this to the San Francisco Chronicle back in 2002!!!! It dealt with a court case that was started in 1999 before PayPal was purchased by eBay.

      No, I am not a PayPal employee, just a satisfied customer since 2002. I just think it is really wrong for people to unfairly slam PayPal.

      Every time we hear of someone trashing PayPal, we only hear one side of the story. We don't hear PayPal's side--but they are in a constant battle against fraud, and I for one commend their efforts. They do a good job of protecting us all.

      Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    I have a biz account and i remember (long ago) they called me once my account reached a certain threshold, i sent a few scans of IDs for verification and that was it. Really no big deal.
    And also if you are "not living in the US" i am certain you are somehow reachable by phone?
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  • Profile picture of the author Nisip
    two very lucky guys here, and hundreds of thousands unlucky other who have their account frozen for few months now...
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  • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey

    Did you recently buy shares in a rival company to PayPal by any chance? Your continual tirades against PayPal are becoming tiresome.

    Yes, there are thousands of people that have been banned by PayPal, but I would suggest you look at the number of scam companies that cannot accept payment via PayPal and question whether there is any correlation between these two figures.

    Are there honest people that have been affected by PayPal's actions? Of course there are. I have had to talk to them on the phone several times. Those restrictions and checks are in place for a good reason, though. To protect the honest consumer.

    Colin Palfrey

    I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mystery777
      They don't have real competition. That's why they do whatever they want, and get away with it.

      However, we are forced to use them at mean time, until some real competition comes along, forcing them to stop misbehaving and taking advantage of some of their customers.

      I know a coupla friends who've had their accounts frozen for ridiculous reasons (they didn't break the TOS) and I do believe that it is part of the way Paypal makes money.

      However, Nisip, yeah you do sound like you are working for a new rival company. You are rubbing it hard. Either that, or you had your own acc frozen.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3683953].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Nisip
        Originally Posted by Mystery777 View Post

        They don't have real competition. That's why they do whatever they want, and get away with it.
        Paypal has competition which is incomparably better than them,
        the problem is that PAYPAL has a position of MONOPOLY
        in many fields... for example on online auctions...
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  • Profile picture of the author Ash R
    Ok, a non-US perspective. Early on when I got a sudden influx of cash, paypal froze my account.

    I had to scan some documents and send it over to them, and when I called the girl I spoke to was super helpful.

    If you're in Australia, a lot of what Paypal does is to comply with Government tax-evasion stuff, so make sure you provide id, proof of address and tax id proof.
    Don't sweat the small stuff :)
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  • Profile picture of the author poweraff
    Becareful in dealing with paypal
    they can just hold your funds for 180 days and you will have nothing to do about it

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    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by Nisip View Post

      Everybody believes that Paypal will not do it to them.

      Search on youtube and see the thousands of people
      who filmed themselves and gave exact reviews of Paypal
      and what it is Paypal = a very large SCAMMING website
      who will take your hard earned money and use it for themselves,
      at their own will.

      But in fact, if Paypal didn't steal your money yet, don't worry, they will do it soon.
      Originally Posted by Nisip View Post

      yes, there is one guy who never had any problem, your client,
      and and there are hundreds of thousands others who had horrible experiences with paypal.
      Originally Posted by Nisip View Post

      paypal will very often freeze your account even for receiving $20.

      the horror stories that you heard about, are nothing compared to the reality.

      if you really chose using paypal, be prepared for the very worst

      anything that a Paypal officer promises you or tells you, be sure that they will break their promise and words in the next hours.

      I have seen many businesses and I have dealt with countless payment ways.

      Paypal has the highest fees and it is the most traumatic and horrible experience you will ever go through

      Be prepared, you have been warned
      Originally Posted by Nisip View Post

      Important to know:

      How Does PayPal Make Money With My Money? According to the San Francisco Chronicle, there are approx. 100,000 complaints outstanding at PayPal (Are any of these yours?). In many instances disputes can run on for months leaving people frustrated and out of pocket as they are unable to access their accounts. So what happens to the millions of dollars tied up in frozen accounts and disputes? Well, here is a clip from the San Francisco Chronicle that basically sums it up:
      U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel of San Jose refused to dismiss a lawsuit that seeks class-action status on behalf of thousands of PayPal customers nationwide. A common allegation is that the company brushes off or stalls customer grievances for months and meanwhile freezes the customer's account and pockets the interest (So that's how they make their money!). No wonder they freeze so many accounts!

      The Lawsuit You Need To Know About
      As you will come to discover while browsing through the many horror stories posted on this site by current and former PayPal users, PayPal has some tough allegations to deal with. Allegations of mishandling money, unnecessarily locking funds, not providing adequate customer support, freezing accounts with no explanation and disregarding customer complaints, just to name a few.
      Originally Posted by Nisip View Post

      two very lucky guys here, and hundreds of thousands unlucky other who have their account frozen for few months now...
      Dude, you are BITTER. I use paypal for the majority of my payments, and it is never a problem. I know thousands of business owners that use it with no problem, I know business owners using google checkout and they have had more issues.

      The thing is, if you're only using one avenue to process payments, with no secondary plan, and something happens to one of them, then the fault it on you. Preparation is key to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author adana
    I cannot believe that all the thousands of people who filmed themselves exposing Paypal wrongdoings and posted videos of themselves on youtube have some other agenda,
    other than expressing their frustration and hate for what hapenned to them because of paypal

    for example, if you have a Paypal personal account, you cannot use it for almost anything at all, because people send payments usually, and personal account is useless in 99.99% of the cases and will get frozen immediately

    Why do they even offer such option that in real life is useless?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I can't believe people believe every rant they read without wondering why so many don't have problems with Paypal. One side of a story tells you only what the story teller wants you to know. People seldom say they were violating terms or that they lied to get their paypal account.

      Don't trust it? Don't use it. Simple.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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