10 Day Plan For All Starting Affiliates. Simple,Easy,Free and can bring you some $$$
I say that because that whats happend to me...some did good some did bad.
This is gonna be LONG so bare with me

Lets get cracking....
Day 1: Search for a niche/keywords and find some good keywords that you can rank for, usually something that gets less then 30k competing pages when you search for it on google with "".
After you found your niche, go check out clickbank,paydotcom & click2sell (I don't why almost all guides choose only clickbank....) and find 3 products for your niche...find products that you can get at least ~18$ commission per sale and that have an appealing sales letter.
After you found your products you can: buy it and review it, ask for a review copy from the owner, search for other reviews and and write one in your own words.
Also try to put one product as your star product but don't totally crash the others...try and keep them close.
Next get a blogger blog and try to get a url that has one of your top keywords in it, make 1 welcome post and thats it for day 1.
Day 2: Now you can start writing your reviews. So...write them

Create 1 hupbage with good content that you can link to your blogger blog, also based on your keywords.
Social bookmark your blog and your posts and the hubpage on 10-20 websites.
Also dont forget to ping your blog after you posted the reviews.
Day 3: Write 5 articles that you will post at EZA on this day.
Create a squidoo lens with good content that you link to your blog.
Create a feedburner feed to put it on your blog and submit it to websites like feedage.
Social bookmark the lens.
Day 4: Write 5 articles that you will post on EZA on this day.
Create a weebly website with good content that links to your blog.
Create a video regarding some of your niche problems and put your blog/products as a solution.
Use tubemogul to submit it to all the major video social websites.
Social bookmark it.
Day 5: Write 5 articles that you will post on EZA on this day.
Create 1 hupbage with a review of one of your products.
Make a video about your chosen product and use tubemogul to submit it to all the major video social websites.
Social bookmark the video and the hubpage.
Day 6: Write 5 articles that you will post on EZA on this day.
Create 1 squidoo lens with a review of your start product.
Make a video about your start product and use tubemogul to submit it to all the major.....
Social bookmark the video and the lens.
Day 7: Write 5 articles that you will post on EZA on this day.
Create a weebly website with a review about your 3rd product.
Make a video about your 3rd product and use tubemogul to submit it.
Social bookmark the weebly and the video.
For the other 3 days...just keep writing 5 articles per day and check your stats and what articles have been accepted.
- Write your articles based on keywords but don't forget good content also.
- Your videos can be simple screen recordings with you explaining the stuff.
- On your hubpages and squidoo sites add as many keywords as you can, this will get your sites indexed faster.
- Get a nice theme for your blogger blog
- If you need help with niche research, video creation, lens creation, articles etc... just search on this forum
After those 10 days you can wait and see how you do or move to another niche OR further increase your presence in this niche: get a domain name and put up wordpress etc..
Like I said above I cant guarantee that you will make loads of cash and stuff, you can try it and see what you get.
I know it was long

For any questions I am here, just ask them in this thread.
PS: I wrote this at 7 AM without sleeping so if I have any errors like spelling or stuff, sorry.
"Case Study: Discover You Can Make $1371.66 With A Simple Blog Post by Clicking Here"
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)