This is why I have failed.

by Joshua Rigley Banned
48 replies
Admitting defeat really sucks. But I'm posting because maybe someone else can learn from my mistakes.

First, stick with one thing. It's easy to jump from one thing to the next before the first thing has been worked on long enough to work.

Second, don't expect overnight success. Remember that you are building a business for long-term success. It's possible to get rich quick, but it's also very hard to do.

Third, don't spend your money on things that don't make you money. This means internet marketing courses. Everything you need to know to make money online is already available for free. The only important things you should spend your money on are things like webhosting, autoresponders, outsourcing, and other things that will save you time or make you money. If you spend your money on WSO's and other stuff like that, you'll quickly burn a hole in your pocket and you won't have enough left over for the things you need to run a business.

Fourth, plan ahead, break down big projects, and set a schedule. "Just do it" doesn't work for me. I need a plan. So, create a schedule of what you will do the day before you do it. So plan today, do tomorrow. Also, if you're tackling a bigger project, break it down into smaller steps, and only look at those individual steps. Either ignore the other steps until you get to them, or outsource them.

Fifth, don't listen to yourself. I over think things, and I often tell myself I can't do it for one reason or another. This is my biggest reason for failure. If you fall into the trap of negative thinking, you'll get into a thinking rut that goes deeper and deeper until you become depressed beyond all hope and give up. Don't try to make something better, or worry if it isn't good enough. Just get it done, you can make it better and fix mistakes later.

That's it off the top of my head. It might help you, but it can't help me. I've thought myself so deep into the negative rut it's become a habit for me to shoot down any idea I seriously think about trying.

Good luck to you all, I'm out.

  • Profile picture of the author Mrmuscle90
    Good advice here, bit of a sad post though good luck in the future
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    I agree with pretty much all of your points other than 5. It's a good idea to analyze all of the information that is coming to you; don't be negative, but you need to be able to acknowledge if something isn't working. If you stick to a rigid plan and it it's unsuccessful, then it needs to be changed. That said, I strongly agree with your suggestion about making a plan.
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  • Profile picture of the author Charles E. White
    Good advice Joshua! My problem when I first got started was jumping around from one thing to the next. Willie Crawford let me know about it and it was some of the best advice I ever got!

    Charles E. White
    Internet Money Making Programs
    ^Find out the programs and products we have found to be worth the money^
    Join our FREE newsletter and get up-to-date details.

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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Originally Posted by Joshua Rigley View Post

    It might help you, but it can't help me. I've thought myself so deep into the negative rut it's become a habit for me to shoot down any idea I seriously think about trying.

    Good luck to you all, I'm out.

    Admitting defeat is also correctly assessing a situation. But defeat
    is a relative term.

    There's losing battles and there's losing wars.

    Habits can be changed, if you want.

    Maybe it's a good idea to take some time off, but maybe you really
    still want to succeed. It's hard to imagine that feeling being beaten
    out of a person.

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  • Profile picture of the author WinstonT

    I'm sad to hear about your trouble in the internet marketing business. If you want a listening ear, or some advice, I'll be glad to help out. *unfortunately I don't have the power for a PM right now due to my post count, but i'll get to 50 and reply you as soon as possible*

    It's possible, and many of us have done it. Give up, and you lose an opportunity. But if you really think online marketing is not for you, then go pursue a career you enjoy! Money isn't everything.

    Best regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    You preach a wisdom that yourself wont follow? that sounds like a load of bollocks if ever there was some, grab a kip then get up and build your business.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      You preach a wisdom that yourself wont follow? that sounds like a load of bollocks if ever there was some, grab a kip then get up and build your business.
      LOL... what he said.


      PS - (What's a kip?)
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  • Profile picture of the author Charliebee
    I've read that most of us doing IM aren't "in business", we're just trying to make money with this tool we have. I still need to set down and put together a business plan to keep me from wasting time and money on WSOs and forums....

    Here's a nifty Facebook Gadget you can use to supplement your income in a short time: a question of weeks only, or just use it for fun. - you’ll make a lot of friends; that’s for sure!

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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
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    • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
      Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

      Well Joshua, I beg to differ with you on your "Failing". You've just taken what is probably the most import step to succeeding online or off in making an objective self-assessment of the barriers preventing you from moving forward.

      There isn't a single person here or a"Successful" person anywhere who hasn't experienced what you're encountering right now. The most difficult part is recognizing and accepting those issues and then finding ways to move beyond them.

      Most people who ultimately fail at IM do so because they never reached the point where they could admit their shortcomings, choosing instead to blame them on other factors. Sort of like what's taught in substance abuse programs - you can't work on the problem until you admit you've got a problem.

      Now, get back in there and start small - focus on achieving an easy success without going overboard and then repeat it...making each step incrementally bigger until you've gained the confidence and self-discipline to go where you want to go brother!

      To the naysayers in this thread...Joshua said:

      "But I'm posting because maybe someone else can learn from my mistakes."

      He's offered up solid advice to anyone struggling and provided an excellent lesson in the need for assessing performance issues. You don't need to be successful to offer up good advice, especially when you're offering it for free.
      I was going to say something like that but Big Mike got there first. I too have got a bad habit of jumping from one thing to the next and the amount of diverse niches that I'm involved with is getting scary. It's because I'm so darned curious to test things when I should be putting the blinkers on and concentrating on what's working. But for me it's all been part of a learning process and eventually nothing will go to waste, of that I am certain.

      I'm sure that will be so with you too once you accept that you are not a failure at all, just been going through an apprenticeship. Yes plan and set yourself schedules, but first of all it's a good idea to take a look at your business and pick out the thing that's working the most for you and set your initial schedules around improving that area and make sure that you continue the improvements on a regular basis. A boost there will give you a boost in your self confidence. First of all get that kip, tomorrows another day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Many of the most successful people in history were abject failures many times over. It's not failing that matters... it's finding the lesson in the failure and finding the will within yourself to get back up, dust yourself off, and try again (with your newfound lesson in mind).

    I've been a failure many more times than I've been a success, if you keep score like that. Who cares? If you don't risk failure, you may never achieve success.
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    • Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      Many of the most successful people in history were abject failures many times over. It's not failing that matters... it's finding the lesson in the failure and finding the will within yourself to get back up, dust yourself off, and try again (with your newfound lesson in mind).

      I've been a failure many more times than I've been a success, if you keep score like that. Who cares? If you don't risk failure, you may never achieve success.
      Pretty much sums up any successful person right now. Be it sports, music, marketing, programming and anything else you can think of.

      Failure helps to better yourself, and through those failures you learn to be successful.

      I don't know any successful person who hasn't failed many times over before succeeding.

      Take movie actors for example, I'm sure to this day even though they have succeeded in staring in great movies, they still have duds now and again.

      People who compete in sports had to go through many failures, first as beginners, and even when reaching the top still regularly sometimes suffer losses.

      Because, you can't win them all... you can't eliminate failure completely, but you can better your chances at success more often through determination and practice.
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    • Profile picture of the author BoDarville
      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      Many of the most successful people in history were abject failures many times over. It's not failing that matters... it's finding the lesson in the failure and finding the will within yourself to get back up, dust yourself off, and try again (with your newfound lesson in mind).

      I've been a failure many more times than I've been a success, if you keep score like that. Who cares? If you don't risk failure, you may never achieve success.
      Amen to this. I have personally failed in business hundreds of times. In fact, I'm pretty sure if you were to look up "Abject failure" in the dictionary, you'd find my picture. Some have been little noticed, some have been spectacular displays of implosions for seemingly all to see. I've lost 10's, 100's, and 1000's ... One thing that everyone around me knows is I just believe in persistence and not giving up -- and you can't either Joshua.
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    • Profile picture of the author Anthony Scorza
      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      Many of the most successful people in history were abject failures many times over. It's not failing that matters... it's finding the lesson in the failure and finding the will within yourself to get back up, dust yourself off, and try again (with your newfound lesson in mind).

      I've been a failure many more times than I've been a success, if you keep score like that. Who cares? If you don't risk failure, you may never achieve success.
      Exactly. When I feel like you do now Joshua I actually look up a couple of biographies of great and successful people. Not to read about their heroics and successes, but to remind myself of their failures. Sometimes quite spectacular failures at that.

      Everyone has them along the way and it's your reaction to them that will determine your future.

      Anyway, I don't think you would have posted at all if you'd entirely given up.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Trader
    Hey Joshua, we've all hit the wall at some point... Some of the most instructive lessons in life also happen to be the most painful, unfortunately. I'd encourage you to write next (privately or publicly), Why I Will Succeed.

    This is temporary; you will get to the other side because you are wiser for it. Good luck and God Bless.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel44
    Very good advice. I'm quite glad you have posted so that others can learn from the mistakes, rather than reading "How to Make $10,000 in a week" and living on the pipe dream. Your advice is also top notch
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  • Profile picture of the author mikecsy
    Failure is only feedback and we are the ones who deemed it a "positive" or a "negative". Now is not the time to give up, you have identified things that did not serve you now take a step back and with the same enthusiasm find one little thing that did and build on it. I would also recommend that you either join a mastermind group or find someone who can support you when the going gets a little difficult. Finally, if you would like PM me and I'll shoot you some questions so we can get goal specific, create a game plan then implement it with some support.
    To your success,

    Customized Success Coaching
    Don't go it alone, get the results you desire.
    PM me for your free evaluation.

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  • Profile picture of the author saiyid
    failure is the first step towards success
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Agency
    Good lesson to learn, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    some very important lessons here.

    I like the negativing thinking point. I have literally sat in my room and imagined those emails of clickbank sales coming in, over and over and massive amounts.

    Funny that the days I imagine this, i get more sales for some reason. This power of positive thinking is really powerful. YOu should use it on your business too.
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  • Profile picture of the author SuResearcher
    Joshua, it took a lot of courage to accept this and declare it out in the open. There is not a single person who has not failed. They just might not say it out in the open.

    Originally Posted by Joshua Rigley View Post

    I've thought myself so deep into the negative rut it's become a habit for me to shoot down any idea I seriously think about trying.
    <br />
    Good luck to you all, I'm out.<br />
    Like you said, this is a habit. It is something you can change. Try different things. See what works for you. The changes may be slow and it may seem like you are not making progress. But they are happening just the same.

    I wish you all the best. And I hope that you'll not give up on creating a successful business.
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  • Profile picture of the author windso0
    So long as does without authorization from the defeat the absorb experience, then you have the harvest
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  • Profile picture of the author Warrior AllStars
    I use to fail alot...

    Now I hardly ever do...

    Here is the biggest difference in the attitude shift...

    I used to go into situations, saying "I hope this works" or "I wonder if this works"... or "I wonder if its gonna work"...

    Now I go in and say "What do I gotta do to make this work" and start from there. The idea of whether or not its gonna work isnt even up for discussion. Its just a matter of what moves to I need to be busting right now to get this energy moving the right direction and get this result knocked out!

    Major difference in thinking even though it seems only like a small degree of separation.

    When you have kids, and house payments and doctors bills .... and all that... FAILURE BECOMES A NON OPTION!

    Some things leave no room for error, and the roof over my childrens head is one of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    I do fail a lot...STILL

    That's why I make a lot of money online.

    I'm always taking action, some things work, some don't but if you never attempt anything, you'll never succeed. It's common sense. You can blame anything you want, but the bottomline is YOU control what YOU do. If you keep buying things that make you ridiculous monetary promises and never take action on any of them, you're not failing, you're not even entering the game. There's a difference.

    This video pretty much sums it up:

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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    "Defeat is not an option". - Charlie Sheen
    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Phil Halloran
    I respect your honesty. Our minds can bring us down but it's important to be able to bring yourself back up too. If you're too unhappy being an internet marketer however you should get out and find something you enjoy more.

    It's not what you know, it's who you know.

    Stop thinking only about helping yourself achieve your goals, and start thinking helping others help you achieve your collective goals.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mahmoud Selman
    Thank you for sharing this info, its really useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author terrencewan
    There is a verse that say :
    "Failure is the mother of All Success!"
    Without the Mother (Failure), Success (Baby)
    will never be born.
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  • Profile picture of the author Warrior AllStars
    Um....'scuse me.....If you haven't turned your mind completely to mush yet worrying about how you are failing..........

    Why donchha start using all that energy to start thinking about how to win instead?
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  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    Originally Posted by Joshua Rigley View Post

    Admitting defeat really sucks. But I'm posting because maybe someone else can learn from my mistakes.

    First, stick with one thing. It's easy to jump from one thing to the next before the first thing has been worked on long enough to work.

    Second, don't expect overnight success. Remember that you are building a business for long-term success. It's possible to get rich quick, but it's also very hard to do.

    Third, don't spend your money on things that don't make you money. This means internet marketing courses. Everything you need to know to make money online is already available for free. The only important things you should spend your money on are things like webhosting, autoresponders, outsourcing, and other things that will save you time or make you money. If you spend your money on WSO's and other stuff like that, you'll quickly burn a hole in your pocket and you won't have enough left over for the things you need to run a business.

    Fourth, plan ahead, break down big projects, and set a schedule. "Just do it" doesn't work for me. I need a plan. So, create a schedule of what you will do the day before you do it. So plan today, do tomorrow. Also, if you're tackling a bigger project, break it down into smaller steps, and only look at those individual steps. Either ignore the other steps until you get to them, or outsource them.

    Fifth, don't listen to yourself. I over think things, and I often tell myself I can't do it for one reason or another. This is my biggest reason for failure. If you fall into the trap of negative thinking, you'll get into a thinking rut that goes deeper and deeper until you become depressed beyond all hope and give up. Don't try to make something better, or worry if it isn't good enough. Just get it done, you can make it better and fix mistakes later.

    That's it off the top of my head. It might help you, but it can't help me. I've thought myself so deep into the negative rut it's become a habit for me to shoot down any idea I seriously think about trying.

    Good luck to you all, I'm out.

    Good advice except for the last sentence..."Good luck to you all, I'm out." What's up with that? You learned what you were doing wrong and now you are just quitting? Obviously then you've learned nothing!

    If you give up after learning what you've done wrong, you lose. It's that simple. Why not take what you've learned and CHANGE your flaws and mistakes so you can be successful? Life is full of failures. What makes someone successful and great is when they DON'T GIVE UP when they fail but learn from what they were doing wrong and change.
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  • Profile picture of the author latestnewsheadline
    Good advice. But don't give up and don't forget:
    “Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”
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  • Profile picture of the author Amelle
    It's a real shame to give up now after realising your mistakes -it takes some people years before they realise where they are going wrong. Change your mindset and just follow the advice you kindly have given us. Go back to basics, form a plan and do something everyday and things will turn around for you. Everything in life has a learning curve and with that comes failure but it is part of the learning process. None of us are born knowledgeable and instant successes -the replies to your post bear witness to that. So just pick yourself up and get back on the saddle....all the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author BR2rivera
    Very well said now apply this advice to yourself and keep moving forward. Hardships and so called failures are a learning experience like others are saying. If you keep your mind focused and plan things out you should be fine
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryBurke
    Originally Posted by Joshua Rigley View Post

    Admitting defeat really sucks. But I'm posting because maybe someone else can learn from my mistakes.

    First, stick with one thing. It's easy to jump from one thing to the next before the first thing has been worked on long enough to work.

    Second, don't expect overnight success. Remember that you are building a business for long-term success. It's possible to get rich quick, but it's also very hard to do.

    Third, don't spend your money on things that don't make you money. This means internet marketing courses. Everything you need to know to make money online is already available for free. The only important things you should spend your money on are things like webhosting, autoresponders, outsourcing, and other things that will save you time or make you money. If you spend your money on WSO's and other stuff like that, you'll quickly burn a hole in your pocket and you won't have enough left over for the things you need to run a business.

    Fourth, plan ahead, break down big projects, and set a schedule. "Just do it" doesn't work for me. I need a plan. So, create a schedule of what you will do the day before you do it. So plan today, do tomorrow. Also, if you're tackling a bigger project, break it down into smaller steps, and only look at those individual steps. Either ignore the other steps until you get to them, or outsource them.

    Fifth, don't listen to yourself. I over think things, and I often tell myself I can't do it for one reason or another. This is my biggest reason for failure. If you fall into the trap of negative thinking, you'll get into a thinking rut that goes deeper and deeper until you become depressed beyond all hope and give up. Don't try to make something better, or worry if it isn't good enough. Just get it done, you can make it better and fix mistakes later.

    That's it off the top of my head. It might help you, but it can't help me. I've thought myself so deep into the negative rut it's become a habit for me to shoot down any idea I seriously think about trying.

    Good luck to you all, I'm out.

    Just read what you have written
    you have admitted to yourself that you have failed.Why??

    3.Dont waste your money on things that dont work.

    Do some research on things that do ,
    follow successful people and copy what they are doing
    Get advice from the WF and listen to what you are advised. have said you need a plan to succeed.

    5. Dont listen to yourself saying that you are a failure

    I have this on my wall by my computer

    You Dont Need permission.
    Ignore what you lack and
    focus on what you have.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Joshua, I know how you feel in regards to overthinking things. I went along happily earning my living from one site until it was hacked. That temporarily killed my income, so after building it back up I knew I'd better diversify some. That's when I started visiting the Warrior Forum regularly to learn some new tricks.

    While I have learned a lot here, it also made me realize I knew a lot more than I was giving myself credit for. Long story short ... sometimes we just need to step back a bit to get a clearer view. It helped me to see some cracks of light through the fog.

    The point is, take a little break, step back to get a different view, it helps. The fog starts to lift and you'll see more clearly. Often the fog is thickest just before a big breakthrough ... if you turn away you'll miss it.

    The "breakthroughs" are usually a matter of getting back to basics and letting all the little details fall away. That seems to me where you're at now, caught up in too many details. Back away and get back to basics, young man!

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author aheil
    Yeah when I first started out I wasn't really focused on one thing. I made probably 10 different sites that all died within a week. I thought that if they didn't make money right away that they were garbage. Now I'm focused on a couple of site thats are doing really well. But, I have built them up one at a time.
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    • Profile picture of the author SandyDuPlessis

      I read your post and then skipped everything in between.

      You haven't failed, (not quite yet anyway) you have merely gained invaluable experience. You only fail if you fall down and refuse to get up again. If you can't walk then crawl!

      I do not know your history, but I see you only joined WF in 2010. I joined back in 2007. Have I earned a lot of money? NO! (though I have earned some) but I do not see myself as a failure.

      You cannot learn to be a success overnight. Sure, there are a few people who appear to be or become fantastically successful in an incredibly short space of time. But, they invariable fall flat on their faces just as quickly (I exclude those who got in on the internet game in the very early days).

      To be successful in any business be it real world or internet, you need a solid grounding and the only way to get that is through learning and experience.

      Don't give up. It is too soon.

      If no one has yet offered (remember I did say that I have scooted from your post to my reply without reading everything in between) I will be more than happy to offer my services as insofar as motivation and brainstorming goes.
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  • Profile picture of the author sailor4528

    Don't give up yet! I have a couple of motivational papers on my office wall. One of them says:
    "If you want to succeed, double your rate of failure" - Tom Watson, Founder IBM.

    When I started in this IM gig, I set myself two years to succeed...I'm not there yet, and, to quote another poster, I still see myself as serving an apprenticeship. I got my first Adsense payment last month - small money, but a step forward. I've tried several approaches, but find that it's best to concentrate on what I know well - my own interests. That comes through in what I do, and is probably why affiliate marketing is not for me.

    Put one foot in front of the other, keep moving, learning and improving. It will happen. And if you haven't yet read it, look up that Napoleon Hill book - Think and Grow Rich. You'll find it free on the web.

    Keep moving forward.


    Take a break - entertain yourself with a great Kindle techno-thriller! Gate of Tears by James Marinero. Action, intrigue, naval and aerial conflict in one of the world's strategic oil chokepoints. Up to the minute and beyond...Video Trailer

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    • Profile picture of the author John Trader
      Reminds me of a Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) quote where he said he had seen the statistic that 9 out of 10 businesses fail, so his solution was to start 10 businesses.

      Originally Posted by sailor4528 View Post


      Don't give up yet! I have a couple of motivational papers on my office wall. One of them says:
      "If you want to succeed, double your rate of failure" - Tom Watson, Founder IBM.

      When I started in this IM gig, I set myself two years to succeed...I'm not there yet, and, to quote another poster, I still see myself as serving an apprenticeship. I got my first Adsense payment last month - small money, but a step forward. I've tried several approaches, but find that it's best to concentrate on what I know well - my own interests. That comes through in what I do, and is probably why affiliate marketing is not for me.

      Put one foot in front of the other, keep moving, learning and improving. It will happen. And if you haven't yet read it, look up that Napoleon Hill book - Think and Grow Rich. You'll find it free on the web.

      Keep moving forward.
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  • Profile picture of the author realreview
    Hey Joshua,

    Great post mate. I fact it is almost like you have read my mind. Although my joint business is doing great I want to have my own one doing just as well but I'm so busy...well being busy!

    My girlfriend is amazing as she has done a rota for me. I just have to learn to stick to it and not have a "just do it" day.

    All the best
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    Dear Joshua,

    I had to face many problems online. I’m still not making the money I should. However, I trust my products, and I don’t give up.

    Here is a lens that might help you:

    Take care!
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  • Hello, I am new here and found this thread to be motivational for many reasons... 'been there-done that" comes to mind. Finding the lesson in failure is finding success. I'm glad to have found this forum, I know I am going to find hard core support.
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