Video Salesletters in WSO's? Vote Yes or No...

21 replies
Hey Warriors,

Been noticing a trend for peeps putting video salesletters
in their WSO salesletters.

Do you think this helps you buy better WSO's or is it
annoying to have to sit and watch a video just to
understand the WSO offer?

Personally, I think video salesletters for a WSO is like
trying to go trout fishing with a shotgun. Video salesletters
were meant to sell high ticket items, not cheap front end
reports and video courses.

A short letter should be all you need to sell a $7, $17, or $27
WSO product. OR maybe I'm crazy? Lemme know...
#salesletters #video #vote #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Britt Malka
    No to video.

    I prefer to read (faster), than to grab my headset, insert the plug, start the video (or restart, if it's one of those annoying videos that start automatically), watch, try not to be bored, and then take a decision.
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  • Profile picture of the author ConnorMcCreesh
    Hey Justin,

    I find videos can be irritating full stop. If you do a combo I think that is the safe option, or at least make sure people can skip through the video at will.

    But saying that I cannot stand the massive long sales pages that would take a day to read.

    Personally I think that a mix of both is a good plan for any sales page, as for WSOs, I don't see why a short video that supplements the sales pitch would hurt but I would not suggest a whole sales page as a video!

    Kind regards,
    Hopper, The Instagram Scheduling Tool - Established Tech Startup with 1500+ Users.

    Hopper Affiliate Program: 15% Recurring Monthly Commissions. Thoroughly tested sales funnel. $10-$250+ Product Sales Prices.
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  • Profile picture of the author Giani
    I have bought WSOs but by reading sales letter only, which is sufficient I believe.

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  • Profile picture of the author Harry Spencer
    I think you should do both, neither the video or letter need to be very long if your selling an entry level product and you can produce a short video quite quickly. I believe video does work just make it interesting, keep it short and simple and it will still compel people to buy.

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  • Profile picture of the author spope91
    My vote is no. I feel text is more genuine. It's quicker and easier too. I strongly agree with the trout fishing statement.
    What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.
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  • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
    I think combining is the best, you want to reach all the audiences, there are people that like to read, others like to hear and others like to see, so I think the combination is the best Combo.

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  • Profile picture of the author Nigel Greaves
    It would depend on what you're selling. If you're selling something which is best demonstrated by showing how easy the product is by all means use video. For most WSOs I would go for a simple sales letter though.

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    • Profile picture of the author mikeroosa
      I rarely watch a video on a sales letter to be honest. I actually am concerned with only 3 things and quickly scan the letter to find them.

      What will it do for me?
      How much does it cost?
      Do I already know how to do this?
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  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    To be honest with you, it does increase your conversion rates, well at least for me. I use a model of a "video" and a sales page, because you can connect with two different audiences. You've got one group of people that want to read, and one that want to watch.

    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Sorrell
      If you're selling some WP plugin or some submissions tools then yes, a quick video demo would add to the appeal if the product itself was of decent quality but for a $7 report or short info guide, no. And in all honesty, just not that many people are cut out for in front of camera presenting or powerpoint voiceovers.

      At the higher end of the scale I think the marketers that are naturally good in front of the camera, or the ones who have taken the time out to actually work at being good at it will overtake other marketers in terms of brand strength and subscriber loyalty.
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      • Profile picture of the author Shannon Herod
        I would say it depends.

        I am currently selling a software product and am using both video and sales text.

        The reason I'm using video is I believe it is important for the person to see the software in action.

        So, as in everything you need to test it.

        However, I would not use just a video to try to sell a WSO. The reason being is the same logic you have... You should be able to sell a $7 - $17 was a nice little letter.

        Talk soon,

        Shannon Herod
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    I vote give both options. Sometimes I want to watch a video and other times I can't stand it. Give me option to read or watch.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    To me it's about the clarity of the message.
    Video by itself is often not done well, but as long as there's decent copy along with it, it's fine. Then reader has a choice.
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  • Profile picture of the author TiffLee
    Personally, I can't stand videos being used in IM -- for sales pages and/or instructions.

    Most people move along too slowly in them and I quickly lose interest. I'd rather have a fully developed .PDF file sitting on my screen for me to go through. Much quicker and I get much less aggravated.
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  • Profile picture of the author mkt
    I vote no. I frankly have no time to sit and watch a video. I can read a lot faster than you can talk, so don't waste my time.

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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
      Just some real life stats for ya...

      3600 page views
      310 video plays

      Less than 10% play the video. However my video isnt top fold so i suspect if i had it positioned higher it would have a 20-30% play rate.

      Dan Brock
      Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
      Click here to learn how to make money online in your bath robe and gym socks!
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      • Profile picture of the author JustinBrooke
        What I'm Reading So Far...

        A couple say yes
        A couple say no
        Most say use both

        To my understanding of copywriting, we shouldn't
        put anything on the page that doesn't absolutely
        need to be there.

        Like if it doesn't directly help the sale then it doesn't
        need to be there. The people who are saying use both
        seem to be saying "in case some one wants to watch
        the video they can"

        I could be misreading them
        my skull thickness is above average

        Personally, I think I'm going to stick with no video
        until I find a reason that the video is mandatory.

        Thanks so much for all the opinions, really helped me
        decide what I want to do moving forward.
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        • Profile picture of the author candoit2
          Sometimes a video is good because it is easier to show what it is or does than to explain it.

          However I want the sales pitch to be written so I don't have to waste time listening to someone go on and on about the benefits, the economy, the frustrations of making money online..blah, blah, blah...

          Make the video to the point and save all the fluff for the sales letter so I can skim through the parts that I don't need to know or hear.


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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    My opinion of video is precisely the same as my
    opinion of text...

    If you can entertain and inform me, I'll watch.

    If you fail on either count, I'm gone.

    It's my opinion that somewhere around 90% of
    all the people I see doing videos shouldn't be
    doing them.

    Video, like everything else, requires a specific set of
    skills... most people don't have them. It's not that they
    shouldn't present their offer in video format... it's that
    they shouldn't be doing it themselves.

    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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    • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
      I'm not a fan of videos anyway, so I'd vote no. I hate sales videos as they're usually really long and drawn out - definitely not necessary for a cheap special offer.

      With WSO's I rarely read much more than just the headline, bullet points & testimonials - I often buy just based on the name of the seller (if I know them or know their work).

      The only time I might watch a video in a WSO thread is if it was a testimonial, if it was showing some proof of something, or if it was demonstrating how something worked e.g. software. Even then I'd only watch if it was really short.
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  • Profile picture of the author StevenJones
    Video to back up the actual sales letter text!
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