$10,000 Marketing Budget. Any Tips?

by knt333
48 replies
I heard that this is the Forum to get the best advice from the Pros. I've read a few marketing tips on this forum, and they are good. The ones that interest me the most are:

  1. Solo ads (Directory of Ezines)
  2. Bulk Email Marketing (It works! Done it several times with Real Estate and did not have any Spam issues)

It's important to note that I have not really decided on a product to sell yet. Not really worried though because as long as its a product that people need and want, all I'd have to do is effectively funnel that product in front MILLIONS of targeted leads.

I know there's a lot of free ways to get traffic, but I also know that you have to invest in your business if you want it to succeed.

Please share any tips, websites, or affiliates that you've had success with so I can check it out...Please. I'm new here. Thank you so much in advance.
#$10 #budget #marketing #tips
  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    Need more information about your business or what you are looking to promote. Are you looking for sales, Opt ins or something else? Whats the site or are you being an affiliate of a site?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3813993].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Im not sure yet what im going to sell. Maybe I'll test a couple affilliate products on clickbank, or maybe I'll publish a ebook. There are a lot of options..people buy things! Hah

      Im just wondering whats the best online marketing. If its really good marketing, I could probably sell anything as long as its something useful I.E. Marketing Products.
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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  • Profile picture of the author 2GRANN

    for that kind of budget, what I recommend are these products:



    I believe that these are the products that will show all about the internet marketing - step-by-step reaching your 2'000$ a day or even more.
    It is my personal most favorite products because there is everything in it from earning 0 to making millions.
    Everything else depends on you, your work, your time u'll invest, even your luck.
    And I'll be straight to you, there is NO system in the universe that will generate you million of dollars with one click but there are lots of systems that could generate you even more in a couple of months or a year.

    I hope it was helpful,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3814041].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Definitely going to look into these websites! I just bookmarked them! Thanks! Anything else?
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3814299].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Originally Posted by 2GRANN View Post


      for that kind of budget, what I recommend are these products:



      I believe that these are the products that will show all about the internet marketing - step-by-step reaching your 2'000$ a day or even more.
      It is my personal most favorite products because there is everything in it from earning 0 to making millions.
      Everything else depends on you, your work, your time u'll invest, even your luck.
      And I'll be straight to you, there is NO system in the universe that will generate you million of dollars with one click but there are lots of systems that could generate you even more in a couple of months or a year.

      I hope it was helpful,

      btw, dont know about that gsniper site. Looks kinda gimmicky. The first one looks good though
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    Don't spend any money yet till you are convinced that you know what you doing . There are so many free techniques . Choose ONLY One .Master only one at a time .Keep at one technique until you make money .

    1.Heres a tip . Learn SEO . It would take about 6-9 months of dediocation but once you get this right you would be able to ffer services and products that would create additional residual income for you .I have friends who are making a full time income providing SEO Services . i decided to master Video Marketing.

    2. Be on only one person list : There are several masters to choose from . I prefer masters with integrity . Take your time to choose the people that resonate with you . Chris Farell , Greg habstritt , Kim roach , Femi Lawani , Mark Ling , Rich Screfren. You need ONLY master

    3. WORK ONLY ONE SKILL AT A TIME : Learn SEO until you make money . If it is YOUTUBE Marketing you want to learn , do it make money . Do not get distracted with other methods . I am repeating this because I know you would be tempted and people would distract you with latest and greatest product that would rob you of the focus you need to succeed

    3. Only you start amking Money Online ,Create New Suceess Habits Of Creating Products and Services : It would provide income for you and mark you out as a expert in your niche

    All the best ...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3814071].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author myob
      He is now rising from affluence to poverty.

      - Mark Twain
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      • Profile picture of the author briancassingena
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        He is now rising from affluence to poverty.

        - Mark Twain
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        • Profile picture of the author BenoitT
          When I started Internet Marketing, I had a pretty big budget and this will cause you some headache. Of course, it can help you to accelerate your success.

          However, if you try to do something big, their is a very good chance it will fail. All marketers fail way more often than they succeed. Keep in mind you will scale your business, but test everything small first.

          Just build your business likes you will do it offline. Their is not a big difference.

          Benoit Tremblay

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3814244].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author knt333
            Originally Posted by BenoitT View Post

            When I started Internet Marketing, I had a pretty big budget and this will cause you some headache. Of course, it can help you to accelerate your success.

            However, if you try to do something big, their is a very good chance it will fail. All marketers fail way more often than they succeed. Keep in mind you will scale your business, but test everything small first.

            Just build your business likes you will do it offline. Their is not a big difference.
            Yeaa..im not going to fail and I am going small. Thats why im asking for tips, but im not really getting anything besides 1 of 2 ideas. Why would you tell me that im going to fail? What kind of forum is this? haha. Next please..
            Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3814345].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author BenoitT
              Originally Posted by knt333 View Post

              Yeaa..im not going to fail and I am going small. Thats why im asking for tips, but im not really getting anything besides 1 of 2 ideas. Why would you tell me that im going to fail? What kind of forum is this? haha. Next please..
              This is something you should stick in your mind and I am not kidding. Eben Pagan taught me that (Google his name if you don't know who he is). What you do doesn't work every time.

              Their is no shame with failure because everything is a test. What works you keep using it and what doesn't you tweek it. Don't attach yourself with your ideas. It doesn't kill your business until you stop by yourself.

              How many business failure stories do I need to talk to prove you you need to learn from your failures? Their is no reason to laught about it.

              You can have expectation but you cannot ignore the fact you will fail somewhere and you will need to stand up stronger.

              Face the reality but never stop.

              If Eben Pagan fails more than succeed, it is probably not that bad.

              Next please....haha you made me laugh too at least

              Benoit Tremblay

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3815257].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author knt333
                Originally Posted by BenoitT View Post

                This is something you should stick in your mind and I am not kidding. Eben Pagan taught me that (Google his name if you don't know who he is). What you do doesn't work every time.

                Their is no shame with failure because everything is a test. What works you keep using it and what doesn't you tweek it. Don't attach yourself with your ideas. It doesn't kill your business until you stop by yourself.

                How many business failure stories do I need to talk to prove you you need to learn from your failures? Their is no reason to laught about it.

                You can have expectation but you cannot ignore the fact you will fail somewhere and you will need to stand up stronger.

                Face the reality but never stop.

                If Eben Pagan fails more than succeed, it is probably not that bad.

                Next please....haha you made me laugh too at least
                Haha, atleast you have a sense of humor. Im still waiting for that marketing tip though. Anytime now..... Haha. I thought that someone would atleast say something like "Go to aweber! That website will help you build a email list and its fairly priced"..but nothing yet. Hah..amazing.
                Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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                • Profile picture of the author BenoitT
                  Originally Posted by knt333 View Post

                  Haha, atleast you have a sense of humor. Im still waiting for that marketing tip though. Anytime now..... Haha. I thought that someone would atleast say something like "Go to aweber! That website will help you build a email list and its fairly priced"..but nothing yet. Hah..amazing.
                  Well if you want to know WHERE specificly to spend your money, I would use half for creating a product and half for advertising/solo ads.

                  For creating your product, go to Odesk.com and outsource a e-book creation (pay at least $3000 for 150 pages if you want a good one). Find someone by creating small jobs and when you find the guy really good to write and know the niche, you stick with him.

                  Also, outsource your sell letter to a copywriter. Just give him the e-book and tell him to do it. You can pay up to $1000 because this will make you money.

                  You also need a good website design and you can get it on Odesk for $500.

                  After that, you can invest the rest of your money on traffic. Start with PPC (Google Adwords and Facebook Ads) and split test your sell page. Once you see it converts, invest a massive ammount to Solo Ads.

                  Build your list (Aweber like you said ) by having an opt-in form at the beginning of your sale page.

                  It's not really marketing tips, but I guess it will help you.

                  Benoit Tremblay

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3816511].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author knt333
                    Originally Posted by BenoitT View Post

                    Well if you want to know WHERE specificly to spend your money, I would use half for creating a product and half for advertising/solo ads.

                    For creating your product, go to Odesk.com and outsource a e-book creation (pay at least $3000 for 150 pages if you want a good one). Find someone by creating small jobs and when you find the guy really good to write and know the niche, you stick with him.

                    Also, outsource your sell letter to a copywriter. Just give him the e-book and tell him to do it. You can pay up to $1000 because this will make you money.

                    You also need a good website design and you can get it on Odesk for $500.

                    After that, you can invest the rest of your money on traffic. Start with PPC (Google Adwords and Facebook Ads) and split test your sell page. Once you see it converts, invest a massive ammount to Solo Ads.

                    Build your list (Aweber like you said ) by having an opt-in form at the beginning of your sale page.

                    It's not really marketing tips, but I guess it will help you.
                    Now that's some good information! Solo Ads, opt in list, google adwords, outsourcing a sells letter using Odesk..that valuable information, and thats all marketing. Well it sounds like marketing to me.

                    Thanks. Im starting to see a trend with Solo Ads, so that gets an check mark.

                    Earlier you just wanted to keep the secrets to yourself huh? Hah..I see I see
                    Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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      • Profile picture of the author knt333
        What's that mean? Im just asking for marketing advice because I heard this is the place to find good tips.

        I have products already being worked on, and people I can talk to face to face about marketing. Just wondering what I can find from here.

        I'll probably do a test run on some affiliate products first.
        Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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      • Profile picture of the author FredJones
        Wow ...

        Commpletely on a different topic, why do people "fall" in love rather than "rise" in love?

        To come back to the topic, yes, focus on only a method or maybe 2, but no more. Also, yes buy material - only quality material from quality people - if you want to learn something (some sort of skill).

        And do something that money can never buy - use your brain, heart and nerve. It will pay off if you use all of the three together.

        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        He is now rising from affluence to poverty.

        - Mark Twain
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3815158].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author shuvoimtiaz
          Please PM me with more information. I think I can handle this issue.

          I help founders win more clients with Google Ads. Need help? Visit: shuvoimtiaz.com

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          • Profile picture of the author Warren Tibbotts
            There are lots of pieces of general advice, but some real fundamentals need to be established first. I appreciate you may be looking fior marketing tips here, but this is part of a complete Business plan, and from what i've read so far, it doesn't sound like you have a business plan.

            What market model are you going to focus on?
            Are you going to build sites and sell them?
            Are you looking to create products and generate revenue from them through renting, selling, affiliates?
            What niche, or niches have you decided to focus on?
            How much experience do you have with Internet marketing?
            Do you plan on building a list? Do you have a squeeze page? An autoresponder?
            Do you have experience writing, or copyrighting?
            Do you have any experience with Social Media?
            Are you looking to Outsource?

            I dont mean to be a killjoy, but it really seems like you may need to consider a lot of things before you jump in. There will be plenty of shady Internet marketers willing and happy to take your $10,000 from you and offer you training courses on how to generate traffic, and build a list, etc, etc.

            My advice would be spend 3-6 months and learn as much as you can. Visit all the IM forums, contribute, ask questions, and come to your own conclusions about what you want to focus on with respect to Internet marketing, and what really interests you.

            I would put aside probably $9000-$9500 of your marketing money and use the rest to enhance your learning. Find a guru, you have an affinity with that can offer reasonable value training in areas where you are weak, or un knowledgable.

            Then when you have a good understanding and know exactly what and how you plan to use to make your Internet marketing worthwhile, you'll also know enough about how to market your product/services as well.

            Hope this helps

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3815215].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author knt333
              Originally Posted by Warren Tibbotts View Post

              Are you looking to create products and generate revenue from them through renting, selling, affiliates?
              Do you plan on building a list? Do you have a squeeze page? An autoresponder?
              Do you have experience writing, or copyrighting?
              Do you have any experience with Social Media?
              Are you looking to Outsource?

              Then when you have a good understanding and know exactly what and how you plan to use to make your Internet marketing worthwhile, you'll also know enough about how to market your product/services as well.

              For the sake of argument, lets just say im going to join whatever offer you're selling. DONE, im a affiliate! Okay, so what marketing are you using that's working. That's all I basically want to know. I want to know what you are using that works!

              I know how I can build a list, get a squeeze page, auto responders, social media as well but too much spam I.E. Twitter. Im not trying to be funny, but I don't think it really matters what the product is as long as its something that people want/need and the price is reasonable.

              Forget about the 10k marketing budget. What marketing has worked for you. Twitter, Facebook, Stumble Upon, and Commenting other blogs is not the answer even though that's the nonsense people sell in their ebooks.

              That leaves PAID marketing! But im starting to get the feeling that nobody here pays for marketing and thats why I cant get a straight answer maybe.
              Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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          • Profile picture of the author knt333
            Originally Posted by shuvoimtiaz View Post

            Please PM me with more information. I think I can handle this issue.
            Email me so we can see what you got. I dont really know how to PM on here, but I always have access to email.
            Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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        • Profile picture of the author knt333
          Originally Posted by FredJones View Post

          Wow ...

          Commpletely on a different topic, why do people "fall" in love rather than "rise" in love?

          To come back to the topic, yes, focus on only a method or maybe 2, but no more. Also, yes buy material - only quality material from quality people - if you want to learn something (some sort of skill).

          And do something that money can never buy - use your brain, heart and nerve. It will pay off if you use all of the three together.
          I have the two methods. One is email marketing which I have had success with many times over. The 2nd is something I read on here that has something to do with the Enzine Directory that I have never tried.

          Do you have a third option? Lets hear it.

          The people I work with recommend that I pay an SEO expert, pay Google to get to the front on the page, outsource everything, and basically blow a bunch of money and take the lazy way out. Not interested in that unless that's truly the only option. I already did some trial and error with free marketing, and you really do get what you pay for... unless you warriors are holding out. hah
          Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Originally Posted by magnates View Post

      Don't spend any money yet till you are convinced that you know what you doing . There are so many free techniques . Choose ONLY One .Master only one at a time .Keep at one technique until you make money .

      1.Heres a tip . Learn SEO . It would take about 6-9 months of dediocation but once you get this right you would be able to ffer services and products that would create additional residual income for you .I have friends who are making a full time income providing SEO Services . i decided to master Video Marketing.

      2. Be on only one person list : There are several masters to choose from . I prefer masters with integrity . Take your time to choose the people that resonate with you . Chris Farell , Greg habstritt , Kim roach , Femi Lawani , Mark Ling , Rich Screfren. You need ONLY master

      3. WORK ONLY ONE SKILL AT A TIME : Learn SEO until you make money . If it is YOUTUBE Marketing you want to learn , do it make money . Do not get distracted with other methods . I am repeating this because I know you would be tempted and people would distract you with latest and greatest product that would rob you of the focus you need to succeed

      3. Only you start amking Money Online ,Create New Suceess Habits Of Creating Products and Services : It would provide income for you and mark you out as a expert in your niche

      All the best ...
      That sounds like working a job though. I dont want to provide services that take away my time. Whatever services I provide would have to be something that people can download online. Im looking for something more automated.

      I'll most likely create something like a software and re-sell it. Work hard once, and then just sell digital copies. But do you have marketing tips? The product will come
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3814311].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author knt333
    The only tips I got were from 2GRANN. Thanks!

    Lol@ Myob is saying something about poverty (No clue)
    Lol@ Benoit tells me that ALL MARKETERS fail more than succeed.

    Wow..Okay. Thanks a lot guys.
    Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3814381].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
    Hi Kntt, Welcome!
    First of all I am way jealous of your budget lol So will you have your own product or will you be doing affiliate product sales? I have noticed a trend in my mailbox lately of direct mailings for websites and that seems to be taking off. I do know that gets expensive quickly though. You could try social media marketing through paid ads on Facebook, PPC (which unless you know what you're doing can add up quickly), solo ads, JV's etc There are so many options out there, you need to decide on what's going to be the best route for your product. There is always the option to outsource once you decide on how to promote. Oh, and don't forget to split test and tweak until you hit on winning campaigns. Hope I've helped some
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3814408].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Originally Posted by Charlotte Jay View Post

      Hi Kntt, Welcome!
      First of all I am way jealous of your budget lol So will you have your own product or will you be doing affiliate product sales? I have noticed a trend in my mailbox lately of direct mailings for websites and that seems to be taking off. I do know that gets expensive quickly though. You could try social media marketing through paid ads on Facebook, PPC (which unless you know what you're doing can add up quickly), solo ads, JV's etc There are so many options out there, you need to decide on what's going to be the best route for your product. There is always the option to outsource once you decide on how to promote. Oh, and don't forget to split test and tweak until you hit on winning campaigns. Hope I've helped some
      That actually did help. I heard about JV. Whats that?

      Hah..And about my budget, I know it sounds ridiculous to some, but I work with Real Estate and Investment Properties so thats where the budget comes from.

      I just want to experiment. Ive seen websites like myspace, facebook, youtube, and twitter go from nothing to billion dollar companies. There are amazing biz opps online. I cant ignore it any longer. Everything is going digital.
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
    You might look at purchasing a site that all ready has visitors and is making sales in which to invest your money. You can check Sedo.com and Flippa.com to see what I am talking about.

    And yes, for all the good ideas a person has, many do not work out. What was said above is true there will be failures.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3815069].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Originally Posted by Jeannie Crabtree View Post

      You might look at purchasing a site that all ready has visitors and is making sales in which to invest your money. You can check Sedo.com and Flippa.com to see what I am talking about.

      And yes, for all the good ideas a person has, many do not work out. What was said above is true there will be failures.
      I get what you're saying about "failure" and I appreciate it, but Im not here to talk about failing or failures. This forum is for Warriors, not failures right?! Failure talk is for the fairy forum. Anybody can do anything if they work their a$$ off and make sacrifices. I know because I've done it.

      I'm really sorry, I'm not trying to be mean to anyone, but my original question is about marketing tips that you've warriors have had success with. Sedo and Flipa are not marketing websites unless I'm the one flipping a domain.
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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  • Profile picture of the author Winson Ng

    Before, you actually spend such a huge budget, think twice
    Most likely you will burn off the thousands of dollars listening
    to the marketing hypes by tons of Gurus, buying into yet another
    "state of the Art" tactic and super software that can boosts
    profits like mad.. All BS... i have been a victim of these small little
    marketing hypes...

    Anyway , finally i sticked to a master strategy, really determine what
    your passion and strategy is first, then your strength, position yourself
    in the market you want to be an expert in... and you will thrive...

    With markets today, highly contagious with ADD , opportunistic minds
    everywhere, its easy to get trapped... dnt follow in the footsteps
    of another statistical failure, over 90% failure rate of online marketers
    by Dunn, and Bradstreet...

    hope the caution helps...
    Winson NG
    CEO/Founder of http://thinkmaverick.com
    Online Business & Entrepreneurship News, Advice, Strategy Think Maverick
    Information to guide start-up entrepreneurs to grow and strategically manage a small business online, using market researched Intelligence.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3815249].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Originally Posted by Winson Ng View Post


      Before, you actually spend such a huge budget, think twice
      Most likely you will burn off the thousands of dollars listening
      to the marketing hypes by tons of Gurus, buying into yet another
      "state of the Art" tactic and super software that can boosts
      profits like mad.. All BS... i have been a victim of these small little
      marketing hypes...

      Anyway , finally i sticked to a master strategy, really determine what
      your passion and strategy is first, then your strength, position yourself
      in the market you want to be an expert in... and you will thrive...

      With markets today, highly contagious with ADD , opportunistic minds
      everywhere, its easy to get trapped... dnt follow in the footsteps
      of another statistical failure, over 90% failure rate of online marketers
      by Dunn, and Bradstreet...

      hope the caution helps...
      Did not help at all. You mentioned a MASTER STRATEGY but you did not tell me what it was. Im comming here to ask you guys for tips, and then you tell me what NOT to do instead of giving me a website link to a company that I can review.

      I would never give some guru a ton of money. The whole point of saying a $10,000 budget is to let people know that im serious about marketing. Im a business owner right now. Im only new to this forum, im not new on the block.
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3816103].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author helpmePPC
    I would short the dollar on a futures contract.

    Sorry, I had to make a joke here.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3815480].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Originally Posted by helpmePPC View Post

      I would short the dollar on a futures contract.

      Sorry, I had to make a joke here.
      I have no idea what you're talking about but thanks! Lol Im surprised I havent even gotten a tip to do video marketing. I really dont think anybody here pays for marketing. Im pretty much convinced now.
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    I would spend the 10K on solo ads, send the traffic to a squeeze page and offer a one time offer after opt-in.

    With 10k you should be about to buy around 30K clicks and should easily build a 10k-15K list and you treat that list right your set!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3815484].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Originally Posted by Coby View Post

      I would spend the 10K on solo ads, send the traffic to a squeeze page and offer a one time offer after opt-in.

      With 10k you should be about to buy around 30K clicks and should easily build a 10k-15K list and you treat that list right your set!

      Thats exactly what I was thinking! I just wasnt sure if it was a good idea. Me and you are on the same page my friend. You could do a lot with a 15k list. Thanks!
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3816151].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Coby View Post

      I would spend the 10K on solo ads, send the traffic to a squeeze page and offer a one time offer after opt-in.

      With 10k you should be about to buy around 30K clicks and should easily build a 10k-15K list and you treat that list right your set!
      That is a good idea.

      I would mix it with some hard core PPC, test first low ranges stuff with smaller tests. Then find something that works and really ramp it up.

      When i first started marketing i had less than 1k and i have built 5 figure businesses in a matter of weeks. It is not that hard when you know what works and how to do it. Just replicate.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3816640].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author knt333
        Originally Posted by celente View Post

        That is a good idea.

        I would mix it with some hard core PPC, test first low ranges stuff with smaller tests. Then find something that works and really ramp it up.

        When i first started marketing i had less than 1k and i have built 5 figure businesses in a matter of weeks. It is not that hard when you know what works and how to do it. Just replicate.
        Exactly! I know its not that hard either. I replicate my direct marketing for real estate, and its simple. It just takes some sort of initial investment.

        Ive noticed that most of the free social media traffic isnt good traffic. People go to social media sites for pure fun, and others are trying to sell something. You might get a couple website hits and I think its good for branding, but I doubt that anybody will whip out their credit card and buy something.

        Now Per Per Click. That would be like getting on the first page of Google, and I have to pay them for everytime someone clicks the link right? Care to share your system that you replicate, or is that under lock and key?
        Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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  • Profile picture of the author stellarbizop
    I would try google adwords, invest in making your site look great for even greater conversion. Media buying is one thing, but be careful to test first.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alfredo Carrion
    Wow, nice budget! I'm not sure what kind of website you do have but I would concentrate on getting better organic rankings if you haven't got them yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Originally Posted by Alfredocoach View Post

      Wow, nice budget! I'm not sure what kind of website you do have but I would concentrate on getting better organic rankings if you haven't got them yet.
      I know, youre right. I need to get optimize a little bit better. I have a friend whos good with SEO. Thats top of the list. The wordpress sites are cool, but its too generic I think.
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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  • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
    If you are new to IM , I advice that you start with free materials . There are lots of valuable free materials .

    Once you get a better idea which path to follow , then you can invest on good and practical teaching materials that can guide the right way .
    CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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    • Profile picture of the author knt333
      Originally Posted by Mike Morgan. View Post

      If you are new to IM , I advice that you start with free materials . There are lots of valuable free materials .

      Once you get a better idea which path to follow , then you can invest on good and practical teaching materials that can guide the right way .
      Which free materials? Like what?

      And I heard about CPA (re: the link in your email signature)

      Hows that working out? I bet if you get a few of those links on your website and you figured way to get 200,000 targeted leads to your page, CPA would deff pay off. Im going to look into that. Thanks for the reminder.
      Read2Lean.net People would do better if they knew better.


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  • Profile picture of the author anthonyb
    I agree with most of the advice offered so far specifically using Solo Ads. I will also add things like running ads on targeted blogs and forums, and using Face book PPC specifically targeted to users interest. It appears you already have SEO covered through your friend, in which case, you probably have enough to start with.
    Add Value When You Can
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  • Profile picture of the author curly sue
    the sky is the limit with that budget dive in straight to google adwords, facebook marketing. You can even get tonnes of videos and articles written. good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    You guys do realize he made this thread in May and hasn't been back since, right?
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  • Profile picture of the author Zaheera
    Now a days million of people doing Affiliate marketing and earn money, it needs your time, investment and efforts to generate results. if you exactly looking for affiliate marketing sites then i recommend you Green Organics , Odesk and Elance, the most reliable affilate marketing websites.

    All the Best!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    Make your own list after buying good solo ads. The list is money for a long time

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  • Profile picture of the author WizIMS
    Learn and do PPC bro

    10k$ should be more than enough to get you rollin...

    Also, you can consider building a serious online business
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  • Profile picture of the author investasap
    Originally Posted by knt333 View Post

    I heard that this is the Forum to get the best advice from the Pros. I've read a few marketing tips on this forum, and they are good. The ones that interest me the most are:

    1. Solo ads (Directory of Ezines)
    2. Bulk Email Marketing (It works! Done it several times with Real Estate and did not have any Spam issues)

    It's important to note that I have not really decided on a product to sell yet. Not really worried though because as long as its a product that people need and want, all I'd have to do is effectively funnel that product in front MILLIONS of targeted leads.

    I know there's a lot of free ways to get traffic, but I also know that you have to invest in your business if you want it to succeed.

    Please share any tips, websites, or affiliates that you've had success with so I can check it out...Please. I'm new here. Thank you so much in advance.
    Best advice for you is get a squeeze page setup and send cheap traffic to it and buy solo ads then adswap. Job done

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  • Profile picture of the author nicolas simpson
    I like the links that's in your description, I think that it conveys your attitude towards IM. As new comers i think the best invest is taking the time out to read and fully understand the system as to how it really works.

    I suggest you join the members area of this forum. Based on what i've heard, you will get more quality info in sections of the forum that's restricted to non members like myself.

    Best regards.
    Discover Reggae | Dancehall [Jamaica]
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