Review for me please??? Be honest... thanks

11 replies
Hey everyone..

Would like some feedback on a site that I have been working my butt off on... it is a myspace resource site..

Gave it a new look..

Can you suggest the good, the bad, and ugly please...

Thanks so much...

Merry Christmas!!

#honest #review
  • Profile picture of the author Jim Burney
    Originally Posted by rachelle123 View Post

    Hey everyone..

    Would like some feedback on a site that I have been working my butt off on... it is a myspace resource site..

    Gave it a new look..

    Can you suggest the good, the bad, and ugly please...

    Thanks so much...

    Merry Christmas!!

    Hi Kim

    A little over the top for me. There again I am not into Myspace. (2 old)

    I do like how you have integrated your adsense into your site.

    I shall ask my younger family members tomorrow to have a look.

    Good luck and merry xmas to you

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    • Profile picture of the author rachelle123
      Thanks..LOL.. yes this site is geared for the very younger crowd but makes descent money from sitting...

      thanks, anyone else.. Merry Christmas...


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      • Profile picture of the author Andy Hart
        There's a lot of stuff moving lol for my liking but for the market your going after (myspace) I think its bang on the money.


        I'm On Google + ------------- and of course Also On Twitter

        "The only thing thats keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself about why you can't have it"- Tony Robbins

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  • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
    It's hard to say. It might be best for you to ask Warriors with children to review your site. You want to ask those in your target market or at least who can relate somewhat closely to they type of people you are promoting your website to. As for me, I didn't realize I was so old. It's completely outside of comprehension.
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    • Profile picture of the author rachelle123
      thanks guys... will do that.. just thought I would get a review here.

      thanks again.. and merry christmas everyone!!


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  • Profile picture of the author BrainDance
    hey there Kim
    I'm viewing using firefox on a satellite internet connection.
    There are a load of flashing things which I personally don't like, but for the market you target, it's probably a good thing, i hate the Polaroid thing with all the pictures, but again, probably fine for your visitors! I don't care for the ads with voice, it's irritating and I tend to leave the site rather than look around.
    i think the site is perfect for your target audience.

    the font size and color on the menu is hard to read, maybe bump it up a notch or two? or darken the color a little. The main site menu kind of blends into the site itself up on top, perhaps add a text menu on the left or right as well?

    I notice you have no alt tags on your header, that might help SEO a bit.
    Again,overall, for your market and visitors, i think you did a great job, I know it is an incredible amount of work to redesign, let alone manage a site like huge round of applause for you!
    I am taking on only ecover design work for the next 90 days. Rates are 47.00 for single cover, discounts for multiple..just ask! No payment until completed. for sample works
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    I think it looks really good. There is a lot of 'flashing' but that is good for the kind of site that it is.

    Well done and I hope you do really well with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Canyon

    What's the deal with the white sand beach in your avatar... Don't be
    giving everyone the feeling that's what they'll get when they visit the
    great white north or we'll have a heck of a rush at the boarder...

    Regarding your website... All I can say is if you're making money with it
    just sitting there all by itself... Congratulations...

    It just about blinds me with the flashing stuff, by heck if it works... it works...

    Keep up the great website building...

    Happy Holidays,

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    • Profile picture of the author rachelle123
      Originally Posted by Rob Canyon View Post


      What's the deal with the white sand beach in your avatar... Don't be
      giving everyone the feeling that's what they'll get when they visit the
      great white north or we'll have a heck of a rush at the boarder...

      Regarding your website... All I can say is if you're making money with it
      just sitting there all by itself... Congratulations...

      It just about blinds me with the flashing stuff, by heck if it works... it works...

      Keep up the great website building...

      Happy Holidays,

      Thank you everyone.. Yes the polaroid pics are very blinding but the kids are always requesting them.

      as for the menu section , I was thinking the same thing.. the titles need to be darker..

      Rob, my avatar is from when I went to florida... I wish I was there right now cause I am friggin freezin and snowed in

      Thanks again everyone...


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      • Profile picture of the author iceintentions
        Nice! The only thing I had a problem with is it taking so long to load all the way. But then again I'm a bit impatient.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave777
    Hi Kim,

    Study and learn from the following business model mentioned a few times here on the Warrior forum and around the web! Although you might already be... You just never know but you might be the next Ashley Qualls...
    Girl Power - - Ashley Qualls - Nabbr | Fast Company

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