A few tips for your niche sites out there...
Now, what I mean by this is that even though your site only exists to sell your visitors products and get clicks on ads - DON'T MAKE IT SEEM THAT WAY! You may be saying to yourself, well I know my site is kickass and my conversions are through the roof. Hey, that might be true, but what about those with little to no conversions?
Here are some tips:
- Your website should be as neat as possible. That means no random floating things, even amount of whitespace, and text that is legible.
- Text should be evenly spaced and easy to read. Don't make your visitor squint to read your long and tight boxes of text. Loosen it up a bit. Make it look like you genuinely care about the visitors (you should anyways!!)
- Logo Logo Logo.. Please, have a logo! Boring text headers won't cut it. It will just show that you are not dedicated. You don't even have to dish out a lot of cash. Do it yourself or turn to fiverr.
- Make sure that your content nicely fits your layout or theme. It should fit like a glove, if not outsource and have someone fix it. Personally, I don't trust sites with a poor design, or that look like the spent all of five minutes working on it.
- Don't use weird or wacky colors, stick to a color scheme!
- If you have any worries, have a good friend or fellow IM'er give you suggestions.
These tips will hopefully make your site more appealing, which will instill trust, which will increase conversions
If i were to ask you if I Made A Difference, would your answer to that be the same as the answer to this question? <-- THINK!