Anyone selling to world market in non-USD?
While it is safe to say currencies will rise and fall, and you take the good with the bad and it all evens out in the end, but unfortunatly with the US economy the way it is, it conversion rates haven't evened out for a long time, and it doesn't look like they will anytime soon.
To put it in perspective:
If you price your product at $100, you expect a 5% swing either side. So one week you'll take $95, the next you take $105. Everyone is happy.
The problem is with the AUD/USD, it's been about a 35% swing one way, and it's only getting worse.
So instead of taking $95 one week, $105 the next week, you're taking $65 each week, consistantly, with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Offline businesses have it easier here - they simply adjust their prices with currency fluctuations, but it gets a little trickier with online businesses.
I'd love to hear other peoples' thoughts on this!
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