Article marketing: naive question from a newbie
I've just carried out a fairly detailed analysis of 54 articles submitted both manually and by a submission service. I submitted both unspun and spun versions at various levels of 'uniqueness'. I placed unique tokens (syntagms) in each article so I could track every article's appearance across the web. I embedded long tail keywords (high search/low competition) in the five sacred places according to the best SEO rubrics and...
my candid conclusion is that article marketing does not work.
At least, it is not a time-efficient way to attract qualified traffic.
You can read my findings in tedious detail at my site writers-village plus org plus forward slash article-marketing. (Seemingly, I'm not allowed to post links here as yet.)
Where are the defects in my research? I know they must exist. I would be delighted to have my conclusions demolished by expert experience. Have I been a fool?
But please bear in mind that I'm a relative newbie at Internet marketing. So, folks, please be gentle in your scorn

Dr John Yeoman
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