ClickBank - What is a Good Ratio of Order Form Impressions Per HOP?

18 replies
what is wrong with this, is this product really bad I should quit ?
Why so many form impression but no sales ?

Hop Count

Hops Per Order Form Impression

Order Form Impression Count

Order Form Submit Count

Initial Sales Count
#clickbank #form #good #hop #impressions #order #ratio
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by ackbar22000 View Post

    is this product really bad I should quit ?
    It's not possible to answer that from the information you've provided (so beware of anyone who tries to!).

    For example: maybe the product is excellent but your traffic is no good. And there are many other possibilities, too. Statistics of the kind you offer can't possibly answer the question you're asking.

    Originally Posted by ackbar22000 View Post

    Why so many form impression but no sales ?
    Many people look at the order form for reasons other than the fact that they might buy (sometimes just to see quickly what the price is, for example, or to see who the affiliate is, or for other reasons).

    It's a little unusual, admittedly, to have 4 order-form submissions without a sale (one would typically expect 3 sales from that), but only a little, and of course 4 is a terribly small sample and it may mean nothing at all.

    I see, of course that 400+ hops without a sale is discouraging (though still possibly consistent with a 1% conversion-rate and an unlucky start!), but one certainly can't assume from this that "the product is really bad". There are far too many unknown variables in what you've said for that conclusion to be warranted.

    (Would it help you to look through my own 10-point checklist for Clickbank product selection and see how well the product's sales page measures up to it? If it would, you can see it here ).
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  • Profile picture of the author patey88
    I have also recently had many submissions that resulted in no sale. If you show hops by customer country, are a lot of yours United Kingdom?

    Mine are all from the United Kingdom, and when I correlate the Clickbank information with what I see in Google Analytics, I can see they are all submissions by different people (different cities, different screen resolutions, different browsers).

    It's been like this for months... unsuccessful UK sales. I'm wondering if Clickbank is doing special risk management for UK bank credit cards, or something, and rejecting them. (I have had successful Paypal sales for country code GB.)

    Another thing I wonder is if unexpected taxes apply in the UK, that get added on in the final payment page and make customers change their mind. That's wild conjecture on my part, but I'm curious about it.

    Or it could all be coincidence. -- Patey
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by patey88 View Post

      Another thing I wonder is if unexpected taxes apply in the UK, that get added on in the final payment page and make customers change their mind. That's wild conjecture on my part, but I'm curious about it.
      There's VAT, but it's not "unexpected". UK customers expect to see VAT (and it's openly seen on Clickbank order pages).

      An interesting observation, though. :confused:

      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      Sales Page/Product must be really, really bad...
      Well ... 4 people have apparently tried to buy it, whatever it is - out of just over 400 hops - that's not necessarily a sign of a terrible sales page? :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author patey88
    Sorry, I meant to answer the question in the title too. So far this year I'm getting 6 hops per order form impression.

    You can't assume our sites or vendor sites are anything like each other though, so that doesn't mean much. But I offer my info because I know what it's like to be curious about what other people are seeing. -- P.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    419 Hops, 0 Sales?

    Sales Page/Product must be really, really bad...

    Edit: Alexa of course is right again with what she says, but nevertheless 400:0 is a sign that something somewhere must be seriously off.


    If i am going to Antarctica selling ice cream and i dont get any sales in an hour...this doesnt necessarily mean the ice cream is bad
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Brauer
    Here's the thing, a ton of people abandon their shopping cart once they get to the "moment of truth" aka buying the product!

    Honestly, I would be a little suspicious of this product, and perhaps move on to something else...
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    • Profile picture of the author ackbar22000
      wow, thank you all !
      I did not thought I'll have so much great analysis/tips
      failed form submission were from mexico(3) and chile(1), I guess that is just a coincidence....not enough data as you mentioned.
      and yeah, if I had 3 sales for the 4 form submit, I'll be happy with it.
      again thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Usually people that start out by trying to sell CB products think that 'any' traffic will do.

    Unless your traffic is well targeted you can often expect less than 0.05% CTR so you'll need thousands of visitors in order to be making regular sales.

    Focus your traffic and check that the product and your preselling are congruent.

    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author ackbar22000
      wow, yesterday even worst :

      Hop Count

      Hops Per Order Form Impression

      Order Form Impression Count

      Order Form Submit Count

      Initial Sales Count

      lifetime with this products is 23 Form submit count 4 sales...
      Is there a possibility there is some errors, should I contact the saler ?
      I have unique tracking ids.

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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by ackbar22000 View Post

        lifetime with this products is 23 Form submit count 4 sales...
        Is there a possibility there is some errors, should I contact the saler ?
        4 sales from 23 order-form submissions is certainly very distressing.

        Unfortunately, you really do need to contact Clickbank (which, on this subject, sadly tends to be a time-consuming, unpleasant and ultimately non-productive task :rolleyes: ), rather than the vendor, who will be unable to do anything other than contacting Clickbank himself. (Could arguably still be worth trying so that they hear the story from two people rather than just from one, though, I suppose?).

        Once the prospective customer has got as far as submitting the order, Clickbank is in sole control of the transaction. The matter is out of the vendor's hands just as it's out of yours.

        I'm sorry to hear this. I do appreciate your frustration. It's a position I'd be very uneasy and unhappy about.
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        • Profile picture of the author ackbar22000
          ok, will do.
          thank you
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          • Profile picture of the author ackbar22000
            I just dont get it, this month is 62 order form submit, 8 sales !
            why so many errors !
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            • Profile picture of the author GMM
              Alexa, I just came across this post and want to say thank you so much for your excellent advice. I tried ClickBank a few years ago and failed dismally and have just started again with a little more success but nowhere near as good as it could or should be. Your 10 point checklist and other comments are going to be engrained in my mind for every product that I look at promoting from now on. I will be closing off my advertising for my current product campaigns, especially the one with the highest gravity, it's getting loads of impressions using exact 2,3 and 4 word keyword phrases but clicks are dismal at less than 2% and sales even worse.

              Got to rush off now and look at the other end of the Clickbank scale. Thanks once again for the treasure of info.

              The real estate short sale property market is thriving

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            • Originally Posted by ackbar22000 View Post

              I just dont get it, this month is 62 order form submit, 8 sales !
              why so many errors !
              That's a lot of money down the drain there!

              A sample of my stats, from 20k hops gives me 222 order form submits and 166 sales.
              This is close to 75% conversion rate from submits to sales.
              Overall conversion from hops to sales is 0.83%.
              Hops per order 120.
              Earnings per hop 0.20c.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    There might be an error. I've had problems like this before, but never that frequently. You could try contacting clickbank.
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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    If you're getting a lot of order form submissions without making a sale, you may also want to check the sales page. Because sometimes that's a sign that the sales page is not making the price visible - or it's hard to find. Then visitors have to go all the way to the order form just to find the price.
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  • Profile picture of the author imdomination
    Almost 1000 clicks and no sales sounds suspicious, unless you're direct linking in PPV.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Guys, the thread is over 4 months old - I think the OP's specific problem will have been resolved or worked through by now? :confused:
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