Is Internet Marketing a real business? I don't think so.

by Geoff1
55 replies
Hi there.

Many people talk about Internet Marketing this... Internet Marketing that. It got me wondering is Internet Marketing a real business? By my definition I don't think it is.

I think Internet Marketing is a series of tactics that one can use on the Internet. I do not think Internet Marketing is a business.

A business to me is:

* Specific Marketing to targeted group
* Acquisition of customers
* Monetization
* Systematization

I wonder if sometimes some people focus on the "tactics" of Internet Marketing and mistake it for a business. Obviously you need the tactics to market on the internet, but the tactics in and of themselves will not create a business, anymore than learning to type, makes one an author.

So many people seem to focus on the tactics in a willy-nilly manner, without taking into consideration that they should be focusing on growing a business.

I could be totally wrong. What is your opinion?

#business #internet #marketing #real
  • Profile picture of the author xento
    In my opinion, a good business offers valued products or services. The internet is a huge media and internet marketers are just specialized in leveraging views from it. If the affiliate model did not exist, then the internet marketers would still have high-valued skills for companies who want to get their product out there, so these marketers could still build a business upon their skill set.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Internet marketing is another vehicle for getting a product or service from
      point A to point B.

      Nothing more, nothing less.

      If you have nothing to market (your business model) Internet marketing is
      about as useful as an oxygen tank to a dead man.
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      • Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        Internet marketing is another vehicle for getting a product or service from
        point A to point B.

        Nothing more, nothing less.

        If you have nothing to market (your business model) Internet marketing is
        about as useful as an oxygen tank to a dead man.
        Exactly right. Internet marketing is definitely a business in my opinion. You are essentially getting a product in front of the people that want to buy it (well that's the aim anyway).
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      • Profile picture of the author simbot82
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        Internet marketing is another vehicle for getting a product or service from
        point A to point B.

        Nothing more, nothing less.

        If you have nothing to market (your business model) Internet marketing is
        about as useful as an oxygen tank to a dead man.
        This is how I see it. Niche sites particularly are billboards for adwords/affiliates
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  • Profile picture of the author bryemidas
    Semantics... what does it matter... a rose by any other name...If you're making're making money... I don't think my bank manager give a ...She's always happy to see me...
    NEWS FLASH...Create a New Life!

    Viral Blogging System: 6 Day FREE Tutorial Bootcamp!
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    • Profile picture of the author SMS
      Internet Marketing in reality is just one aspect of running an Online Business.

      The problem is that many have been led to believe that IM by itself is a complete business, and that's a big mistake in my humble opinion.
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      • Profile picture of the author ebizroi
        Just like pacticing law is a discipline which is related to the following jobs: lawyers, prosecutors, judges, etc.

        Internet marketing is a discipline more than a job. Internet marketing includes both strategies and tactics. If you practice internet marketing, you could be an SEO, marketing consultant, heck, even a CMO since you are responsible for the overall marketing strategy which includes Internet marketing.

        Therefore, I would characterize Interent marketing as a specialization within the traditional marketing discipline which can encompass many jobs.

        The important point is that Internet marketing is becoming more prominent in the overall marketing discipline for most any companies that you talk with, both from a strategy and tactics standpoint.

        If you don't believe me, just look at the credible market research from the IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau), SEMPO, eConsultancy, Comscore, Hitwise, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Berkinb
    Geoff, you are right by definition. If we look at the real meaning of terms, Internet Marketing is more like a "job" by nature. But there is such a thing as an "online business" which naturally includes marketing as well. You can sell your products, services, etc and use IM as a natural part of your business process. The point you are making is that most are using the term IM for everything done online I believe.
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      I have never really given it much thought. All I do is internet marketing online and offline marketing offline. :rolleyes:
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  • That's weird because I incorporated my Internet "Series of tactics" almost a decade ago. And I have an actual Business Degree from an Accredited United States University.

    So if I am not operating a business... then what the hell am I doing?

    This will definitely require more thought. I wonder if my accountant knows I'm not operating a business. I wonder if the IRS will refund me the 10,000's I've paid in taxes.

    When you live in a small little bubble the world seems like a very large place doesn't it?
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      A lot depends on your definitions. Within the circle, IMO, Internet Marketing or IM is simply a useful shorthand for any business that uses the Internet as its primary customer acquisition source.

      "Affiliate Marketing" is just commission sales or lead generation.

      Even the people selling IM tools and courses are not in the "Internet Marketing business" - they're software companies, service companies or information publishers.

      I get a chuckle out of people that puff themselves up and declare that they are "Internet Marketers" - I want to ask them how many Internets they've sold this month...
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        A lot depends on your definitions. Within the circle, IMO, Internet Marketing or IM is simply a useful shorthand for any business that uses the Internet as its primary customer acquisition source.

        "Affiliate Marketing" is just commission sales or lead generation.

        Even the people selling IM tools and courses are not in the "Internet Marketing business" - they're software companies, service companies or information publishers.

        I get a chuckle out of people that puff themselves up and declare that they are "Internet Marketers" - I want to ask them how many Internets they've sold this month...
        John, when people ask me what I do, I tell them that I am an online
        business consultant. When they ask me what that means (cause the
        definition really doesn't say much) I tell them I teach people how to run
        a business that works primarily from and using the Internet.

        If they then ask for details, I go into the whole process starting with
        choosing a business model (if one doesn't already exist) and working through
        to the actual marketing of the product or service.

        If they still don't get it after all that, I give up.

        Most people, when I tell them what I do, I can see their eyes just kind of
        glaze over. They really don't get it, which is odd because really, when you
        think about it, it's pretty simple.

        John Doe wants to sell widgets but he doesn't want to sell them from a
        store front on Main Street. He wants to sell them over the Internet so there
        is no overhead. So he learns how to get those products to the people looking
        for them who primarily use the Internet to do their shopping in that area.

        And no, not everything is easy to sell online. Some items don't sell well at
        all. That's where you have to learn how to tell if what you're trying to sell
        is going to end up being a total flop.

        Think about it. Would you buy produce over the Internet? I know I wouldn't.

        I want to see what my lettuce is going to look like BEFORE I pay for it.

        Anyway, I've gone off on a bit of a tangent so I'll just kind of bow out of
        this one right about now.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin_Hutto
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        A lot depends on your definitions. Within the circle, IMO, Internet Marketing or IM is simply a useful shorthand for any business that uses the Internet as its primary customer acquisition source.

        "Affiliate Marketing" is just commission sales or lead generation.

        Even the people selling IM tools and courses are not in the "Internet Marketing business" - they're software companies, service companies or information publishers.

        I get a chuckle out of people that puff themselves up and declare that they are "Internet Marketers" - I want to ask them how many Internets they've sold this month...
        Yep... Internet Marketing is nothing more than a subset of marketing which in and of itself is not a "business" either. Marketing is a part of business as is sales, customer service, project management, tax planning, etc... A business is never ONE THING. That is why so many people can't run a business. There is a big difference between owning a business and making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author junilerick
    Originally Posted by Geoff1 View Post

    Hi there.

    Many people talk about Internet Marketing this... Internet Marketing that. It got me wondering is Internet Marketing a real business? By my definition I don't think it is.

    I think Internet Marketing is a series of tactics that one can use on the Internet. I do not think Internet Marketing is a business.

    A business to me is:

    * Specific Marketing to targeted group
    * Acquisition of customers
    * Monetization
    * Systematization

    I wonder if sometimes some people focus on the "tactics" of Internet Marketing and mistake it for a business. Obviously you need the tactics to market on the internet, but the tactics in and of themselves will not create a business, anymore than learning to type, makes one an author.

    So many people seem to focus on the tactics in a willy-nilly manner, without taking into consideration that they should be focusing on growing a business.

    I could be totally wrong. What is your opinion?


    Specific Marketing to targeted group - Isn't this essentially what Adsense does for internet marketers? It targets groups with certain search intents and can also geo-target, as well.

    Acquisition of customers - I would think that all affiliate customers is about acquiring customers.

    Monetization - IM definitely ain't about charity, that's for sure

    Systematization - I think this is the reason people come to the warrior forum so often. They want to learn and eventually develop a system which they can streamline and profit from.

    I believe when you start out in IM, you are starting up a home business as an advertiser, whether it be for adsense or affiliate marketing. When you eventually expand and hire virtual assistants and what not, then it resembles an advertising firm.

    Just my $0.02.

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  • Profile picture of the author SpikeS
    Originally Posted by Geoff1 View Post

    Hi there.

    Many people talk about Internet Marketing this... Internet Marketing that. It got me wondering is Internet Marketing a real business? By my definition I don't think it is.

    I think Internet Marketing is a series of tactics that one can use on the Internet. I do not think Internet Marketing is a business.

    A business to me is:

    * Specific Marketing to targeted group
    * Acquisition of customers
    * Monetization
    * Systematization

    I wonder if sometimes some people focus on the "tactics" of Internet Marketing and mistake it for a business. Obviously you need the tactics to market on the internet, but the tactics in and of themselves will not create a business, anymore than learning to type, makes one an author.

    So many people seem to focus on the tactics in a willy-nilly manner, without taking into consideration that they should be focusing on growing a business.

    I could be totally wrong. What is your opinion?

    If you go through any Frank Kern or Dan Kennedy material you will see that is exactly what they do and teach.

    I'm only new to this but from what I can see, there's people like Kern and Kennedy, treating it as a real business and making the big money (and doing the things you said). Then there is everyone else trying to make a few bucks and wanting to automate everything i.e. trying to do the 'tricks'.
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    • Profile picture of the author laurie390
      The way I look at selling internet marketing products is that you are selling some aspect of im information to people to help them further grow their business. Or you may be selling information to a newbie who wants to learn internet marketing.

      I think in either case you need to be genuine and provide quality information. You will have a different spin on something than Mr. X marketer, and some may learn from you better than they do from him.

      Laurie Neumann
      Huge PLR Closeout Sale at Quality Internet Marketing PLR

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  • Profile picture of the author esk
    you want to tell me that amazon has no real business?
    Internet Marketing is nothing else than selling stuff via the internet
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    • Profile picture of the author tj0575
      Originally Posted by esk View Post

      Internet Marketing is nothing else than selling stuff via the internet
      That is the best answer.

      It is just another tool to sell goods/services to consumers. No matter how you look at, it is just another tool in the long line of ways to sell to your customers...These are the different ways businesses sell to consumers.....physical location, direct mail, telephone sales, door to door, now you have the internet which opened the door to alot of the "smaller" guys to offer there products or services on a large scale.

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      • Profile picture of the author Alfredo Carrion
        Originally Posted by tj0575 View Post

        That is the best answer.

        It is just another tool to sell goods/services to consumers. No matter how you look at, it is just another tool in the long line of ways to sell to your customers...These are the different ways businesses sell to consumers.....physical location, direct mail, telephone sales, door to door, now you have the internet which opened the door to alot of the "smaller" guys to offer there products or services on a large scale.
        I agree. It's basically the same thing as a bricks and mortar store, except that you use the online space to sell stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    Internet Marketing is a real business if you're charging people to do their Internet Marketing. Other than that, it's just a way to promote your business on the Internet.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Clark
    Originally Posted by Geoff1 View Post

    Hi there.

    Many people talk about Internet Marketing this... Internet Marketing that. It got me wondering is Internet Marketing a real business? By my definition I don't think it is.

    I think Internet Marketing is a series of tactics that one can use on the Internet. I do not think Internet Marketing is a business.

    A business to me is:

    * Specific Marketing to targeted group
    * Acquisition of customers
    * Monetization
    * Systematization

    I wonder if sometimes some people focus on the "tactics" of Internet Marketing and mistake it for a business. Obviously you need the tactics to market on the internet, but the tactics in and of themselves will not create a business, anymore than learning to type, makes one an author.

    So many people seem to focus on the tactics in a willy-nilly manner, without taking into consideration that they should be focusing on growing a business.

    I could be totally wrong. What is your opinion?

    Thats pretty arrogant considering the company you are in. If you have something that is valuable to someone they will pay money for it. What else do you need to know?

    In the history of the world, wealth is about creating "value", I don't care what you call it.
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  • Profile picture of the author sprks79
    My opinion - Theoretically, a business is defined as someone or something that provides a service or product to consumers, hopefully while making money. With all of the different types of "internet marketing" I'm not sure one could say that it isn't a business. We provide a service and/or product to fill a need, and we make money doing so. Again only my lonely opinion

    PBN site builder. Expired domain scraper. Website Hoster.....Oh, and an amazing guy. :)

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  • Profile picture of the author TryBPO
    Originally Posted by Geoff1 View Post

    Hi there.

    Many people talk about Internet Marketing this... Internet Marketing that. It got me wondering is Internet Marketing a real business? By my definition I don't think it is.

    I think Internet Marketing is a series of tactics that one can use on the Internet. I do not think Internet Marketing is a business.

    A business to me is:

    * Specific Marketing to targeted group
    * Acquisition of customers
    * Monetization
    * Systematization

    I wonder if sometimes some people focus on the "tactics" of Internet Marketing and mistake it for a business. Obviously you need the tactics to market on the internet, but the tactics in and of themselves will not create a business, anymore than learning to type, makes one an author.

    So many people seem to focus on the tactics in a willy-nilly manner, without taking into consideration that they should be focusing on growing a business.

    I could be totally wrong. What is your opinion?

    Hey Geoff,

    I know you must have expected a somewhat negative reaction from some people out of this. Honestly, I mostly agree with you. Aside from the few that either work for a company and perform the function of marketing that company online or do consulting for legitimate business and help them market online, much of it isn't a business at all.

    I'd be willing to bet that some of the people that took offense (those that posted and those that didn't) didn't like what you had to say because they knew it was true for them. SOOO many people we've come across are an IMer on the side...they work their 9-5 and use tips and tactics to make a little side money. They don't approach it as if it were a real business at all.

    That being said, aside from our work with seo's, our IM right now isn't really a business either. We've found a few tactics that seem to be profitable and we're exploiting them...just as a side-gig for now. That being said, the more we continue the more we can see this actually being a pretty reasonable business path for that could become a focus of ours in the coming months/years to come.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
    Over the past few months, I have noticed that people are turning
    towards product creation as their business method. As some of you
    may already know that it isn't the most stable business plan, but it
    does turn out good for some.
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  • Profile picture of the author Julie McElroy
    Interesting question. I would agree in and of itself it is not a business. It is just like Offline marketing - it is a tactic. It is part of your overall business, you just market ONLINE. When I jumped into this "business" I had not direction and just waiting got others to guide me, signing up for everything. I learned after several months of this I had nothing to show accept a bunch of "tactics". I think you can be successful with IM, but you absolutely need a plan. What are your strengths / talents? What do you enjoy doing? And go from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wealthyclark
    Originally Posted by Geoff1 View Post

    So many people seem to focus on the tactics in a willy-nilly manner, without taking into consideration that they should be focusing on growing a business.

    I could be totally wrong. What is your opinion?

    Yes, focusing on your actual business is necessary but those tactics in my opinion are key to growing your business. Also learning IM tactics yourself rather than paying someone else to perform those tasks could drastically increase your ROI.
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  • Profile picture of the author TryBPO
    Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko View Post

    Ask Ebay, Amazon, Facebook, etc.
    Hmmm...those are internet companies, but not internet marketing companies.
    Website Brokers - We can help you sell businesses making $500 to $50K per month.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko View Post

    Ask Ebay, Amazon, Facebook, etc.
    Ebay and Amazon are marketplaces. Facebook is a social community.

    Their business is not classified as "Internet Marketing."
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    • Profile picture of the author TryBPO
      Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

      Ebay and Amazon are marketplaces. Facebook is a social community.

      Their business is not classified as "Internet Marketing."
      Ron, this is you? Ron Douglas - Publishing | Internet Marketing | Publicity

      NYT best seller, 3.7 million books in four months, FOX news interviews? Wow, man...that's impressive!
      Website Brokers - We can help you sell businesses making $500 to $50K per month.

      Free Website Valuation - How much is your website really worth? Find out here, free.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
        Of course it's not a real business...

        I mean, those of us that have physical employees don't have to pay unemployment taxes, etc...right?

        We don't have to have accountants...right?

        The money we deposit into the bank isn't real it?

        whoa...hold on a minute...

        In all seriousness...Whether it is a business or not just depends on the individual.

        Some people don't handle it like a business so they don't have a business.

        Others incorporate, have accountants, employees, office space, and do all of the things that "real" businesses do.

        As to this part of your post:

        A business to me is:

        * Specific Marketing to targeted group
        * Acquisition of customers
        * Monetization
        * Systematization

        If you're not marketing to targeted groups of people, acquiring new customers, monetizing your skills, and deploying systematic efforts, then it's no wonder you don't think Internet Marketing is a real business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doran Peck
    I think its safe to say you are using the wrong term.

    What you mean is "online affiliate marketing" ...not Internet Marketing

    "Internet Marketing" is something that nearly every business..whether a Fortune 500 company or a Mom&Pop brick and mortar shop engages in on a daily basis.

    "IMers" ..the kind that frequent a forum like this, tend to be blind to the fact that anything other than the internet even exists. - Whats even funnier is if you were to make an actual list of specific "Online" methods and specific "Offline" methods...there would be like 2 things in the online list and everything else would be considered, facebook, google places, texting, flyers, print, direct mail, telemarketing. yet the offline thread never has more than 200 viewing it, even though the majority of marketing strategies are considered "offline".

    Everyone wants in on the easy push button, automated, never have to actually deal with people, method...thats why 2000+ viewers hang out in the online thread.

    Personally I think its funny that email, facebook and google places are considered an offline thing when you actually need a computer and an internet connection to use them. Its brutally stupid if you think about it.

    So is your Affiliate Marketing" a real business?

    ...if it requires you to make and keep customers then it is a real business, because that is the only thing a business is built to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author ClickPimpsta
    'Internet Marketing' is an umbrella term that refers more to an industry rather than a specific business.

    Now, if you're talking about affiliate marketing, you might have something.

    However, I think you're branding all affiliate marketers as hustlers trying to learn the hottest, latest backlinking tactic to game the search engines.

    Sure, there are some hustlers in our industry, but some of us do build solid, sustainable businesses from our efforts that are not solely based around selling products for other companies.

    Wal-mart, K-mart, Sears, etc... how many of the products that they sell do they actually manufacture?
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeb
    Sure internet marketing is a business. Anything that generates income for you (by working yourself), you can consider it a business. Your own business hours, your own time, your own effort. No bosses, no datelines, no office hours. Now isn't that one of the best businesses in the world!
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  • Profile picture of the author hueyliew
    Originally Posted by Geoff1 View Post

    Hi there.

    Many people talk about Internet Marketing this... Internet Marketing that. It got me wondering is Internet Marketing a real business? By my definition I don't think it is.

    I think Internet Marketing is a series of tactics that one can use on the Internet. I do not think Internet Marketing is a business.

    A business to me is:

    * Specific Marketing to targeted group
    * Acquisition of customers
    * Monetization
    * Systematization

    I wonder if sometimes some people focus on the "tactics" of Internet Marketing and mistake it for a business. Obviously you need the tactics to market on the internet, but the tactics in and of themselves will not create a business, anymore than learning to type, makes one an author.

    So many people seem to focus on the tactics in a willy-nilly manner, without taking into consideration that they should be focusing on growing a business.

    I could be totally wrong. What is your opinion?

    Whether you think it is or it is not ... you are right!
    * Learn to turn your digital PLR trash to cash *
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Internet marketing is a method of doing business, it is not in itself a business. Your business is marketing a product or service, or providing an advertising medium. The method you use to generate customers or clients is internet marketing. Therefore, it isn't the business, it is the method of doing business.

    Tim Pears

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    • Profile picture of the author vrmaseo
      I think Internet marketing is good business for all. One can start this business very easily with a little amout.
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  • Profile picture of the author Imwarriormarc
    I agree, internet marketing is not a business per se, rather, it is a crucial part of a business, be it online or offline.

    A business is about providing value in the form of a product or a service. In this case, should you teach internet marketing (as a form of service) then would it be a form of business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Cole
    Originally Posted by Geoff1 View Post

    A business to me is:

    * Specific Marketing to targeted group
    * Acquisition of customers
    * Monetization
    * Systematization

    Is Internet Marketing a business? What does an Internet Marketer do?

    *Takes out ads and creates content targeted at a specific group of people to get a list of leads for their business.

    *Create a system to convert their leads into sales or JV partners for their various business ventures.

    *Market to their lists until they buy or unsubscribe from the list.

    Seems to fit the parameters of your definition, there's more to it than that, of course. You need to have a product or service

    But no, Internet Marketing is not a business in and of itself, it's a business style, nothing more or less.

    Get a free, easy to understand and follow step by step plan to start an Internet Network Marketing business from the ground up, for about a three dollar a day investment.

    Not a 'cookie cutter' copy and paste system that's flooding the market, it's a pratical guide to creating your own unique lead generating system using free and low cost tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author edakehurst
    Originally Posted by Geoff1 View Post

    Hi there.

    Many people talk about Internet Marketing this... Internet Marketing that. It got me wondering is Internet Marketing a real business? By my definition I don't think it is.

    I think Internet Marketing is a series of tactics that one can use on the Internet. I do not think Internet Marketing is a business.

    A business to me is:

    * Specific Marketing to targeted group
    * Acquisition of customers
    * Monetization
    * Systematization

    I wonder if sometimes some people focus on the "tactics" of Internet Marketing and mistake it for a business. Obviously you need the tactics to market on the internet, but the tactics in and of themselves will not create a business, anymore than learning to type, makes one an author.

    So many people seem to focus on the tactics in a willy-nilly manner, without taking into consideration that they should be focusing on growing a business.

    I could be totally wrong. What is your opinion?

    I would disagree that Internet marketing is not a business. I like the conditions you've given in your post to describe what a business is. All Internet marketers should be doing all of those items. If they're not, they're not running an Internet marketing business. Instead, they are running an Internet marketing hobby. If your point is that is what most people are doing (treat it as a hobby not a business) then I would tend to agree with you. The people that are running their Internet marketing as a business are the ones that are making money.
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    • Profile picture of the author SB274
      Very well put. I couldn't agree more.

      Originally Posted by edakehurst View Post

      I would disagree that Internet marketing is not a business. I like the conditions you've given your post to describe what a business is. All Internet marketers should be doing all of those items. If they're not there not running an Internet marketing business. Instead, they are running an Internet marketing hobby. If your point is that is what most people are doing (treated as a hobby not a business) then I would tend to agree with you. The people that are running their Internet marketing is a business are the ones that are making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    If I had an offline store that sold products that I bought wholesale from another company, then I would be running a business.

    If I owned an offline store that sold products and I earned an income based on my commission from those products I sell then I would be running a business.

    If I owned an offline store and sold products that I created myself then I would be running a business.

    Internet marketing is the same thing but it is just done online. If I buy products wholesale online and sell them online it is a business. If I sell products online and earn an income based on commission earned then it is a business. If I sell my own products online, either physical or digital, then it is a business.

    Why would online marketing be classified differently than an offline business, you are still selling products - whether it's for commission, your own products or wholesale - you are still doing the same thing - marketing products.

    And...... the tax man certainly thinks that I am running a business
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    A business to me is:

    * Specific Marketing to targeted group
    * Acquisition of customers
    * Monetization
    * Systematization
    I dont agree with your opinion that IM is not a real business. Maybe you are mistaking "real" IM with the newbies on various forums who offer random services or dabble into random aspects of IM without a plan.

    In IM, it is in fact the case that people can "try" and do all kinds of actions to "somehow" make money, you dont need a certificate or any "formal" education. You can simply start DOING "things" - easier often as compared to other professions. (Because you can do it home, resources are free can teach yourself...)

    But sooner or later you need a strategy and plan, and your above points will apply since otherwise you will FAIL.

    You NEED to make your "dabbling in various aspects of IM" attempts into a solid business, because you WILL start marketing to targeted groups, you will acquire customers, you will systemize and monetize AT ONE POINT if you want to do serious and profitable IM.

    While there are people who do not do this...this does not mean that IM is not a real business. If you see it that way you might do it wrong.


    but the tactics in and of themselves will not create a business,
    You are mistaking attempts and tries to find suitable tactics with the actual applying of working tactics.

    Example: It can very well be that someone needs to try various niches and "tactics" until they find what works for them. This is normal, good and not different to some other professions.

    Once you find what works, you would be smart to apply this and do it over and over again because you will turn your tactics where you know it works INTO A BUSINESS.

    Example: Let's say i am starting to build websites, i am getting a number of satisfied customers. I see it works and i get money. I expand this, put ads up, get more customers. I start outsourcing, actually have people working for me. I am looking for ways to optimize my work flow, to do it better and faster. Isn't this a prime example for a business?
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    I find the whole arguement fundamentally flawed.

    People have different ideas of what IM is depending on their perspective and how they got into it, so trying to shoe-horn the term into a definition that everyone can agree on just doesn't make sense.

    It's both a set of strategies and a business depending on your perspective.

    Also what a 'proper business' is also makes all the difference.

    For some people a 'proper business' is one where they're completely hands-off and they make $20k a month from residual online income streams. Maybe they have an outsource team that continually follows their internal strategy to constantly adds new streams to this, but fundamentally they want to be out living their life and the business is just there to pay the bills and provide spending money.

    For others - they won't consider it a 'proper business' unless they're heavily involved in it and have an office and employees.

    Neither is wrong or right - just different for different people.

    And there are lots of other flavours of business model.


    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Naanajud567
    If it is making a money, then it is a business...not unless it is a job.
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  • Profile picture of the author JonnyNez
    I think that if you're able to use the internet as a means to support yourself financially without needing to rely on another job then you have successfully created a legitimate business for yourself. Just because you may not be spending 8-10 hrs a day doing so, like you would with a day job, doesn't mean that you don't have a true business. Now if it's something you do for some extra cash, then I would say that it's more a hobby. Don't discredit what internet marketers do just because it's not a typical way, according to society, to earn a living
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    if it pays the bills, its a hobby.

    If it sends you on a holiday, and you come back to see more money in your account then when you left...then you got yourself a serious business.
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    • Profile picture of the author Geoff1
      Cool thoughts.

      I think some may have thought I was discrediting Internet Marketing. That was not my intention. Sorry about that if it came across that way.

      I was just noticing a lot of posts here that talk about this tactic did not work for me... and that tactic did not work for me and it started to make me wonder if some people were limiting their view of a "business" to what I would consider a "tactic."

      "For instance, if I said this internet marketing stuff does not work. I have spent a fortune on PPC and I have not made one dollar..."

      I would see that is tactic related, not business related.

      I would immediately consider a number of things such as:

      * What is the Product or service
      * What is the Need
      * What value do you add that is unique
      * Where are the customers
      * Does it matter if PPC does not work for you
      * Are their ways to strengthen the offer
      * Are you getting traffic
      * What is the follow up
      * etc. etc.

      Thanks for the feedback. Great stuff.

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