So This Babe Walks Into A Bar...
He said he had got a blueprint ebook I wrote years ago and that
it made him get serious about making money online, etc etc
He went on to say that he basically wanted to step it up and
really start bringing in the cash big time...
He then mentioned how much money he's making (almost six figures).
So, I responded and asked him how he's currently making that money.
(I was thinking, if it's an info product, to add in upsells, high ticket, etc)
He just replied and he said:
"I just did what you said I created a squeeze page and put my
work into traffic conversions managing the subsribers"
So, this guy has no product (I dont think). Is not running
around like a chicken with his head cut off, bouncing from
one scheme to the next to the next.
He's not focused on 1,000 different things. Just one. His list.
And is making near six figures per year.
Step One: Find a niche market where you can sell lots
and lots of different things to the same customers.
Step Two: Go to ezine articles or elsewhere and find
killer articles on your niche. contact the article authors
and ask if you can use their article in a free PDF you give away.
(you can also embed videos in the PDF too).
--BTW-- I dont even ask, I just copy and paste. but, ask
to play it safe.
Step Three: Copy and paste all those articles into a
document (include the links and resource box of course)
and turn the doc into a PDF.
Step Four: Craft a squeeze page that gives away that
free PDF. (this will be an ongoing tweaking process to get
the conversions up higher on opt in rate)
Step Five: Find affiliate offers for your niche and sign up
as an affiliate.
Step Six: Set up 10 to 50 auto-responder emails ahead of
time. Some of the emails need to give free tips and info and
some need to pitch (just sell baby)
(this too will be an ongoing tweaking process)
Step Seven: Drive traffic (this will be an ongoing tweaking
process as well)
If you spend 95% of your time focused on the above steps,
you will make six figures. If you never quit and stay focused
on this through thick and thin... never quit... keep tweaking
and improving, you'll make six figures... GUARANTEED!
Traffic: Find sites in your niche that get good traffic and offer
advertising. Contact them for their rate card. Negotiate their
fees. Run a test run with a banner or text ad or solo ad, whatever.
Start small. Grow from there. End of game, you win.
Traffic: Paid traffic, start small, grow from there. PPC, CPV, solo
ads, etc.
Once you have 1,000 subscribers (not set in stone of course, could
be less)... reach out to other sites that have a list and strike a list
swap. I'll send you 300 clicks if you send me 300 clicks. Wash and
Eventually, you'll have a list of 5,000+ subscribers. From there it
snowballs and you'll look back and say..."why the heck doesn't everyone
do this? why do they make it so hard on themselves?"
Then, you'll realize... "Oh, most people dance around, bounce around,
from one thing to the other... and are chasing 1,000 different things,
instead of focusing in on one".
Wow! build a list! automated income. Epic Genius.
~Honey Badger
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"May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"
When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
Beyond the Path
P.S. If I can be of any assistance in your "Off" or "On"- line sales and marketing please PM me or email at WinnersChoice-Warrior@yahoo.com . Old Dog
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