So far almost all of my writing as been for Textbroker. I generally like how the site works. I like having so many options to pick from and always having something available to write. Their pay is rather low though... and I would deal with it if they had more constant business. Currently there is almost nothing up that I can write. (I was rated a 3 when I signed up do to my lack of comma knowledge, which I have been trying my best to learn about since.) I have thought about putting an ad up here in Warriors For Hire but am currently unable to as my Paypal account got locked a few days ago. I am still waiting for them to look into my fraud claim.
So I'm wondering, how do you guys market yourself and find jobs? Personally I have had no luck with Elance and Odesk. I was thinking about making a website to advertise my services once my Paypal is unlocked and I can buy a new domain though I have never actually seen a writer's website to know about the best way to put one together.
Any suggestions would be very helpful. Currently my goal is to find a way to earn $100 per week. That would be enough to easily pay the extra household expenses not currently covered. I'm hoping through writing that won't be too difficult.
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