TIP: Are your emails seen as Phishing emails?
In recent days I have seen lots of people switching from plain text to HTML emails when sending to their lists.
My Thurderbird email client keeps flagging up lost of them as Phishing emails.
Essentially if you use somehing like Aweber it will put a tracking link in behind the text you display in the HTML version. Good for making emails look a but more tidy rather than displaying an ugly tracking URL.
But the problem comes when people have been putting links in the HTML and then software like Aweber converts the link behind the HTML into the tracking link. This makes what is visible and the link behind it, two different links.
The way to get round it is to write text in the visible copy and then when the link converts to the tracking link behind, it wont flag this as an issue.
In short - Don't display a URL and make it a link on it's own... add some text like "Click here > http://www.yourdomain.com/" nit just the URL on it's own.
A short time ago I wrote a fuller explanation with examples this on my company blog to help my clients but it will help you all too... Phishing Concerns in Email Marketing - toinfinity's blog
AntHodges -
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