Online Business Investments

29 replies
Let's talk about the real ish: the true secrets... how much everything really costs!

I'll get the obvious objection out of the way. Yes, you can earn money online with absolutely zero investment. These methods (content revenue sharing sites, freelancing, fiverr, etc.) are good to start out with. In fact, they're great. Because once you earn $$ without investment, just think of the good a little investment will do...

See, I get ahead of myself. Here are some of the costs associated with the "basics" of building an online business. Keep in mind that these are "bare bones" investments. One could invest $150,000 into a domain name if one wanted.

Domain Name: $9-$11/year for .coms
Hosting: $4-$10/month
Autoresponder: $15/month or so a month after some sort of trial. Can be free through some platforms (pretty sure GetResponse is one) if the list is under a certain # of subscribers.

We're at $36-ish dollars so far, with $25 spent per month.

Learning stuff: If you're not quite sure where to start, there is a world of information both free and paid here and on the Internet in general. It is so deep and wide that you have to be careful, as the allure of killer bargains can really evaporate your funds.

Good WSOs with actionable cash-earning strategies are free or very cheap, many many are available for under $10.

For ultimate bang-for-your buck, I've gotta go War Room. For the $37 life time membership, I've already gotten 823948329x that value with the caliber of the products and information there. So if you've got it, invest it, BUT!

Do not get caught up in information overload. Stick to a topic, learn it, and EARN ON IT.

So, $73 bucks now. Let's round to $80 assuming one gets a War Room membership and a $7 WSO.

How about your site's design? Yes, you'll install a free WordPress blog if you're just starting out. Yes, you can outsource this too, starting at $5. Most people suggest a premium or custom theme, for a professional look. $20 if you dig around for a quality value. Headers, too, and those are $5 and up. That adds another $30 and I'm talking bargain basement for this stuff, particularly through a lot of great services here on the WF.


[[If you ain't got the $ for this, I'd suggest graphics investment be put on the back burner -- your content should first make you $$$ with free (but pretty/clean/net) layout and graphics. Then, go hog wild into tricking out your site. ]]

Where's your content coming from? It's gotta be high quality, so consider it's source carefully. Again, shopping here on the WF is probably your best bet. Writers of all talent levels and prices are available. You can find a $1-$60 article. The difference among the prices relates to the uniqueness and quality of the content. Hiring a professional writer to work exclusively on your content will cost you a pretty penny, but will ensure exclusive, high quality content.

If you're just starting out, it's likely you'll use PLR articles which you can transform to fit your needs. You can find free or buy packs of articles, fix them to best match the tone and content of your site, and use 'em! Let's lay in the middle and say you spend $30 on either custom content or PLR articles.


And, of course, the traffic.

Traffic, traffic, traffic. As there are so many ways to generate traffic, this is probably the biggest investment difference amongst internet marketers. But here is the important thing about traffic costs: EVEN GENERATING "FREE" TRAFFIC COSTS MONEY (OR TIME!) Link building, article marketing, these don't have direct costs, but unless you're going to do them all yourself, you're going to need to shed some coin.

SEO and link building services vary. Ideally, your site would continue to grow in links, so these costs would be monthly and can range from as low as $10 - $200+/month. Since we're starting low, we'll say $10 a month, and maybe an initial PR splurge of $45 (quality press releases are a pretty penny).

PPC or PPV traffic costs may be one's largest investment. Only enter this field after you have proven your site's earning potential with free traffic methods.

Ignoring PPC or PPV costs, we're at $185 with $35 a month recurring. Again, these are my estimates from my research and experience. I know people spend much more and much less, and we're all different.

Of course, within this framework, everyone's start up expenses will vary. Remember, do what YOU DO and farm out the rest, if you can. Got the Photoshop touch? Save on the investment cost and do your own. Does writing high quality content scare you? Account for that in your investment cost.

Remember, ultimately, time is our most important investment. So non-renewable, you know?

You can monetize your site as an affiliate for damn near any sort of product, be it a review style site or niche blog, and you can use AdSense. Both of these are free of charge.

But what if you create your own product? Then you've got product creation and copy writing costs. I hired an EXCELLENT researcher on ODesk to help me out with my next project for $3.25/hour. About $45 in total, and that's getting off very cheaply because I had most of the juice there already.

Sales copy also varies, but the low end for a sales letter is $300. Again, this can be a large investment if you're just starting out, so make sure you already have some traction, earnings and an audience before you pump big bucks into anything.

Oh my! Let me know what investments I'm missing, guys, thanks for reading!
#income #investments #online
  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    I once started an online business with a domain name, hosting, and $25 for AdWords. It generated a few hundred dollars profit before I had to buy more AdWords. Within a few months, that $40 initial investment was scaled into a business that generated a half million in revenue.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      I once started an online business with a domain name, hosting, and $25 for AdWords. It generated a few hundred dollars profit before I had to buy more AdWords. Within a few months, that $40 initial investment was scaled into a business that generated a half million in revenue.
      That's very cool PPC done right is mad powerful!
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    • Profile picture of the author howinfo
      When you start out with a small budget then it is still possible to make good money but it just might take bit longer than staring out with lot of money to spend. In either case you still need to know what you are doing of course. Whit small budget as your business grows and you start making money than as you reinvest the profits to your business then it causes it to grow bigger and make more and more. But yes, you do need some small starting capital as you have mentiond for essentials like domain name and hosting.
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    • Profile picture of the author humbledmarket
      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      I once started an online business with a domain name, hosting, and $25 for AdWords. It generated a few hundred dollars profit before I had to buy more AdWords. Within a few months, that $40 initial investment was scaled into a business that generated a half million in revenue.
      Wow were you a born marketer? LOL, wish I had that same success. I was never really so good at PPC; SEO seem to be my thing instead. Spent over $300 in Facebook ads and didn't even break even. Unlike some people; I wasn't so successful starting out. I actually even did forum posting at $1/10 post haha

      But after some things got sorted out in my life by the grace of god I manage to hit some very good success and also manage to learn and understand a lot specially about SEO; now it's going good...but it's only going to get better ;D
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      • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
        Originally Posted by humbledmarket View Post

        Wow were you a born marketer? LOL, wish I had that same success. I was never really so good at PPC; SEO seem to be my thing instead. Spent over $300 in Facebook ads and didn't even break even. Unlike some people; I wasn't so successful starting out. I actually even did forum posting at $1/10 post haha

        But after some things got sorted out in my life by the grace of god I manage to hit some very good success and also manage to learn and understand a lot specially about SEO; now it's going good...but it's only going to get better ;D
        If you have a War Room membership, then you can read exactly how I did it here:

        Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Dybka
    Originally Posted by bambii View Post

    Let's talk about the real sh*t: the true secrets... how much everything really costs!

    I'll get the obvious objection out of the way. Yes, you can earn money online with absolutely zero investment. These methods (content revenue sharing sites, freelancing, fiverr, etc.) are good to start out with. In fact, they're great. Because once you earn $$ without investment, just think of the good a little investment will do...

    See, I get ahead of myself. Here are some of the costs associated with the "basics" of building an online business. Keep in mind that these are "bare bones" investments. One could invest $150,000 into a domain name if one wanted.

    Domain Name: $9-$11/year for .coms
    Hosting: $4-$10/month
    Autoresponder: $15/month or so a month after some sort of trial. Can be free through some platforms (pretty sure GetResponse is one) if the list is under a certain # of subscribers.

    We're at $36-ish dollars so far, with $25 spent per month.

    Learning stuff: If you're not quite sure where to start, there is a world of information both free and paid here and on the Internet in general. It is so deep and wide that you have to be careful, as the allure of killer bargains can really evaporate your funds.

    Good WSOs with actionable cash-earning strategies are free or very cheap, many many are available for under $10.

    For ultimate bang-for-your buck, I've gotta go War Room. For the $37 life time membership, I've already gotten 823948329x that value with the caliber of the products and information there. So if you've got it, invest it, BUT!

    Do not get caught up in information overload. Stick to a topic, learn it, and EARN ON IT.

    So, $73 bucks now. Let's round to $80 assuming one gets a War Room membership and a $7 WSO.

    How about your site's design? Yes, you'll install a free WordPress blog if you're just starting out. Yes, you can outsource this too, starting at $5. Most people suggest a premium or custom theme, for a professional look. $20 if you dig around for a quality value. Headers, too, and those are $5 and up. That adds another $30 and I'm talking bargain basement for this stuff, particularly through a lot of great services here on the WF.


    [[If you ain't got the $ for this, I'd suggest graphics investment be put on the back burner -- your content should first make you $$$ with free (but pretty/clean/net) layout and graphics. Then, go hog wild into tricking out your site. ]]

    Where's your content coming from? It's gotta be high quality, so consider it's source carefully. Again, shopping here on the WF is probably your best bet. Writers of all talent levels and prices are available. You can find a $1-$60 article. The difference among the prices relates to the uniqueness and quality of the content. Hiring a professional writer to work exclusively on your content will cost you a pretty penny, but will ensure exclusive, high quality content.

    If you're just starting out, it's likely you'll use PLR articles which you can transform to fit your needs. You can find free or buy packs of articles, fix them to best match the tone and content of your site, and use 'em! Let's lay in the middle and say you spend $30 on either custom content or PLR articles.


    And, of course, the traffic.

    Traffic, traffic, traffic. As there are so many ways to generate traffic, this is probably the biggest investment difference amongst internet marketers. But here is the important thing about traffic costs: EVEN GENERATING "FREE" TRAFFIC COSTS MONEY (OR TIME!) Link building, article marketing, these don't have direct costs, but unless you're going to do them all yourself, you're going to need to shed some coin.

    SEO and link building services vary. Ideally, your site would continue to grow in links, so these costs would be monthly and can range from as low as $10 - $200+/month. Since we're starting low, we'll say $10 a month, and maybe an initial PR splurge of $45 (quality press releases are a pretty penny).

    PPC or PPV traffic costs may be one's largest investment. Only enter this field after you have proven your site's earning potential with free traffic methods.

    Ignoring PPC or PPV costs, we're at $185 with $35 a month recurring. Again, these are my estimates from my research and experience. I know people spend much more and much less, and we're all different.

    Of course, within this framework, everyone's start up expenses will vary. Remember, do what YOU DO and farm out the rest, if you can. Got the Photoshop touch? Save on the investment cost and do your own. Does writing high quality content scare you? Account for that in your investment cost.

    Remember, ultimately, time is our most important investment. So non-renewable, you know?

    You can monetize your site as an affiliate for damn near any sort of product, be it a review style site or niche blog, and you can use AdSense. Both of these are free of charge.

    But what if you create your own product? Then you've got product creation and copy writing costs. I hired an EXCELLENT researcher on ODesk to help me out with my next project for $3.25/hour. About $45 in total, and that's getting off very cheaply because I had most of the juice there already.

    Sales copy also varies, but the low end for a sales letter is $300. Again, this can be a large investment if you're just starting out, so make sure you already have some traction, earnings and an audience before you pump big bucks into anything.

    Oh my! Let me know what investments I'm missing, guys, thanks for reading!
    Well you have to look at it as the cost of doing business,I'm sure nobody is doing IM for the fun of it,every business has costs and I don't know of any other business where the start up costs are that low.


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    • Profile picture of the author howinfo
      Originally Posted by Steven Dybka View Post

      Well you have to look at it as the cost of doing business,I'm sure nobody is doing IM for the fun of it,every business has costs and I don't know of any other business where the start up costs are that low.

      I think the fun factor is very important as well, I do enjoy IM and I am sure lot of others do as well. And it is lot of fun to see things working out finally and money coming in.
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    I started out making 3K+ a month, with spending $5 on a domain name... and 40 for a year of hosting... You don't even need a site in order to make money online.
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    • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
      Originally Posted by Steven Dybka View Post

      Well you have to look at it as the cost of doing business,I'm sure nobody is doing IM for the fun of it,every business has costs and I don't know of any other business where the start up costs are that low.

      Steve, I agree. Of course it's the cost associated with doing business. These costs are investments and it's critically important to invest properly.

      Originally Posted by howinfo View Post

      I think the fun factor is very important as well, I do enjoy IM and I am sure lot of others do as well. And it is lot of fun to see things working out finally and money coming in.
      I really enjoy IM too! But I don't do every part of the process myself -- THAT may drive me crazy! ;P

      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      I started out making 3K+ a month, with spending $5 on a domain name... and 40 for a year of hosting... You don't even need a site in order to make money online.
      What'd you put on your site, where'd your traffic come from, and how long did it take you to earn 3k?
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      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by bambii View Post

        What'd you put on your site, where'd your traffic come from, and how long did it take you to earn 3k?
        SEO... first month 3K... but I didn't sit here waiting, I put ads up on craigslist, started posting here, and numerous other places, sent emails to people non stop. It was hard work, but I believe absolutely anyone if they have the drive, they can make 3K their first month.

        I was also offering a service... but even if people didn't know how to perform that service, they can outsource and still make 3K a month. I believe that wholeheartedly.
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  • Profile picture of the author momo1978
    Great to read about people's success. Im spending on the hosting and registration. And bought few guides and programs from the forum with nothing in return. My adsense account got disabled and that put my whole idea of IM down. Any one be kind enough to guide me what am I missing or tell me a diffrent route than the adsense and mini sites I'm creating. Help appreciated in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author royaltyw
    Good information Bambii. Anyone who's really serious can start making some money with good research.

    For a weight loss program that works long term, get the diet solution. Discover what his needs her needs are today and strengthen your relationship.

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    • Profile picture of the author uju
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      • Profile picture of the author James Clark
        Look, the only business that I know of that won't cost you some money, the business of sitting around dreaming. You can do that for free.

        My father taught me many things, long before the Internet. He said, don't be so quick to jump at the first thing that is FREE. I have a farm with a lake on it. Damn you can't even go fishing for free. There is a guys down the road selling worms.

        Well, if I want to catch some fish either dig up the worms myself or pay him. Honestly, my grandfather didn't teach me how to dig up worms. I have be paying him for years.(LOL)
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Let's look at the bookends...

          > Using free resources and sweat equity to build and reinvest, working at the free computers in the public library. Startup cost = $0

          > Go the Huffington route and raise $20-30 million in venture capital (other people's money). Startup cost = $0

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          • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
            Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

            The only business that I know of that doesn't really have any overhead at all is prostitution.
            Haha! I don't get prostitution. Sex is the only thing that is illegal to sell but perfectly legal to give away....

            Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

            Let's look at the bookends...

            > Using free resources and sweat equity to build and reinvest, working at the free computers in the public library. Startup cost = $0

            > Go the Huffington route and raise $20-30 million in venture capital (other people's money). Startup cost = $0

            Hahaha, oh that huffpo stuff.

            And to other posters, YES, I know you can earn money online with ZERO investment (didn't I say that at the top of my post?), but I felt like listing some costs for things that people just starting out tend to need.

            As always, doing everything for yourself takes time. Time is MORE VALUABLE than money for most... so it's important to figure out, early on, what you're going to spend time on... and what you're going to spend $$ on.
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        • Profile picture of the author roxannebiz
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  • Profile picture of the author joan2009
    time and effort you spend is the best investment so far
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
    Here's a thought. I started online in the mid 90's in the UK. Back then to get online I bought a desktop pc (compaq presario). It cost me £2,700 ($5,000) and then I had double isn line at £70 ($120) a month. That's before I bought a domain £100 ($150) a year and hosting at £100 a month.
    So Yes there are some costs to start a business online today but they're really minimum to be honest. And don't forget there's plenty of places you can offer services to raise money with just internet access and an email address.

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  • Profile picture of the author lianab11
    The most important thing you invest in your online business is your time.
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    • Profile picture of the author realfun
      When i first started back in 2007, i got stung $4000 but a US company to teach how to make money online. I got stung big time.

      Over the last few years i leant for myself and I would definatly say, a few hundred dollars max is all you need to spend

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    • Profile picture of the author wschuler
      Originally Posted by lianab11 View Post

      The most important thing you invest in your online business is your time.
      I agree... it's also the most expensive part. I still have a full-time job, 5 kids, a sweet heart and an annoying little dog. My time is very limited/valuable.
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    The only business that I know of that doesn't really have any overhead at all is prostitution.
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    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

      The only business that I know of that doesn't really have any overhead at all is prostitution.
      What about the legs?
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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      • Profile picture of the author Doug Wakefield
        I spend $10 a month on hosting and about the same per year for each domain that actually works out. I currently have about a dozen domains. So figure it at $22 a month.

        I slap down $15 a month to E-Junkie, though that is about to increase as I need more space.

        I pay 0 for an autoresponder, though I am seriously about to go back to Aweber... Getresponse is GREAT, don't get me wrong, but the fact that is is a nightmare to set it up with anything besides Paypal sucks. Aweber is integrated with most the major platforms and shopping carts already.

        I outsource my backlinking. I hate that work, my profits are made with content and products... let someone who wants to do it handle it for me. I pay $13 a month for this now. It will go up in time as I start to scale further.

        Rest of my costs are time related, currently. I already slapped down for money for the war room years ago (just now really starting to use the benefits.) I don't really invest much into WSOs anymore. Its more about refining my process now, though I still browse for product ideas.

        Truth of the matter is that I consider these investments, and not costs. I could not do business online without them.
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        • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
          Originally Posted by Doug Wakefield View Post

          I spend $10 a month on hosting and about the same per year for each domain that actually works out. I currently have about a dozen domains. So figure it at $22 a month.

          I slap down $15 a month to E-Junkie, though that is about to increase as I need more space.

          I pay 0 for an autoresponder, though I am seriously about to go back to Aweber... Getresponse is GREAT, don't get me wrong, but the fact that is is a nightmare to set it up with anything besides Paypal sucks. Aweber is integrated with most the major platforms and shopping carts already.

          I outsource my backlinking. I hate that work, my profits are made with content and products... let someone who wants to do it handle it for me. I pay $13 a month for this now. It will go up in time as I start to scale further.

          Rest of my costs are time related, currently. I already slapped down for money for the war room years ago (just now really starting to use the benefits.) I don't really invest much into WSOs anymore. Its more about refining my process now, though I still browse for product ideas.

          Truth of the matter is that I consider these investments, and not costs. I could not do business online without them.
          Thanks for sharing! I also consider these investments, perhaps I should change the title!
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  • Profile picture of the author CheapTrafficDude
    I spent a small fortune just learning, this is a constantly changing industry and if you want to do great at it, your best bet is to buy and use the product you'll promote. Before Google put a ban on domain forwarding, I made lots of cash with AdWords. I guess it depends on luck and drive. Many warriors are multi-millionaires and have started like everyone else, with a domain name. Once you get a taste of honey, you want the whole bee-hive. Some jut have a knack for it, born with the gift if you will. You know, this talent within you that you don't know why your good at it or how you became good at it or actually why your good at it. Many bloggers make millions and never spent anything other than time while others spend multi k's and never get it back.
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    • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
      Originally Posted by CheapTrafficDude View Post

      I spent a small fortune just learning, this is a constantly changing industry and if you want to do great at it, your best bet is to buy and use the product you'll promote. Before Google put a ban on domain forwarding, I made lots of cash with AdWords. I guess it depends on luck and drive. Many warriors are multi-millionaires and have started like everyone else, with a domain name. Once you get a taste of honey, you want the whole bee-hive. Some jut have a knack for it, born with the gift if you will. You know, this talent within you that you don't know why your good at it or how you became good at it or actually why your good at it. Many bloggers make millions and never spent anything other than time while others spend multi k's and never get it back.
      Definitely true! I just thought about ecommerce shopping cart costs too..
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  • Profile picture of the author NateC
    Excellent cost break down and map of what newbies must do to start. Just make sure that you use credible sources to get your services from. There are a lot of excellent warriors for hire here and they are usually pretty cheap for the service that they provide. Thx Bambii
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    • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
      Originally Posted by NateC View Post

      Excellent cost break down and map of what newbies must do to start. Just make sure that you use credible sources to get your services from. There are a lot of excellent warriors for hire here and they are usually pretty cheap for the service that they provide. Thx Bambii
      TY Nate! But not what newbies must do, just what they may eventually go on to do should they choose.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThorstenSchultz
    To make money online it not cost to much but its depend on your hard work and consistency to make money online. Money making is never easy but you can earn by number of methods which you can find on search engines.
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